2009年4月1日 星期三

upntaipeinews-4/1-13-taipei business news-威士忌品飲˙極致饗宴 (Sincere Apology on last week's mailing confusion)

On behalf of Glenmorangie Single Malt Whisky Team. Our apologies on the confusion of last week's email because Ms. Yang forgot to delete the instructions that were given to her before she sent out the email. "W100 Sensory Tour" is an upcoming event hosted by 3 well-known whisky writers in Taiwan. We are one of the brands that will be highlighted at the event. The event is a great chance to learn about single malt whiskies from 5 different regions. (include Highland, Lowland, Campbeltown, Islay, and Isle of Arran) If you have friends or family interested in learning about whisky, please do not hesitate to contact me directly, and we can sign you up for this tasting. You may also visit the website online at www.w100.com.tw for online sign up. Once again, our apologies for causing confusion, and we will monitor future email distribution more closely. Thank you for your continuous support and hope you will get the chance to try our whisky at this great event. Kent 您好, 僅代表格蘭傑單一麥芽威士忌團隊向您致上最高歉意, 上週敝公司由於楊小姐未能注意在寄發邀請函前刪去團隊成員所給予的指示, 而造成您的不解與困擾 W100這個威士忌品飲之旅由三位台灣知名威士忌達人主辦, 帶領你認識威士忌, 格蘭傑是當天其中一款威士忌 這是非常難得的機會, 可以品嘗到蘇格蘭五個區域不同威士忌的風格 (包含高地, 低地, 坎貝爾城, 愛雷, 愛倫島嶼) 若您或是身邊親朋好友有興趣學習威士忌品飲, 請至www.w100.com.tw了解更多活動相關內容 再次對於造成您的困擾致上萬分歉意, 未來我們也將更嚴謹地掌握所有郵件訊息 也感謝您繼續對我們的支持, 希望有機會與您分享我們的格蘭傑單一麥芽威士忌 BR,
