2011年3月3日 星期四

upn-taipei news-3/8 press conference-2011-3-3-02-2011年第54屆威尼斯雙年展台灣館》藝術家公布媒體交流會

北市立美術館記者會採訪邀請函 Invitation to TFAM Press Conference


《The Taiwan Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale》Artist List Announcement

時間:2011 年 03 月 08 日 (二) 下午 14:00-15:00

Date: 8th March, 2011, 14:00-15:00


Venue: TFAM Library, B2


北美館館長吳光庭WU, Kwang-Tyng, TFAM Director

北美館雙年展辦公室主任張芳薇CHANG, Feng-Wei, Director, Biennial and Int’l Projects Office,

策展人鄭慧華Amy CHENG, Curator of the Taiwan Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale

參展藝術家王虹凱WANG Hong-Kai, Artist

參展藝術家蘇育賢SU Yu-Hsien, Artist

聲音資料庫/酒吧設計劉國滄LIU Kuo-Chang, Sound Library/Bar Designer


張鐵志、羅悅全CHANG Tieh-Chih, Jeph LO, Sound Library/Bar Content Co-organizers




《The Taiwan Pavilion for 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale》has appointed Amy CHENG as the curator, and announced the theme and content would be revolved around sound which as the carriage to elaborate Taiwan’s social soundscape.

The exhibition is titled 《The Heard and the Unheard - Soundscape Taiwan》and features two Taiwanese artists, WANG, Hong-Kai and SU Yu-Hsien. A press conference will be held to officially announce the artist list on the 8th of March at TFAM. The curator CHENG and artists will attend the conference to share with the press their work concept and the update progress.
