2009年4月27日 星期一

upntaipeinews-taipei press conference-4/27-05-台北市立美術館記者會媒體邀請函0430星期四「嚴雋泰伉儷油畫展」Invitation to Press Conference「Mr. and Mrs. Yen Joint Exhibition」

台北市立美術館記者會媒體邀請函0430星期四「嚴雋泰伉儷油畫展」Invitation to Press Conference「Mr. and Mrs. Yen Joint Exhibition」
2009/4/27(一) 下午4:41


時間:2009 年 4 月 30 日 (四) 下午 14:30

14:30 - 14:35台北市立美術館館長謝小韞致詞
14:35 - 14:40 藝術家嚴雋泰致詞
14:40 - 14:45 藝術家嚴夫人許婉瑱致詞
14:45 - 作品導覽、交流訪問

嚴雋泰承襲先翁 嚴靜波 先生喜愛藝術的性情, 從小家學淵源耳濡目染,1994年一場生命的重大轉捩點,嚴雋泰拾起畫筆創作,就此投入藝術繪畫的彩色世界。 嚴 夫人許婉瑱畢業於東京藝術大學,也曾受教於 李仲生 老師與 劉海粟 老師。她不停描繪最愛的唯一主題─花。在她筆下,花朵們的千姿百態顯得特別溫柔敦厚。嚴雋泰伉儷十多年來舉辦數次的聯展,有 嚴 先生就有 嚴 夫人,美滿的生活,又能共享創作的樂趣,是最為人樂道稱羨。
本次展覽將展出嚴雋泰伉儷30餘件畫作,定於 4月30日(五) 舉辦記者會,由謝小韞館長、藝術家共同為媒體介紹其歷年創作,台北市立美術館敬邀媒體到場指教。

圖說 : (左) 嚴雋泰, 雲深不知處, 油彩畫布, 2008; (右) 嚴許婉瑱, 雙嬌, 油彩畫布, 2000

Invitation - Press Conference

Mr. and Mrs. Yen Joint Exhibition

Date: 14:30, 30th, April, 2009
Venue: Gallery G , Taipei Fine Arts Museum

14:30 - 14:35 Remark by Hsiao-yun Hsieh, Director of Taipei Fine Art Museum
14:35 - 14:40 Remark by T.T. Yen, Artist
14:40 - 14:45 Remark by Grace Yen, Artist
14:50 - Interviews and guided tour

T.T. Yen’ love for arts has been profoundly influenced by his family education. His father, C.K. Yen, the former president of Taiwan , was arts collector and his mother was enthusiastic about watercolor paintings. However, not until a turning point did happen to T.T. Yen in 1994, he started to create his own arts. His wife, Grace Yen, graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and followed artists Li Chun-shen and Liu Hai-su. ‘Flora’ is her favorite and the only subject in her paintings. Mr. and Mrs. Yen have hold several joint exhibitions over a decade. Their lovely life and happiness of sharing each other’s creation have always been admired by many people.
You are very welcome to join the press conference on the 30th of April, and if you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact, Yang: 02-2595-7656 ext 106
