2009年6月2日 星期二

upntoday-6/2-24-taipei tourism news-綠活台灣 就趁現在花旗與七星生態保育基金會共推「2009生態旅遊領航計劃」結合產官學力量,以保護生態環境、活絡在地經濟為長遠目標如果你是旅行的愛好者,你知道什麼是「愛地球」的旅遊方式嗎?一項由花旗基金會贊助,七星生態保育基金會

綠活台灣 就趁現在
Green Life in Taiwan—Right Now

Introduced by Citi and Chi Sing Eco-conservation Foundation, 2009 Citi Foundation Eco-tourism Capacity Building Program aims to preserve Taiwan’s ecological environment and rejuvenate local economy by promoting a sustainable way of traveling


「我們希望這項計劃,不但能『綠』台灣,更要『活』台灣,」花旗台灣區總裁利明獻表示,所謂的「綠」台灣指的是保護生態環境,力求資源永續,而「活」台灣則代表透過推廣生態旅遊,活絡在地經濟,「綠活台灣」不但是這項生態旅遊計劃的名字,更是它的長遠目標。利明獻說:「2007年12月後的花旗,分行數從 11家擴增到65家,分布全台灣16個縣市,員工人數也增加到 5千多人,這讓我們更有條件進一歩深化對環保的承諾。因此對於配合政府政策,結合全球生態旅遊趨勢,把台灣之美介紹到全世界,是我們現階段要開始努力的方向。透過扶植生態旅遊產業、推廣生態旅遊這種低污染、愛地球的旅行方式,我們很希望能夠幫助台灣把豐富、珍貴的生態資源行銷出去,營造經濟永續發展的條件。」(附件二:其它與會貴賓致詞節錄)
規劃生態路線 深度探索台灣之美:鎖定台灣最具生態特色的9大區域,進行野地探勘,整合各區域的生態及人文資源,規劃9條生態路線,建立台灣生態資源資料庫(附件三:9大生態區域簡介)
專業輔導 提升永續競爭力:
n 由生態、管理、行銷等各領域的專家學者,n 組成任務小組(Task Force):選定上述9大區域有興趣配合推廣生態旅遊的民宿或休閒旅館業者,n 進行訓練及專業診斷,n 並提出經營方面的建議
n 舉辦3場生態研習營、2場英文生態解說課程及1場行銷管理研討會,n 提供相關從業人員「n 生態」n 、「n 行銷」n 、「n 管理」n 、「n 語言」n 等方面的知識
建立生態旅遊平台 結合各界力量、眾志成城:建立「綠活台灣Green Life in Taiwan生態旅遊網站」,串連生態團體、旅遊業者、學界及民間團體的力量,一起為台灣的生態旅遊奮鬥。另外,網站未來將以中英文雙語呈現,以本計劃將台灣之美介紹到全世界的使命。
花旗是全球金融服務的領導品牌,在超過一百四十個國家擁有約兩億客戶。透過花旗銀行以及花旗控股二個營運事業體,為消費者、企業、政府及其他機構客戶提供各種金融產品和服務。業務範圍包括:消費金融與信用卡、企業金融和投資銀行、証券經紀服務和財富管理。更多資訊請參考花旗網站www.citigroup.com or www.citi.com.

新聞聯繫:花旗公共事務處 施君蘭 2777-7709 浦孟涵 2777-7786
「綠活台灣 2009生態旅遊領航計劃」四大特色
n 行政院農業委員會林務局 顏仁德局長
n 台灣大學生態學與n 演化生物學研究所教授 郭城孟博士
n 台灣大學昆蟲學系教授暨中華民國自然生態保育協會榮譽理事長 楊平世博士
n 七星生態保育基金會 林意楨博士
n 生態關懷者協會常務理事 吳明益 博士
n 南台科技大學休閒事業管理系系主任 王逸峰博士
n 台灣休閒旅館協會前理事長 王秀燕女士
n 民宿達人網站創始人 吳乾正先生
台灣大學生態學與演化生物學研究所教授 郭城孟博士:

