2010年4月23日 星期五

upntoday-2010-4-23-05-taipei dinner news-歡慶30‧焦點30>COMPUTEX邀請全球買主一同見證台灣資通訊產業發展史



即將迎接30週年慶的台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2010),從1981年台北市電腦公會率先開辦展覽至今,走過30個年頭的COMPUTEX帶領台灣廠商打開全球市場,奠定台灣在全球ICT產業的重要地位。30年也讓COMPUTEX茁壯成為亞洲最大全球第二大的電腦展,現在COMPUTEX要邀請全球買主一同見證過去,迎向未來。





COMPUTEX invites the global buyers to witness Taiwan’s ICT history in the making
News Release: 7
Release Date: 2010/04/23

The forth coming 30th anniversary of Taipei International Computer Show (COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2010) has traveled almost 30 years since it’s organized by Taipei Computer Association (TCA) in 1981. Looking back at the golden 30 years of COMPUTEX TAIPEI exhibition’s achievements, it helps many local companies do extremely well into world markets and ascertain Taiwan to turn into an important status in the global ICT industry. Also, the 30 years have also strengthen COMPUTEX TAIPEI to become Asia’s largest and world’s second largest computer exhibition, TCA is cordially inviting global buyers to witness again the unfolding event and meet the promising future.

30 Image Wall of COMPUTEX History, witnessing ICT development milestone
Someone says: “Open the history of the Taipei International Computer Show (COMPUTEX), you see the course of development in the information communication technology industry of Taiwan.” TCA, the co-organizer of the show will be setting up the “30 Years On, Into the Future” structural stalls, which featured a collection of historical materials and images of each year’s computer exhibition in commemoration of significant development over the years that allow buyers to witness again the changing of Taiwan’s ICT industry and the rest of the world through the history of Taipei International Computer Show. One stall located at Shinyi district and at Nangang district.

30 Computex Links, binding together bits of memories
To allow the visiting buyers to enjoy deeper experience of pleasant 30th anniversary, the organizer has especially designed an onsite activity named “Sticker Earning Event”, which also means “30 By Numbers, Exchange for Special Gifts.” Upon receiving souvenirs from TCA, the overseas buyers use the small notebook while going around the exhibition halls, have their notebook stick with magical label by either from the 30 Computex Sweeties or from the representatives of participating exhibitors in exchange or receive a special gift while peculiarly viewing their latest ICT products and taking photographs of beautiful promo ladies. The instant photograph can be inserted in front of notebook.

Presently, TCA is selecting 50 companies, which encourage them to provide their own company’s historical events related in number 30; such as 30 years of establishment, 30th products, produced 30K, 30 consecutive as COMPUTEX exhibitor and etc. Finalized activity will be announced in weeks later or before mid of May.
