威達雲端投資超過五億 建置高鐵沿線WiMAX網路
威達雲端董事長賴富源表示, WiMAX技術在高速鐵路上應用,這是全世界的創舉,這表示威達與工研院的技術團隊已經讓台灣的無線通訊技術克服了高速行進及多山多隧道,導致通訊品質不佳的問題;本次計畫,威達估計總投資金額將超過五億元,這些都充份顯示政府及威達雲端對於WiMAX的未來發展深具信心,仍不斷以技術的提升及資金的挹助來加碼於WiMAX。
本科專計劃將與友訊科技、諾基亞西門子、祥林科技等國內外廠商在基礎建設及設備供應上緊密的合作,建置國內首個以高鐵為骨幹的WiMAX行動寬頻網路,屆時威達還會在此WiMAX行動寬頻網路上,提供語音、數據、線上購物、直播電視(Live TV)及多媒體影音隨選視訊(VOD)等數位加值服務。
技術處吳明機處長於致詞時表示,TiMAX是「具有台灣特色的WiMAX」的意思,過去兩年,工研院在法科高鐵計畫的練功經驗,轉移到今天的計畫,這也是充份發揮本處執行科專計畫的精神,技術研發驗證進而民間商品化。隨著這計畫的完成,我們也向全球證明了台灣有能力發展的高速鐵路通訊系統的解決方案。放眼未來4G策略,應是立足WiMAX,同時發展各類4G 技術,更要把好不容易累積來的WiMAX成果發揚光大,尋求利基型(垂直)市場。,今天,這TiMAX高鐵科專計畫的就是垂直整合市場的一個應用,未來4G的服務、產品都可以在這平台上測試,這樣的並完整的將此高速移動通訊解決方案Total Solution也可以整場輸出,這就是我們推動產業的目標與決心。,相信具有台灣特色的WTiMAX解決方案,希望將TiMAX必能打造成為成台灣WiMAX的品牌。
工研院吳所長表示,2008年工研院在經濟部技術處的法人科專及台灣高鐵公司的支持下,與日本NTT DOCOMO、美商康寧合作,在新竹~桃園路段進行 Mobile WiMAX 高速鐵路寬頻通訊實驗,當時就證明了這是可行的技術,因為要挑戰Mobile WiMAX 移動理論值120km 保證速度限制是有技術難度的。這裡在此,我也要特別感謝威達雲端公司的投入,以及技術處、高鐵局及高鐵公司的繼續支持,將這項實測經驗轉移到商用系統,這個營運平台更將成為全球第一個高鐵4G行動網路,工研院將全力支持這計畫,達到明年能完成台北到左營全線開通的目標。
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威達雲端電訊(8307)本著服務優先、客戶優先、技術領先、平台創新的目標,整合有線光纖及無線4G WiMAX,期以在成熟的環境包括頻寬、通訊標準、資訊設備以及雲端運算技術,提供給消費者更為多樣化和更聚焦的新服務。威達雲端電訊引領消費者邁向數位匯流多螢一雲服務新時代!
Enjoy your first class entertainment and WiMAX broadband services when riding the Taiwan High Speed Rail. VeeTIME Corp. has invested over half a billion NT Dollars on the High Speed Rail WiMAX broadband infrastructure
VeeTIME Corp. was recently awarded the “WiMAX High Speed Mobile System Construction Project” from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. According to the project mission, VeeTIME is responsible for building up a 360 km fiber backbone with over a hundred WiMAX base stations along the High Speed Rail route. Consumers will be able to get a better quality of communication and internet service when traveling at higher speeds on the move.
Taiwan High Speed Rail connects three major cities: Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, and is one of the key transportation features for Taiwanese life. The average passenger capacity is over 110,000 every day. Most passengers are business people, so the thirst for the latest and most up-to-date technology is a must.
Mr. Lai, the president of VeeTIME stated, “to apply WiMAX technology on the High Speed Rail is a great move in the world, and collaborating with the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has already successfully solved the issues of the interrupted communication quality when riding at high speeds in mountainous areas.” VeeTIME estimated that the total investment will be over a half a billion NT Dollars on this project. This also shows VeeTIME’s confidence in the WiMAX industry development through continuous investment of funds and technology in WiMAX.
To make this project successful, VeeTIME work closely with D-Link Corp., Nokia Siemens Network and Sunny Technology on construction and equipment supply.
The Chairman of TCA, Mr. JT Wang stated, “WiMAX is one of the solution in 4G technology, with its open structure, it really benefits our ICT industry development.” “Also, with the government’s tremendous efforts in the M-Taiwan project for many years, a complete WiMAX ecosystem has already been built. , This project will surely be supported by the government’s good well.”
The entire project execution will be split into two stages. The first stage is to complete construction from Taichung to Kaohsiung by the end of 2011. The second is to finish the line from Taichung to Taipei by middle of2012. Mr. Lai, president of VeeTIME expressed his appreciation to the Bureau of High Speed Rail, MOTC, ITRI and Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation for all their support and effort devoted into the project in order to achieve the ultimate goal. We believe in the near future, passengers on Taiwan’s High Speed Rail will be enjoy and be satisfied with the quality of communication and broadband service that we provide.