2010年5月4日 星期二

upntoday-2010-5-4-10-taipei dinner news-幻羽舞影 -時尚頑童高堤耶與編舞家蕭畢諾舞台服裝展》宣告記者會


TFAM Invitation to Pre - Launch Press Conference

Jean - Paul Gaultier / Régine Chopinot – Le Défilé

時間 Time:2010 年 5 月 10 日 (一) 下午 14:00

地點 Venue:北美館圖書室(地下樓) Library, TFAM


14:00 - 14:05 北美館代館長陳文玲致詞

14:05 - 14:10 駿騰創意行銷行政總監張名珊

14:10 - 14:30 北美館展覽組組長 吳昭瑩 簡報展覽重點並欣賞作品

14:30 - 14:45 交流提問


14:00 - 14:05 Remarks by Wen - ling, Chen, Acting Director of TFAM

14:05 - 14:10 Remarks by Mindy Chang, Managing Director of Jun Teng Marketing

14:10 - 14:30 Briefing highlights of the exhibition by Chaoying Wu, Chief Curator TFAM

14:30 - 14:45 Q & A

時尚頑童尚 -保羅高堤耶(Jean - Paul Gaultier) 於1983至1994年間與法國現代舞舞者、編舞家瑞琴‧蕭畢諾(Régine Chopinot)合作12齣現代舞劇中的戲服、配件等。如同高堤耶的時裝設計,擅以誇張、前衛的風格聞名,這一系列與現代芭蕾舞劇的跨界設計同樣展現了他顛覆傳統、詼諧幽默的風格,與蕭畢諾共同實驗革命一場場「反時裝秀」設計的「反舞蹈」。


北美館將於5月10日(一)下午14:00舉辦記者會,會中北美館代館長陳文玲將介紹展覽各合作單位及展覽結構、展覽組組長 吳昭瑩 簡報展覽重點、圖片、影帶欣賞、以及合辦單位駿騰創意行銷行政總監張名珊也將說明門票預售優惠辦法。


The two astonishing talents, Fashion designer Jean - Paul Gaultier and French dancer, choreographer Régine Chopinot came together in their first crossover collaborative creation of 12 stage performances from 1983 to 1994. As well as known for Gaultier’s outrageous style, the series costumes and accessories brought the world unconventional ballet outfits with his own sense of humor.

With collaboration with the Musée des Arts décoratifs in Paris , the National Theater Costume Center in Moulins and Gaultier himself, this exhibition will present total 145 costumes, drawings, photographs and videos.

A pre - launch press conference will be held in the museum on the Monday of 10th, May. A brief presentation of the exhibition, pre - sale tickets information and related events will be announced in this meeting.

You are cordially invited!