主題 地點 特色
1.金色年代—濱海生態文史之旅 金瓜石 金瓜石為我國著名產金地,有著特殊的地質礦床與礦業人文景觀,加上面臨美麗的深澳灣,景色優美且特殊,是深受東北季風影響的濱海生態環境。此區氣溫冷涼、風大、雨水多、偶有雲海、土壤偏酸且貧瘠,生態特色涵蓋熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶、涼溫帶植物,物種多且能展現地方氣候的特性,如紅楠、筆筒樹為亞熱帶植物,珍稀植物—鐘萼木則是涼溫帶植物,更是冰河時期遺留下來古老物種,馬醉木為溫帶地區的代表性植物。
2. 發現雨林—北台熱帶雨林之旅 大板根生態歩道 大板根是台灣北部獨有的雨林板根區,區內有許多令人歎為觀止的大型板根,蔓生數百年以上的巨藤和高聳入雲的林海!大板根廣達約二十公頃的中低海拔雨林景觀,絕對稱得上是一座「熱帶雨林植物寶庫」,遊客不必上阿里山便可飽覽,中、高海拔山區才具有的豐富林相!
3.步步高昇—觀霧雲海生態之旅 野馬瞰山森林步道、雲霧步道 雪霸農場位於海拔1923公尺,緊臨檜木、柳杉、巨木林,自然資源極為豐富的雪霸國家公園,「野馬瞰山森林步道」包括:原始雜木落葉林、人工造林所植的柳杉林以及錯雜其間僅存的國寶級檜木,鄰近的雪霸國家公園之雲霧步道,全長846公尺,可欣賞多樣的中高海拔之自然生態,除暖溫帶及冷溫帶之林相外,主要以鳥類和昆蟲為多,如冠羽畫眉、白耳畫眉、青背山雀等,最特殊的是台灣特有種列為國寶級的寬尾鳳蝶。
4.天上人間—泰雅爾自然與人文之旅 神木步道、KORAW生態公園步道 司馬庫斯是國內原住民實施共管機制的典範部落。位於海拔一千五百公尺的司馬庫斯擁有全國第二名及第三名的神木—紅檜,另外KORAW生態公園的生態步道也是令人印象深刻的景點。深入司馬庫斯部落,可體驗多元文化的差異,感受山林自然之美與生態的奧妙
5.生態寶庫—登高觀湖賞鷹生態之旅 白馬亭登山步道 大埔鄉處在曾文水庫上游水源保護區,擁有非常豐富的生態資源,有本土植物、魚類、昆蟲、鳥類。據專家統計,野生鳥類約60餘種,其中更以老鷹,是佔全台之四分之一。鄰近之白馬亭登山步道有不少歷史典故,最近我們的野調發現有珍稀保育類的台灣爺蟬,也有不少蝙蝠。
6.好鳥枝頭—雲霧帶生態之旅 天池步道、森林浴步道 大雪山同時擁有暖、溫、寒森林帶的生態林相,其物種之豐富,四季各有不同變貌,此地為國寶級的賞鳥地點,包含稀有的藍腹鷳、帝雉、黃山雀..等保育類鳥類,均在此現蹤,除了賞鳥也可觀星,另外,夜間更有大群蛾類聚集於燈下,此地實為動植物研究的最佳區域之一。
7. 訪古幽情—史蹟古道生態之旅 八通關古道、彩虹步道 日治時期之八通關越道路(八通關古道)於1919年開工、1921年竣工,東起花蓮玉里,穿越中央山脈主的大水窟池,西達南投久美,從警備、理蕃、護管山林到登山步道,不同時期的八通關古道扮演著不同的角色。其海拔高度從140公尺到3280公尺,故有從低海拔的闊葉林到中海拔針闊葉混生林之生態景觀,自然生態資源豐富不在話下,此外其地形景觀多變化,同時也是布農人、日本人與漢人活動歷史的活見證。彩虹步道位於東埔溫泉區的後方,全長約1公里,是親子共遊老少咸宜的步道。
8.螢舞蛙鳴—創意生態之旅 利嘉林道 利嘉林道位於花東縱谷南端,介於中央山脈和海岸山脈之間的台東市近郊,算是最接近台東市的一個林道,在此可享受低海拔闊葉林的森林浴外,還可賞螢、賞蛙、賞鳥、觀察昆蟲、賞蕨、體驗原住民文化與樹冠層體驗..等多種活動,值得一提的是,利嘉林道蛙類約有14種,其中橙腹樹蛙為台灣特有種,族群數量為全台之冠,數量極為稀少,已列入保育物種。
9.探索溼地—鐵道生態之旅 大坡池環池歩道 大坡池是國家級天然濕地,位於花東縱谷旁,池上平原東側,是池上斷層向西北逆衝所構成的斷層窪地,水源來自新武呂溪的伏流以及人工引流的灌溉尾水注入,形成終年不涸的池塘。大坡池初步調查結果顯示,當地魚類多達20多種,鳥類也有60多種,生態資源豐富。該區位於花東縱谷,是歐亞板塊及菲律賓海板塊擠壓處,地質資源特殊,是生態旅遊的好選擇。當地又是遠近馳名池上米產地,離火車站不到30分鐘的步行距離,是鐵道生態之旅的絕佳地點。
Green Life in Taiwan—Right Now

