2010年3月12日 星期五

upntoday-2010-3-11-06-taipei show news-小廠也能出頭天!Best Choice聚焦全球買主與媒體目光

小廠也能出頭天!Best Choice聚焦全球買主與媒體目光

越來越受到全球買家與專業人士重視的Best Choice of COMPUTEX TAIPEI Award,今年是第九屆舉辦,目前累積有150家廠商報名,產品件數超過300件,規模可望再創新高。Best Choice Award舉辦八年以來,已經成功地將兩百多件台灣ICT產品介紹到世界各地,協助廠商開創商機 。其中更有不少中小型規模廠商,藉由Best Choice的光環讓產品被全球的買家及媒體看到。

說Best Choice Award是亞洲最重要的ICT產品評鑑獎項一點也不為過,COMPUTEX TAIPEI今年即將歡度30週年,不僅是亞洲最佳的ICT產品採購平台,規模更僅次全球最大電腦展-德國CeBIT,而Best Choice Award正是電腦展的重點活動。雖然Best Choice Award今年才第九屆,但是挾著COMPUTEX的光環及台灣廠商的超強創新能力,評選出來的得獎產品早已是買主及媒體的追逐焦點。尤其對擁有研發能力卻缺乏行銷預算的中小型廠商來說,Best Choice Award更是宣傳的利器,去年得獎廠商聖基創意的聽不累耳機在Best Choice Award展前記者會上曝光之後,火速攻佔了各大平面及網路媒體的版面,展中更是有不少買主拿著專刊及報導前往攤位拜訪。此外,義隆、宜鼎、網燦、均昂、圓剛等得獎廠商也都表示,Best Choice Award大幅提升了產品的曝光率與成交率。

更有國際觀的Best Choice Award
2010年Best Choice Award的另一項創舉就是開放報名資格,海外參展商也能與台灣廠商一同競爭所有獎項,讓今年的Best Choice Award更有看頭,更具國際觀。並搭配了一系列宣傳造勢活動,如展前記者會、人氣獎投票、Show Girl現場造勢…等活動來強力行銷吸引買主及媒體注意。Best Choice的報名截止日期為3/25,只要是COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2010的參展廠商都可報名。報名網址如下:http://www.computex.biz/bestchoice/。

圖說: Security Products類產品得獎廠商-網燦科技前往日本參展時,在攤位上展示Best Choice Award獎座,在三天展期中,成功吸引了包含日本電信龍頭廠商及知名網路通路商等多位當地業者前往洽談。

<關於Best Choice of COMPUTEX TAIPEI Award>
自2002年創辦至今,Best Choice Award秉持獎項名稱的精神,為國際買主提供最佳的採購選擇。為求客觀公允,由主辦單位委託台灣大學合作籌組全方位的評審團,成員包含產業界知名國際採購代表、學術界、研究單位、國內外媒體主編以及今年新增的環保領域專家,針對產品的功能性、創新性、外銷潛力三大指標,評選出得獎產品。

【Best Choice Award承辦】
台北市電腦商業同業公會 Tel:+886-2-25774249 Fax: +886-2-25785392
洪嘉伶 (Sharlene Hung )  #324  Email: sharlene@mail.tca.org.tw

台北市電腦商業同業公會 Tel:+886-2-25774249 Fax: +886-2-25785392
巫素緣 (Sara Wu)  #295  Email: sara@mail.tca.org.tw
劉文程 (David Liu)  #360  Email: david_liu@mail.tca.org.tw


>>> Best Choice Award 2010依照產品屬性分為8類,每類各取2~3名獲獎者,惟得從缺。
1 Computer & System
2 IC & Components
3 Peripherals & Accessories
4 Communication
5 IPC & Embedded Products
6 Display & Digital Entertainment
7 Data Storage
8 Green ICT

>>> 另設有2個特別獎,將自類別獎得獎產品中另外遴選而得。
* Best Choice of the Year
* Jury’s Special Award

<附件二>歷年得獎產品介紹,請見下列網址。 http://www.computex.biz/bestchoice/BestChoice2009V2.aspx

Wide attention on small businesses! Buyers and media around the globe have their eyes on Best Choice!

