2010年3月2日 星期二

upntoday-2010-3-2-06-taipei news-德經處歡喜開新 – 廣邀萬商齊慶賀German Trade Office celebrates Open House Day on March 12

德經處歡喜開新 – 廣邀萬商齊慶賀

這次的活動開放給德經處與其服務單位博智顧問有限公司之所有客戶、合作夥伴和朋友,以及對德國與台灣貿易關係有興趣的廠商。德國經濟辦事處處長魏諾朗(Dr. Roland Wein)誠摯歡迎您蒞臨,認識他們的工作夥伴,取得該單位的服務資訊。


German Trade Office celebrates Open House Day on March 12, 2010
On the occasion of their relocation to the International Trade Building, the German Trade Office Taipei (GTO) and its service unit DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. will celebrate their office inauguration with an Open House Day on Friday, March 12, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the International Trade Bldg., 19F-9/10, No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012

The event is open to all customers, partners and friends as well to everybody who is interested in German-Taiwanese business relations. All visitors are welcome to have a look at the new premises of the German Trade Office and DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., meet the staff and get information about the tasks and offered services.

March 1, 2010

Dr. Roland Wein (魏諾朗博士)
Marketing & Public Relations Manager 行銷暨公關 經理
Andrea Borowsky (安德妍)
德國經濟辦事處 (GTO) 為德國工商業界在台之正式代表機構,亦為台灣對德國工商業的首要聯絡窗口。德國經濟辦事處於1981年在台設立,屬於駐外商會 (AHK)在台之分支機構。德國駐外商會有120多個機構遍佈全球80多國。現今,在台約有500多家德國與台灣企業積極從事台德經貿活動,而本處正是這活躍經貿網絡的核心。

German Trade Office Taipei
The German Trade Office Taipei (GTO) as the Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Taiwan is the official representative of German business and your first contact point in Taiwan. The GTO was established in 1981 and is part of the world-wide network of over 120 German Chambers Abroad (AHKs) in more than 80 countries. Today, GTO is the core of a network of more than 500 German and Taiwanese companies representing all types of businesses.
DEinternational Taiwan Ltd.
The GTO provides professional, comprehensive and customer-focused services through its service unit DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. , which offers bilateral market entry support, cooperate advisory as well as recruiting, training, and other value added services.
德經處歡喜開新 – 廣邀萬商齊慶賀

這次的活動開放給德經處與其服務單位博智顧問有限公司之所有客戶、合作夥伴和朋友,以及對德國與台灣貿易關係有興趣的廠商。德國經濟辦事處處長魏諾朗(Dr. Roland Wein)誠摯歡迎您蒞臨,認識他們的工作夥伴,取得該單位的服務資訊。


German Trade Office celebrates Open House Day on March 12, 2010
On the occasion of their relocation to the International Trade Building, the German Trade Office Taipei (GTO) and its service unit DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. will celebrate their office inauguration with an Open House Day on Friday, March 12, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the International Trade Bldg., 19F-9/10, No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012

The event is open to all customers, partners and friends as well to everybody who is interested in German-Taiwanese business relations. All visitors are welcome to have a look at the new premises of the German Trade Office and DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., meet the staff and get information about the tasks and offered services.

March 1, 2010

Dr. Roland Wein (魏諾朗博士)
Marketing & Public Relations Manager 行銷暨公關 經理
Andrea Borowsky (安德妍)