Introduced by Citi and Chi Sing Eco-conservation Foundation, 2009 Citi Foundation Eco-tourism Capacity Building Program aims to preserve Taiwan’s ecological environment and rejuvenate local economy by promoting a sustainable way of traveling

The 2009 Citi Foundation Eco-tourism Capacity Building Program, co-initiated by the Citi Foundation and the Chi Sing Eco-conservation Foundation, formally kicks off today (June 2), ushering in a new era for Taiwan’s ecotourism industry.

This project bears great significance to the development of ecological tourism in Taiwan. Firstly, it is the first of its kind that brings together related businesses, government agencies, and the academic sector for joint efforts. Secondly, it boasts of the most comprehensive contents and the best professional team. And thirdly, it has an international vision to proceed in line with global trend.

At today’s launching media conference, Director-General Janice Lai of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, Director-General Yen Jen-Teh of the Forestry Bureau, Professor Kuo Chen-meng of Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Janet Hsieh, host of the Discovery TV “Fun Taiwan” program, Lin Yi-chen, CEO of the Chi Sing Eco-conservation Foundation, and Citi Country Officer Morris Li, Taiwan, are among the distinguished guests. They are in fact writing a new page in the development history of Taiwan’s ecotourism industry.

“We hope this project can not only make Taiwan ‘green’ (綠台灣)but also give Taiwan ‘life’,(活台灣) “ said Morris Li during the press conference. Li elaborated that “by ‘green’ I mean we should preserve Taiwan’s ecological environment and keep all the precious resources sustainable; by ‘life’ I mean we should promote ecotourism while injecting economic vitality into ecology-rich areas around this country. ‘Green life in Taiwan’ is not only the name of this project but also its mission.” Li pointed out that Citi Taiwan’s extended network (65 branches in 16 cities and counties) and increased employees (more than 5,000 people) after December 2007 enable it deepen its commitment towards environment sustainability. And through sponsoring this project, Citi would like work with diverse forces to help Taiwan present its rich, precious ecological resources to the world and foster sustainable development in economy.

Li said it is the first time that the New York based Citi Foundation sponsored eco-tourism related program in Taiwan. The sponsorship specially demonstrated Citi’s commitment to Taiwan market in current world economic setting. The one-year, US 100,000 pilot program aims to call for support and attention from diverse fields for the development of Taiwan Eco-tourism industry.

The 2009 Citi Eco-tourism Capacity Building Program is sponsored by the Citi Foundation and executed by the Chi Sing Eco-conservation Foundation. At the planning stage during the past year, the project has invited business leaders, government officials, academic scholars, and civic organization experts to design pioneer project aiming at bringing Taiwan’s rich ecological resources and local ecotourism into full play. These projects feature the following three focuses:

Explore the beauty of Taiwan by planning in-depth eco-tour — A task force formed by professionals from diverse fields has identified 9 ecological areas with distinctive ecological features. They have made field researches and integrated ecological and humanistic resources of many areas before mapping out these 9 ecology tours. By doing so, the program plans to set up an ecological resources databank in near future. (Please refer to Attachment B for details of the 9 eco tour areas)

Provide professional support to strengthen capacity of industry players —The task force composed of ecology, management, and marketing experts has been set up to help selected tourism enterprises in these 9 areas to diagnose their operational problems and offer professional advices for solution. It will also organize 3 ecology capacity building camps, 2 English eco-tour workshops and 1 seminar focusing on marketing and management to share knowledge on Ecology, Marketing, Management and Language.

