2010年12月27日 星期一

upn-taipei news-ban-2010-12-27-19-芬蘭聖誕老公公領軍 花旗藍色聖誕夜熱鬧登場

芬蘭聖誕老公公領軍 花旗藍色聖誕夜熱鬧登場





配合台北聖誕城科技化特色,繼引進智慧銀行概念後,花旗(台灣)銀行也在24日聖誕夜當天下午4點鐘,於花旗信義區總部1樓的台北市營業部,舉行花旗全台分行最大的「花旗資訊生活家」(Marketing Wall)視聽媒體外牆的揭幕儀式。搭配「2010台北聖誕城 花旗藍色聖誕夜」活動,「花旗資訊生活家」4X4的LED大螢幕上,特別設計呈現生動的聖誕祝福影片,與往來的民眾與客戶共度耶誕佳節。




此外,即日起至12月26日止2010台北聖誕城期間,花旗(台灣)銀行更特別規劃「花旗用心送愛心 聖誕捐款加碼送」活動。花旗卡友凡持卡於花旗攤位捐款2010花旗聯合勸募活動,在原有蜜兔玩偶滿額禮外,捐款滿2,000元即可獲得花旗品味饗宴指定餐廳200元抵用券乙張;捐款滿5,000元再加送威秀影城電影票乙張。且配合花旗即日起至2011年2月16日止的「處處有辦法」樂享三倍回饋活動(1),信用卡愛心捐款滿888元,也可納入活動,享有3倍刷卡回饋,歡迎民眾共襄盛舉。

2010台北聖誕城 花旗藍色聖誕夜
時 間 內 容 地 點

五 12:00–14:00 聖誕爵士樂饗宴 松智路1號
16:00 花旗聖誕「資訊生活家」揭幕儀式 松智路1號1F
16:30 花旗藍色聖誕夜遊行 信義區及新光三越台北信義
19:00 花旗藍色聖誕夜晚會 新光三越台北信義新天地
12/25(六) 11:00 ~16:00
12/26(日) 11:00 ~19:00 芬蘭聖誕老公公暨精靈拍照 新光三越台北信義新天地

3倍回饋指原刷卡消費可得之回饋及額外贈送之2倍回饋,持卡人需於2011/2/28前致電(02)2576-8000按0888或上活動網站確認活動資格及兌換專屬回饋,共有188,888個紅利回饋提供兌換,數量有限,換完為止。禮享家積點回饋每位持卡人最高3萬點;現金紅利回饋每位持卡人最高新臺幣3仟元;哩程/ 里數積點回饋每位持卡人最高1.6萬哩;大來菁英積分回饋每位持卡人最高3萬點;HAPPY GO點數回饋每位持卡人最高1.6萬點。

循環利率基準日為98年2月16日 預借現金手續費:預借現金金額乘以3.5%加上新台幣100元 其他費用請上花旗網站www.citibank.com.tw查詢



花旗(台灣)銀行今(24)於聖誕節前夕,正式揭幕啟用台北市營業部一樓、高達四米的『花旗資訊生活家』(Marketing Wall)視聽媒體外牆,並搭配「2010台北聖誕城 花旗藍色聖誕夜」活動,在4X4的大螢幕上呈現動畫的聖誕祝福影片,與往來的民眾與客戶共度聖誕佳節。
花旗(台灣)銀行董事長管國霖表示:「客戶至上、不斷追求創新及貼心服務,是花旗一路以來的堅持。我們在十月份創新推出智慧銀行,打破原有傳統銀行服務的思維,讓客戶根據自己的習慣,在舒適的空間中自由搜尋、讀取或操作所需的理財商品,或選擇由專人一對一給予諮詢服務,就是體察到現代人對於服務有新的需求與期待。我們也一直致力推出令客戶驚喜的產品與服務,聖誕期間,花旗除了與台北市政府合辦『2010台北聖誕城 花旗藍色聖誕夜』活動,也別出心裁地設置了花旗全台分行最大、內容最豐富的『花旗資訊生活家』,讓所有信義區的民眾都能透過最新科技,不但讀到更多城市生活及金融資訊,還能在這裡感受到不一樣的佳節氣氛。」
*花旗智慧銀行包括四大主題設計:豎立在銀行外面的『花旗資訊生活家』(Marketing Wall)視聽媒體外牆,刊載財經新聞、市場資訊與藝文快訊等,提供豐富的城市生活資訊,讓消費者不必進入分行,就能與日常資訊同步。銀行内部的『花旗理財生活家』(Sales Wall) 互動瀏覽器,提供花旗最新產品及服務介紹,以及貴賓理財資訊,消費者能在觸控式螢幕上快速點選瀏覽。『網銀理財區』則設有兩部電腦,消費者不必透過專人,就能直接上網操作使用網路銀行,享有充份的自主性。而如貴賓理財室般的『全方位諮詢理財區』,客戶能在裡面與專員進行一對一諮詢,讓所有客戶都享有個人專屬的諮詢服務。


Citibank celebrates Blue Christmas Eve with Finland Santa Claus

Led by Santa Claus flown in from Finland, the unique Blue Christmas Eve unfolded at the Taipei Christmas City on December 24, bringing the whole series of activities organized by Citibank Taiwan to an unprecedented highlight.

Last weekend, the Taipei Christmas City transformed into a dream-like blue Christmas village where numerous people converged to share the joy, after the lighting ceremony and the charity sale of 2010 Citi-United Way Fundraising Campaign’s fortune boxes heated up the atmosphere. Coupled with a great number of blue LED lights, blue overpasses and blue carpets, the site is filled with Finland-style elements, from Santa Claus Office, Christmas trees, Christmas House to reindeers and sled. It has become a popular spot, making the public feel like they are in Santa Claus’ hometown, Lapland of Finland.

