2011年1月15日 星期六

upn-taipei news-art-2011-01-15-2-未來的十年 TEDxTaipei從華山看見世界的新希望

未來的十年 TEDxTaipei從華山看見世界的新希望
2009 年底TEDxTaipei以「台灣的故事」為主題舉辦了第一次的創意大會。2010年七月「創意三部曲: Unlearn. Play. Inspire.」激發了觀眾無限想像。 2011「下一個十年的希望」,一月十五日在眾所矚目下於華山1914創意文化園區精彩登場,由21位來自世界各地不同領域的講者與表演者每人分享18分鐘的故事。
為了切合此活動九大未來希望,策展人以土地、稻米、水等我們視為理所當然的資源,以創意巧思設計了未來展覽館。主場館上午的節目由台灣客家歌謠吟唱詩人陳永淘用木吉他伴奏三首客家語及華語歌曲揭開今天TEDxTAIPEI的序幕。緊接著宜蘭田中央建築事務所的創辦人黃聲遠,分享田中央團隊為環境帶來的努力,將建築希望從模型到實體的心情分享。TEDx的Salome來告訴大家TED是如何從一個小小的組織發展至現今的規模。隨後Edward Rubesch期許大家保有原生的樣子,不是被同化,或趨於大眾化,而是存在最原創的文化。查馬克老師更與排灣族小朋友一同唱出原住民歌謠,他們詮釋的每一句歌詞都是傳唱祖先賦予的生命。他說:「孩子是我們的希望,傳唱讓生命延續,孩子連結了失落的年代,讓我們重新喚起心中的部落。」上午的最後一位講者劉若瑀,貓空山上的優人神鼓創辦人,悠悠然的告訴大家她生命中影響極深的兩個小故事。優人神鼓阿丹老師帶領大家簡單的舞步,教大家人生如何簡單的達到合諧。最後在午餐前,再由查馬克老師領軍,帶領小朋友們表演兩首原住民歌曲,以音樂做為上午活動的結束。
中午,聽眾可以享用《VVG好樣》精心準備的台灣小吃,配上GABEE的熱咖啡,聽著午餐時段的Small Talk,由肯夢朱平主持,邀請VVG、GABEE、LTT分享他們正在做的事。觀眾也可以在BQ Lab的產覽空間,盡情享受贊助商的產品與對未來生活的想像,如:VVG好樣、肯夢、小茶栽堂、GABEE等等。LTT台北旅店管理顧問,更以未來旅館概念,帶來未來生活的多方面創新概念。
下午一點半,在胡德夫老師的<<匆匆>>歌聲中開始一系列精采的活動。李鴻源點醒大家對台灣環境的省思,呼籲大家從自身的思考做改變,積極參與政府的水源改造政策。驚喜講者John Watlington為OLPC硬件工程副總裁,談論每個兒童一台筆記本電腦(OPLC)的計畫,強調設計師的思維改變後能影響的範圍無遠弗屆。接續著John Ryan和我們談談生命中真正值得喜悅的事是什麼?再由加州藝術學院MBA in Design 的院長Nathan Shedroff刺激我們思考,生命中的意義是什麼?什麼是有意義的事?以意義延伸至設計與永續等議題,從設計公司的角度看人們的價值。隨後春吶創辦人Jimmy Moe讓大家重新思考,我們為何而活與生命的奇妙,及如何激發他創造音樂祭的靈感;世界現代舞編舞大賽冠軍周書毅也熱情分享他與舞蹈相遇的故事。
下午茶後仍有六組精彩演講,由黃明正的馬戲表演開場讓現場氣氛飆到最高點,隨後,獲時代雜誌評為全球影響力百大名人的瑪莉.羅、空中攝影師齊柏林、藍色經濟提倡者Gunter Pauli、來自喜瑪拉雅山的瑜珈大師Swami及歌手陳明章等人讓希望與想像延續一整天,整天創意饗宴台上與台下的互動不斷,也發現九大問題是環環相扣,不斷挑戰觀眾的思考,讓大家一起來思考未來十年的希望在哪裡,我們的世界將如何改變,進而導入個人的生活,期許帶來正面的影響,這就是這次活動的最終目的。

排灣族小朋友的傳唱表演 Richard Kelly

第二現直播區也是人滿為患 主持人之一的Jason

胡德夫老師 John WALINGTON

At the end of 2009, TEDxTaipei made its debut featuring “The Stories of Taiwan;” in July, 2010, “Creativity Trilogy: Unlearn. Play. Inspire.” invited audiences to think outside the box, to progress via unconventional ways and to spread meaningful experiences with the world. This year, TEDxTaipei is thrilled to lead the world from Huanshan 1914 Creative Park towards our visions of the world to come: The Big Hopes for the Next Ten Years.

The event, besides a series of talks, has its distinguished section-- the one week BQ Lab, where static exhibition is displayed. Mr. Wu Cheng, lecturer at university and a renowned Taiwanese writer, contributes to and echoes the theme with the use of rice and soil, creating a sentiment of Taiwanese locality. In the Lab, audiences also have a chance to meet the sponsors: VVG, Aveda, GABEE, Zenique; and LTT Taipei Inn Management Consulting Group presents the concept of “future hotel” by building up a hotel room in site.

The event kicked off in the morning with Mr. Chen Yong-Two, Taiwan Hakka ballad singer, performing three songs. Following up was the founder of Ilan Field Office, architect Mr. Huang Sheng-Yuan; he shared how his group help in environmental conservation. And Salome Housel, representative from TEDx, told the audiences how TED has developed from a California based organization into an international platform with the purpose of radical openness. Mr. Edward Rubesch, serial entrepreneur based in Bangkok, encouraged everyone to stay true to one self, to avoid going with the flow, and to retain his or her own cultural heritage. And Mr. Camake Valaule, with kids from the Paiwan traditional ballad chanting team, performed sonorous and heart touching ancient melody of their ancestore. He told the audiences that children are the hope for the future; their chant and the preservation of ballads connect the lost generations, evoking the tribe deep within.

The last speaker for the morning session, Ms. Liu Ruo-Yu Liu, the artistic director of UTheatre, shared two stories that have great impact in her life. To interact with the audience, Ms. Liu invited six of them to come up stage, and to follow the simple instruction of body movement, experiencing in miniature that how easy it is to attain harmony in life. Just before lunch time, Mr. Camake Valaule once again with his chanting team, performed two more ballads and received great applause. At noon, audiences are served with Taiwanese delicacy prepared by VVG, along with the aromatic coffee from GABEE, and savored the time with Small Talk speakers. The afternoon session started at 1.30.
