2009年4月30日 星期四

upntaipeinews-taipei news-4/30-08-台北市立美術館新聞稿 - 嚴雋泰伉儷油畫展 Mr. and Mrs. Yen's Joint Exhibition

台北市立美術館新聞稿 - 嚴雋泰伉儷油畫展 Mr. and Mrs. Yen's Joint Exhibition


展期: 2009/05/02 – 0524




嚴夫人 許婉瑱 女士畢業於東京藝術大學,也曾受教於李仲生與劉海粟。她不停描繪最愛的唯一主題─花,在她筆下花朵的溫柔細膩、千姿百態顯得能量鮮活。對她來說,繪畫的靈感在生活中俯拾即是。雖然這幾年因健康因素轉而退為其先生的助手,但夫妻十多年來數次的聯展上,有 嚴 先生就有 嚴 夫人,美滿生活,又能共享創作的樂趣,最為人樂道稱羨。

圖說 :
1. 嚴雋泰
100 x 80cm
2. 嚴雋泰
162 x 130cm
3. 嚴雋泰伉儷於畫室合照

Mr. and Mrs. Yen’s Joint Exhibition
Exhibition Date: 2 009 / 05 / 02-05 / 24
Exhibition Venue: Gallery G, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

It has been eight years since the last joint exhibit of Mr. and Mrs. Yen in Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Total 32 oil paintings will be exhibited and 26 of them are the artists’ new works from 2008 to 2009.
T.T. Yen’ love for arts has been profoundly influenced by his family education. His father, C.K. Yen, the former president of Taiwan , was arts collector and his mother was enthusiastic about watercolor paintings. However, he did not make his own artworks until his 58 year - old.

T.T. Yen’s painting style has apparently changed to a great extent during the past eight years. Beginning with the early period’s semi - figurative paintings, his style gradually became purely and simply abstract; with a conventionally aesthetic approach, he gradually disclosed a bold vision. The director of TFAM, Hsiao - yun Hsieh wrote on the foreword for this exhibit, ‘…Each of his paintings whispers the audience’s indescribable emotions and excitement.’

T.T Yen’wife, Grace Yen, graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and followed artists Li Chun - shen and Liu Hai - su. ‘Flora’ is her favorite and only subject in her paintings. Mr. and Mrs. Yen have held several joint exhibitions over a decade. Their lovely life and happiness of sharing each other’s creation have always been admired by many people.