Chairman of Citibank Taiwan, Victor Kuan, said the Taipei Christmas City is one of the largest Christmas activities ever held at Xinyi district, Taipei. Sponsored by Citibank, the Taipei Christmas City integrates three features of internationalization, charity-focused and high-technology. The most significant feature is, by subverting the traditional image of a white Christmas, it displays a beautiful, unique “blue” holiday.

In order to present a great and innovative Blue Christmas Eve for the public, Citibank held a series of interesting activities on December 24, including a mini jazz concert at noon, a Christmas parade, the inauguration of Citibank’s Christmas Marketing Wall and an evening party. Santa Claus and Christmas fairies from Finland were also invited to celebrate the Blue Christmas Eve.

Christmas jazz concert at noon

A mini Christmas jazz concert that featured Christmas carols and classic English songs was presented between 12pm and 2pm on the plaza outside Citibank’s headquarters in Xinyi district. A blue motion statue and performer dressed up in Sweet Heart Bunny outfits, the mascot of the 2010 Citi-United Way Fundraising Campaign, showed up at the site, inviting busy urban dwellers to take a break and enjoy the dazzling performances. Coffee and hand-made biscuits baked by mentally challenged kids at the Children Are Us Foundation were available.

Inauguration ceremony of Citibank’s Marketing Wall

To underline the high-tech feature of the Taipei Christmas City, Citibank, which introduced the “Smart Banking” concept into Taiwan in October, held an inauguration ceremony of an audio-visual Marketing Wall – the largest of its kind among Citibank’s branches nationwide – on the first floor of its headquarters in Xinyi district at 4pm. To celebrate the Blue Christmas Eve, specially edited video clips of Christmas blessings were shown on the Marketing Wall’s 4X4 LED screens.

Citibank’s Blue Christmas Eve parade

Following the inauguration ceremony, the Blue Christmas Eve parade, led by Santa Claus from Finland, started at 4:30pm. The parade, which comprised Christmas fairies also from Finland, a children’s drum band and 100 Citibank employees who donned blue clothes and Christmas hats, set off from Citibank’s headquarter and gave away balloons along the street. The entire Xinyi district was filled with a warm and joyful atmosphere.

Citibank’s Blue Christmas Eve evening party

Finally, the highlight of the series of Taipei Christmas City events came when the evening party started at 7pm on Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Chante Square. Aside from splendid performances by various groups nationwide, Santa Claus and Christmas fairies from Finland presented their country’s traditional Christmas singing and dancing.Moreover, the pop band Wonfu and singer Lisa were invited to perform at the evening party.

Established over a decade ago, Wonfu was nominated several times as the Best Band at the Golden Melody Awards and won the judge panel’s grand prize at the Hohaiyan Rock Festival. The band transformed to Wonfu Jr. in 2010 and continues to produce happy, humorous and unique music.

Lisa, who performed with Wonfu Jr. for the first time, was once nominated as the Best Newcomer at the Golden Melody Awards and three of her albums were rated among the top 10 albums of the year by the Music Man Association.

Last but not least, to encourage Citibank credit cardholders to support the charity spirits of “1+1>2,” Citibank prepares to give out additional gifts for donors during the Taipei Christmas City activities.
On top of the sweet heart bunny giveaways, Citibank credit cardholders who make donations of NT$2,000 or more on the cards, at Citibank’s booth, will be awarded a NT$200 voucher at designated restaurants. An additional Vieshow Cinemas ticket will be given when their donations top NT$5,000.
Cardholders making donations of NT$888 and above can also participate Citibank’s triple reward program(1) which is effective till February 16, 2011.

Program schedules on Citibank’s Blue Christmas Eve at 2010 Taipei Christmas City
Time Activity Location
12pm – 2pm
Christmas jazz concert Plaza outside Citibank’s headquarters at
1 Songzhi Road
4pm Inauguration ceremony for Citibank’s Christmas Marketing Wall Citibank branch on 1st floor of 1 Songzhi Road
4:30pm Citibank’s Blue Christmas Eve parade Xinyi district / Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Chante Square
7pm Citibank’s Blue Christmas Eve party Shin Kong Mitsukoshi
Chante Square
(Note: Organizers reserve the right to modify the events)

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The triple reward program means consumption made on credit cards will be awarded three times of the bonus points or gifts, including the original corresponding bonus points or gifts. Cardholders shall call (02) 2576-8000 ext. 0888 or register on the program’s website to confirm their qualifications and collect the rewards. A total of 188,888 bonus points are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Each cardholder can obtain a maximum of 30,000 bonus points on the Citi Rewards program, a maximum of NT$3,000 in cash by redeeming bonus points, a maximum of 16,000 miles on mileage accumulation, a maximum of 30,000 bonus points on the Diners Club reward program, and a maximum of 16,000 bonus points on the Happy Go reward program.

Be cautious when using credit cards
Citibank credit cards charge a revolving interest of between 6.88% and 20%. Diners Club cards charge an annual revolving interest of between 16.75% and 18%. February 16, 2009 is the base date to calculate the revolving interest.
Handling fees on cash advance: The amount of cash withdrawn from cash advance times 3.5% plus NT$100. Please refer to Citibank’s website at www.citibank.com.tw for information about other charges.

About Citi
Citi, the leading global financial services company, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Through Citicorp and Citi Holdings, Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth management. Additional information may be found at www.citigroup.com or www.citi.com.
