2009年9月2日 星期三

upntoday-9/2-12-taipei press conference-蔡國強 泡美術館》展覽宣告記者會


《蔡國強 泡美術館》展覽宣告記者會

時間:2009 年 9 月 8 日 (二) 下午 14:00-15:30



14:00 - 14:05 台北市立美術館館長謝小韞致詞並介紹合作團隊

14:05 - 14:10 誠品股份有限公司董事長吳清友致詞

14:10 - 14:15 總顧問楊照致詞

14:15 - 14:30 藝術家蔡國強致詞

14:30 - 14:40 交流提問

14:40 - 14:45 電子媒體聯訪與個訪

14:45 - 14:55 平面媒體訪問

14:55 - 15:00 中場休息

15:00 - 15:30 預售票活動


國際當代藝術家蔡國強回顧性大型個展《蔡國強 泡美術館》,將於 2009年11月21日 至 2010年2月21日 在台北市立美術館盛大舉行,此展由北美館與誠品股份有限公司共同主辦,並由著名作家、評論家楊照擔任總顧問,預計展出蔡國強歷年代表作如火藥草圖、影像、大型裝置及預計10月將在台現地創作等新作,規模宏大完整。

主辦單位將於 9月8日星期二 ,假北美館先行舉辦宣告記者會,由北美館館長謝小韞、誠品董事長吳清友、總顧問楊照及藝術家蔡國強共同為媒體介紹展覽內容、書籍出版計劃、座談會、工作坊與教育活動及周邊創意衍生商品等完整規劃。




北美館 公關小組楊舜雯02-2595-7656分機106, 0933-349225, yangsw@tfam.gov.tw

誠品 公共關係部黃惠玲02-8789-8880分機883, 0928-512995, hlhuang@eslite.com.tw

Invitation to Pre - Launch Press Conference

“CAI GUO-QIANG - Hanging Out in the Museum”

Date: Tuesday, September, 8th , 2009, 14:00 p.m.

Venue: TFAM Library


14.00 Remark by Hsieh, Hsiao-yun, Director of TFAM

14.05 Remark by Robert C.Y. Wu, Chairman & President of The eslite


14.10 Remark by Yang Zho, the general consultant

14.15 Remark by Cai Guo-Qiang, the artist

14.30 Q/A

14.40 Interviews to the TV media

14.45 Interviews to the print media

14.55 Break

15.00 Announcement of pre-sale ticketing policy and package promotion

15.30 End of program

This Coming Winter, Welcome to Hang Out in the Museum!

Cai Guo-Qiang, the international well-known contemporary artist’s retrospective solo exhibition is going to be held in TFAM from November, 21st ,2009 to February 21st,2010. This mega exhibit, co-hosted with The eslite corporation and Yang Zhou, being invited as the general consultant, will present Cai’s representatives, new artworks and on-site creation which will be practiced in Taipei in October.

A pre - launch press conference will be held in the museum on the Tuesday of 8th, September. TFAM director, chairman of The eslite corp., Robert Wu, the general consultant, Yang Zhou and the artist Cai Guo-Qiang will give a brief presentation of the exhibit, publishing plan, forums, workshops, educational activities and exclusive merchandise for the exhibit.

To respond the interactive installation ‘Cultural Melting Bath:Project for the 20th Century’, the exhibit name is inspired by the content of the work and audiences will be invited to ‘bath’ in the museum. To encourage public participation, a dual ticket package will be promoted. The first set has already been subscribed by the model, Lin Chi-ling and the author, Tsai Kang-yung. They will present at the press to introduce the ticket package and also their idea of ‘bath’ in the museum.

For attend and more information, please contact:

TFAM International & Public Program

Yang: 02 - 2595 - 7656 ext.106, 0933-349225, yangsw@tfam.gov.tw

The eslite corporation:

Hui-Lin Huang:02- 8789-8880 ext.883, 0928-512995, hlhuang@eslite.com.tw