Date: 2010/3/11

The globally renowned Best Choice of COMPUTEX TAIPEI Award, which is catching the eye of international buyers and professionals each year, is marching towards its 9th year. Till now, over 150 companies have already registered with a total over 300 product items entering competition. It is expected that another new high point in the history of Best Choice is going to be reached. The Best Choice Award has successfully spread around over 200 Taiwan made ICT products across the globe since its conception 8 years ago. It has helped many companies to create new business opportunities, among them many small and middle sized manufactures. Best Choice has made it possible to expose their products to global buyers and media all over the world.

The most important ICT product award in Asia
It is no understatement when one calls the Best Choice Award the most important ICT award in Asia. As COMPUTEX TAIPEI, the best ICT product procurement platform in Asia and second only to CeBIT in global scale, is marching towards its 30st anniversary, the Best Choice Award is a major event at the exhibition. Even though it is only the 9th Best Choice Award this year, but thanks to the high exposure of COMPUTEX and Taiwanese ingenuity, the awarded products are the attention of buyers and media alike. This is especially beneficial to small and middle sized manufacturers that possess researching capabilities but lack in marketing budget. To those companies the Best Choice Award is an indispensible marketing tool. TOPlay, a winner from last year’s Best Choice, has rapidly become the focus of numerous media after being exposed at the Best Choice Award pre-exhibition press conference. There were also many buyers who came to their exhibition booth after seeing the special reports. In addition, award winning companies, like ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP., InnoDisk, NETFLAME Technology Co. Ltd., June On Co.,Ltd, AVerMedia etc. have all expressed that Best Choice Award has severely enhanced the exposure rate and turnover rate.

The Best Choice Award becomes more global
Another innovation of Best Choice Award 2010 is opening up registration for overseas’ exhibitors, so that they can compete with Taiwanese manufacturers in all categories, which has resulted in a more spectacular and international event. Best Choice Award is coupled with a series of marketing events, like the pre-exhibition press conference, popularity vote, Show Girl live campaign etc. to attract the attention of buyers and media alike. The application deadline for Best Choice is on the 25th March. All exhibitors of COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2010 are suitable for application. The internet link to the application is http://www.computex.biz/bestchoice/.

Illustrate: NETFLAME Technology Co. Ltd, a award winning manufacturer in the Security Products category, is showing a Best Choice Award trophy during their exhibition in Japan. The 3-day exhibition has successfully attracted numerous local businesses in Japan, including leading Japanese telecommunication and internet access companies to conduct business.

Since its conception in 2002, Best Choice Award has remained true to its spirit by providing the best procurement options. In order to become an objective award, the organizers have entrusted the National Taiwan University to assemble a fully capable jury. The members include famous international procurement representatives from the industry sector, academic circle, research organizations, domestic and international media and professionals in the environmental sector (first added this year), to select the award winning product based on a products utility, innovation, potential for export.

【Best Choice Award Promoter】
Taipei Computer Association Tel:+886-2-25774249 Fax: +886-2-25785392
Sharlene Hung #324  Email: sharlene@mail.tca.org.tw

【News Contact】
Taipei Computer Association Tel:+886-2-25774249 Fax: +886-2-25785392
Lino So #877  Email: lino@mail.tca.org.tw

Award Categories in 2010

>>> Best Choice Award 2010 is categorized into 8 categories according to product characteristic. There are 2~3 award winners in each category. Prize won’t be awarded if none meets the standard set by the jury.
1 Computer & System
2 IC & Components
3 Peripherals & Accessories
4 Communication
5 IPC & Embedded Products
6 Display & Digital Entertainment
7 Data Storage
8 Green ICT

>>> There are another 2 special awards which are being awarded besides the other various categories
* Best Choice of the Year
* Jury’s Special Award

Please see link below for an introduction of previous award winning products. http://www.computex.biz/bestchoice/BestChoice2009V2.aspx
