2010年3月21日 星期日

upntoday-2010-3-21-09-taipei news-張才攝影紀念展 TFAM Press Conference Invitation_Image Map20

北美館記者會採訪邀請_意象地圖:張才攝影紀念展 TFAM Press Conference Invitation_Image Map20

Image Map:Chang Tsai Retrospective Photography Exhibition

時間:2010 年 3 月 25 日 (四) 下午 14:00

張才(1916 - 1995),是台灣紀實攝影的先行者,他的相機鏡頭下的黑白影像,平實且直接地反映人生景態,真誠且動人有力。此展為北美館為「攝影三劍客」舉辦個展系列之壓軸大展,歡迎媒體朋友出席報導!
此回顧展將展出張才作品共265件,內容涵蓋上海時期、原住民、台灣庶民生活與節慶等,同時也將陳列其手稿、相機、收底片用的茶 葉 罐、日常生活照、珍藏的留聲機及黑膠唱片等珍貴物品。
北美館將於 3月25日(四)下午14:00舉辦記者會,北美館副館長、展覽顧問簡永斌一同為媒體朋友介紹張才精采豐饒的影像生命。

Conference Detail:
Time:14:00 pm, Thursday, 25 March

Venue: 3F, TFAM

Wen - ling, Chen, Acting Director of TFAM

Chien Yun - ping, Exhibition Advisor

Chang Ling - ling, Daughter of Chang Tsai

Chang Tsai(1916 - 1995), the paragon of Taiwanese documentary photographer. His black - and - white images depict the world in a direct way and with an intuition to subjectively interpret things or express forms, display metaphorical imaginations.

Chang Tsai was inspired by an avant - garde frame of mind and the advocate of New Photography while he was studying in Japan in 1930’ s. After he returned to Taiwan , he traveled back and forth between Taipei and Shanghai three times in 1940’ s. 1950’ s and afterwards, Chang Tsai’s artworks were mostly focused on Taiwan indigenous people and local religious festivals and fork lives.

This retrospective exhibit presents up to 265 artworks, including images followed in themes of ‘Shanghai 1942 - 1946’ , ‘Portraits of the Aborigines’, ‘Behind the Scene of Taiwanese Opera,’ etc. And it will also display Chang Tsai’s Leica camera, a tealeaf can in which he stored his film, a collection of original draft. The museum hopes to present the outstanding life and images of this pioneer Taiwanese documentary photographer.

You are cordially invited to the press conference.
