2010年3月23日 星期二

upntoday-2010-3-23-01-taipei news-『COMPUTEX Sweetie』將成COMPUTEX 2010最美“嬌”點!

歡慶30‧焦點30 >
『COMPUTEX Sweetie』將成COMPUTEX 2010最美“嬌”點!

為迎接即將到來的台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2010),主辦單位之一台北市電腦公會以30週年為題,企畫了一系列特別活動,首先登場的『COMPUTEX Sweetie』就將招募30位科技甜心來凝聚買主焦點,協助廠商進行現場行銷,預期『COMPUTEX Sweetie』將成為COMPUTEX 2010展場中的最美“嬌”點!

呼應電腦展30週年慶的主題,本活動預計招募30位的『COMPUTEX Sweetie』,在展覽期間協助現場的買主導覽、活動造勢、趨勢專區產品解說…等,與電腦展吉祥物『插頭寶寶』共同擔任現場親善大使的工作,期望透過『COMPUTEX Sweetie』的青春活力來軟化硬梆梆的ICT產品。同時展中也將舉辦人氣獎的選拔活動,讓現場買主從這30位科技甜心中票選出心目中最有人氣的『COMPUTEX Sweetie』。

由於COMPUTEX TAIPEI為全球第二大電腦展,因此要成為一位稱職的『COMPUTEX Sweetie』,除了一般國際展覽要求的身材臉蛋、外語能力之外,同時還要具備有資通訊產業知識。『COMPUTEX Sweetie』選拔活動預計三月下旬開始接受報名,選拔分為書面審查與面試口試兩階段,詳細辦法請至專屬活動網頁查詢。

<歡慶30‧焦點30>科技甜心『COMPUTEX Sweetie』專屬活動網址(中文):http://www.computex.biz/computexsweetie


“COMPUTEX Sweetie” becomes the most beautiful attraction at COMPUTEX 2010!
News Release: 4
Release Date: 2010/3/23

To celebrate the upcoming COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2010, the Taipei Computer Association, an organizer of the COMPUTEX TAIPEI, has planned a series of special events with the 30th anniversary as its main theme. As the first major event “COMPUTEX Sweetie” recruits 30 technology honeys to pool buyer focus to enhance the onsite marketing efforts of manufacturers. It is anticipated that “COMPUTEX Sweetie” will become the most “beautiful” attraction during COMPUTEX 2010.

Technology honeys inject new life into ICT products
As a major theme at the 30th anniversary of COMPUTEX TAIPEI, the 30 “COMPUTEX Sweeties” will provide their assistance as buyer guides, rally at activities and commentate at the COMPUTREND area etc. The “COMPUTEX Sweeties” and the COMPUTEX mascot “Brother Plug” will also work together as goodwill ambassadors to bring new life to the tough image of ICT products. In addition, there is also a popularity contest where buyers can vote for the most popular “COMPUTEX Sweetie”.

COMPUTEX TAIPEI is the second largest ICT exhibition in the world, hence the high standard set for the “COMPUTEX Sweetie”. Besides physical appearance and linguistic requirements that are typical for most international exhibitions, the “COMPUTEX Sweeties” also have to possess extensive knowledge on the ICT industry. The selection activities of the “COMPUTEX Sweetie” are expected to start at the end of March and the application process can be divided into written examination and interview. For detailed information about the application please go to the exclusive event website.

Technology honey『COMPUTEX Sweetie』 Exclusive event website(Chinese): http://www.computex.biz/computexsweetie

【COMPUTEX Sweetie】
Taipei Computer Association Tel:+886-2-25774249 Fax: +886-2-25785392
Esther Huang  #393 Email: sweetie@mail.computex.com.tw

【Press Contact】
Taipei Computer Association Tel:+886-2-25774249 Fax: +886-2-25785392
Lino So #877  Email: lino@mail.tca.org.tw
David Liu  #360  Email: david_liu@mail.tca.org.tw