Set up an ecotourism platform to unite diverse fields—“Green Life in Taiwan” ecotourism website will be set up with a view to bring together eco-conservation organizations, travel agents, academia, and civic groups to inject vitality into Taiwan’s ecotourism industry. This website will be built up bilingually in Chinese and English to provide detailed information about the magnificence and abundance of Taiwan’s ecological environment.

About Citi
Citi, the leading global financial services company, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 140 countries.  Through its two operating units, Citicorp and Citi Holdings, Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, and wealth management.  Additional information may be found at “www.citigroup.com” or “www.citi.com”.
*About Citi Foundation
The Citi Foundation is committed to the economic empowerment of individuals and families, particularly those in need, in the communities where we work so that they can improve their standard of living. Globally, the Citi Foundation targets its strategic giving on its priority focus areas: Microfinance and Microenterprise, Small and Growing Businesses, Education, and Financial Education and Asset Building. The Citi Foundation works with its partners in Microfinance and Microenterprise and Small and Growing Businesses to support environmental programs and innovations. Additional information can be found at www.citifoundation.com.

Attachment A 

Four Special Features of the
“Green Life in Taiwan—2009 Citi Foundation Eco-tourism Capacity Building Program”

Integrated Resources: This is the sole project Taiwan ever has that integrates the best available resources from the business, the government, the academia sector and civil groups to boost the development of local ecotourism industry.

Comprehensive Contents: In terms of contents, this project includes the transmission of professional knowledge, the setting-up of websites, and the designing of fascinating ecology trails. These efforts aim to protect our environment while rejuvenating local economy.

Professional Workforce: A task force has been formed to include the following scholars and experts:
1. Mr. Lin Jen-teh, director-general of the Forestry Bureau, Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2. Dr. Kuo Cheng-meng, professor at the Institute of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University
3. Dr. Yang Shih-ping, professor of entomology at National Taiwan
University & honorary chair of the ROC Nature Ecology Preservation
4. Dr. Lin Yi-jen, CEO of the Chi Sing Eco-conservation Foundation
5. Dr. Wu Ming-yi, board member of the Ecology Care Association
6. Dr. Wang Yi-fong, director of the Dept. of Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Management, Southern Taiwan University
7. Ms. Wang Hsiu-yen, former chair of the Taiwan Leisure Hotel
Mr. Wu Chien-jeng, founder of the Taiwan B&B Website

International Vision: In line with the global trend of ecotourism, the project is scheduled to offer English-language workshops for people who are interested in ecology-related knowledge. Moreover, the website and ecology databank will be bilingual in Chinese and English versions so that foreigners can gain a better understanding of Taiwan’s rich ecological resources.

