2010年4月30日 星期五

upntoday-2010-4-30-04-taipei dinner news-第五十三屆 世界新聞攝影展 附展


JOHN&FISH 當林布蘭遇見奧杜本
When Rembrandt Meets Audubon

國家地理雜誌旅遊者頻道 特約記者愛蜜莉・荷莉:
「 將驚鴻一瞥的鳥類瞬間姿態向全世界永恆呈現。」
"A moment in flight, when the world stands still" Emily HAILE, a freelance writer for National Geography Traveler

藝評家,藝外雜誌副總編輯 張禮豪:
"Great efforts and earnestness that JOHN&FISH consciously normally combine different Western and Eastern perspectives of aesthetics views of birds and flowers depictions together in their photographs." Li-Hao CHANG, an art critic, vice editor at large of ARTITUDE Magazine

台灣資深攝影家,藝術公寓影像輸出工作室負責人 楊鎮豪:
「JOHN&FISH 的鏡頭重新延伸快門在生態中的角色,賦予鳥類在自然中的新示意,而這份示意,是文學的、美術的,亦是攝影的新語彙。」
"Their photographs provide new explanation of birds in nature, and this new explanation is prone to literature, art and a new vocabulary in photography as well." Chen-Hao YANG, a Taiwanese professional photographer, Artpartment Printing House executive officer


台灣鳥類攝影藝術家 JOHN&FISH 有幸在光輝圓滿的第十年受主辦單位有容教育基金會邀請一同
另外,現場 JOHN&FISH 的鳥類攝影作品也將開闢獨立的展場空間,讓作品與座落的植物原木一

台灣鳥類攝影家團體 JOHN&FISH 從06年開始積極投入鳥類攝影,隔年於國際大型攝影網站 Flickr
上分享新作。短短三年來, JOHN&FISH 以其具有細膩構圖、色澤豐潤,每每表現出微妙的光線變化

另 JOHN&FISH 歷年以台灣生態作為棲息地的鳥種作為攝影主題,展現在地鳥羽之美。對故鄉土地的
濃郁情懷不可言表。目前 JOHN&FISH 全球聲名遠播,來自歐美與亞洲各國攝影媒體爭相報導,並將

本次 JOHN&FISH 攝影展主題名稱「當林布蘭遇見奧杜本」設定源自於十七世紀荷蘭黃金時期藝術巨
匠林布蘭與十九世紀晚期於美國成立鳥類與其生態資源保護團體奧杜本,一同演繹 JOHN&FISH 悅鳥

藉這一次世界新聞展附展受邀機會, JOHN&FISH 首次將過往15張攝影作品輸出於Canson美術館典藏


The 53rd year of World Press Photo has launched its 10th year Exhibition in Taiwan. It has built up a
global community to all journalistic photographers through long years. And it also provides an annual
retrospective of images to review international events occurred in the passing year.

There will be total 107 precious news images from different countries that testify news events in year
2009. By the chance, Taiwanese ornithology photography pair, JOHN&FISH, is delighted to be invited
as guest artists for a satellite exhibition by the host The Thermos Foundation in this honor and fulfilling
10th year. So that there will be a solitary space for JOHN&FISH in the same exhibit hall. JOHN&FISH
avian photographs will be exhibited among natural plants and trees, that is expected to bring viewers
an indigenous movement from hearts.

Taiwanese ornithology photography pair JOHN&FISH starts photography career in 2006 and shares
their works online through worldwide renowned website Flickr in the following year. 3 years after that,
their great shots have captured hearts of all wildlife photography lovers around the world with delicate
compositions, rich colors and subtle changes of lights and shadow in each photograph. Every new
update online has been collected huge feedback in just a short minute.

Moreover, the habitat of the birds appearing in JOHN&FISH photographs has been mostly from Taiwan.
They preserve local avian beauty to reveal enthusiastic concerns to the mother land. Today their name,
JOHN&FISH has been heard from all over the world, many media from Europe, America and Eastern
countries continuously keep contacts with them. Soon there will be a solo exhibition in New York as well
in this mid-June. JOHN&FISH will show the world great spirit of Taiwan by real actions.

The title of the satellite exhibit "When Rembrandt Meets Audubon", is paying tribute to the outstanding
master of Dutch Golden Age in 17th century, Rembrandt van Rijn, and a group Audubon founded in late
19th century in US to protect birds and their habitats. "When Rembrandt Meets Audubon" dedicates the
birds delighted humanity in nature of JOHN&FISH and their highly artistic photography style.

This is the first time JOHN&FISH present their 15 lambda prints on Canson Museum Canvas 44gsm, each
of them at 40 inches long will be exhibited on easel among natural plants and trees. Unlike the presentation
online, welcome to have a look on-site.

JOHN&FISH 官網 (Official Site):http://www.johnnfish.com
JOHN&FISH Flickr:http://www.flickr.com/photos/johnnfish
