Quote: TYAN is no stranger to the enterprise marketplace. TYAN has been making quality motherboard for servers for a long time now. It’s no surprise then that TYAN has a new board for the Xeon version of Sandy Bridge. Today we will be looking at their new S5510GM3NR coupled with a Sandy Bridge style Xeon E3-1220. We’ll explore the functionality of the board and put the Sandy Bridge Xeon through its paces. Read on to find out if TYAN can live up to their legacy.
Title: TechwareLabs News: TYAN S5510GM3NR Server Motherboard Review
Link: http://www.techwarelabs.com/tyan-s5510gm3nr-server-motherboard/
Image: http://www.techwarelabs.com/wp-content/gallery/tyan-s5510gm3nr-server-motherboard/thumbs/thumbs_board.jpg
A News Post would be greatly appreciated!
Jason Jacobs
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