Attachment B

Introduction to the 9 Magnificent Ecology Areas

Theme Location Main Attractions
Golden Age--Seashore ecology and history tour
Ginguashih, in
Taipei County Ginguashih used to be a gold mine. This mountain town area boasts of very unique geological landscapes and mining history. Overlooking a sea bay, it is on the way of northeast monsoons, which deeply influence local ecological environment. Here tourists can see various plants of different temperature zones, such as red nanmu (Machilus thunbergiim,) and flying spider-monkey tree fern (Cyathea lepifera (J.Sm.) Copel,) both growing in subtropical zone. There are also Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl growing in cool-temperate zone and Pieris taiwanensis Hay growing in temperate zone.
Discover Rain Forests—
Northern Taiwan’s tropical rain forest tour
Dabangan Ecology
Trail, in Taipei County Dabangan, the only rain forest great-roots area in northern Taiwan, is famous for numerous huge tree roots and vines whose sizes are really amazing. Some of the giant trees have been growing for several centuries. This low-altitude rain forest occupies a land area of 20 hectares. Tourists can leisurely observe various plant species in this botanical treasury.
Above the Skyline—
Fog and cloud sea tour
Yemakanshan Forest Trail, in Hsinchu County 1,923 meters above sea level, Hsuehba Farm is near the Hsuehba National Park, which features forests of giant trees such as red cypress and cryptomeria. Its Yemakanshan Forest Trail offers the best access to these precious trees. There is also a 846-meter-long Fog and Cloud Trail along which tourists can see not only trees of temperate and cool-temperate zones but also rare birds and insects, including Taiwan yuhina (Yuhina brunneiceps), Taiwan sibia (Heterophasia auricularis), green-backed Tit (Parus monticolus) , and the very precious broad-tailed swallowtail butterfly (Agehana maraho).
KORAW Paradise—
Atayal nature and culture tour
Giant Trees Trail & Koraw Ecology Trail, in Hsinchu County Smangus (an Atayal name) is an exemplary tribal community, which is co-governed by local Atayal aborigines. 1,500 meters above sea level, this wonderland boasts of 2 giant red cypress trees which rank 2nd and 3rd in Taiwan in terms of age. Inside the Koraw Ecology Park there is a trail offering tourists an unforgettable ecology journey. A personal visit to Smangus will expand your horizon by knowing many secrets about the magical nature.
Ecology Park
—Mountain lake and falcon-
watching tour
Whitehorse Pavilion Mountain-climbing Trail, in Chiayi County Dapu township is situated in the upstream of Tsengwen Reservoir. Inside the water head protection area, it has abundant ecological resources including indigenous plants, fishes, insects, and birds. There are over 60 bird species while the number of falcons accounts for 1/4 of Taiwan’s total amount. The nearby Whitehorse Pavilion Mountain-climbing Trail is a historical path along which tourists can observe many rare animals and plants such as different bats and the precious Formosan giant cicada (Formotosema siebohmi)..
Birds Playground—Cloud zone ecology tour Sky lake footpaths
Footpaths in the forest Dashueshan (Great Snow Mountain), an area with mixed coniferous-broadleaved forests, is the best bird habitat, and hence tourists can spot some rare species such as Mikado’s pheasants, Swinhoe’s pheasants, yellow tits, and woodpeckers. Other typical singing or colorful birds include nutcrackers, Formosan laughing thrushs, white ear sibias, formosan hill partridge, green backed tit, vivid niltava, and pied wheatear. At night, Dashueshan is an ideal place for observing stars. There are also abundant insects with moths in particular, such as Brahmophthalma wallichii, and Loepa katinka formosensis.
7. Return to Ancient
Historical sites and ecology tour
Batonguan Historic Trail & the Rainbow Trail, in Hualien County The Ching Dynasty (1644-1911) Batonguan Historic Trail stretches east across the main ridges of the Central Range and is the oldest cross-island road in Taiwan and a class-A National Historic Trail. During the Japanese occupation, the Batonguan Cross Mountain Trail was built from 1919 to 1921, passing through the Central Range, whereas the Ching Dynasty Batonguan Historic Trail was closed. These 2 trails are two different systems. There are many cultural remains along the latter trail, left by the aboriginal Bununs, the Japanese, and the Hans. The Batonguan Historic Trail built by the Japanese is located 140-3,280 m above sea level and has both broadleaved forests and mixed coniferous-broadleaved forests, which shelter many fauna and flora species. There is also the Rainbow Trail behind the Dongpu Hot Spring Area. Offering magnificent ecological views, this 1-km footpath is suitable for people of different ages.
Meet Fireflies and Frogs—
Creative ecology tour
Lichia Forest Trail,
In Taitung County The Lichia Forest Trail is in the southern part of the Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley in eastern Taiwan, and is easily accessible from Taitung City. Tourists can not only take a forest bath inside the low-altitude broad-leaved forest but also witness the sight of various fireflies, frogs, birds, insects, and ferns. It is worth mentioning that Lichia has 14 species of frogs, among which the orange-belly green tree frog (Rhacophorus aurantiventris) is most precious. The number of this endemic species recorded at Lichia is the largest in Taiwan. Here you can also experience colorful aboriginal culture.
Explore Wetlands—
Railway ecology tour
Dapuo Pond Trail, in Taitung County The Dapuo Pond is a national wetland beside the Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley. It is a marshland formed by a geological fault and its water head is the Hsinwulu Stream. There are over 20 fish species and over 60 bird species. The Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley is located in the connecting and crushing area of the Eurasia Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, thus being endowed with special geological resources. Tourists getting off at Chishang Railway Station can walk for only 30 minutes to get here. So this is also a good chance to enjoy the interesting landscapes along the railway. Chishang is famous for best-quality rice, which is very popular around Taiwan.
