2009年10月30日 星期五

upntoday-10/29-06-taipei news-台北市立美術館11月內部施工期間觀眾參觀相應措施


台北市立美術館預定自於 民國98年11月2日(二)至11月20日(五)止,因大廳內部進行施工,原中山北路大廳入口暫時關閉,改由美術館廣場後方(停車場旁)之地下樓臨時入口處進出,北美館特別提醒觀眾留意動線變更。施工期間地下樓及三樓展覽照常開放,並免費參觀,歡迎觀眾多加利用。

北美館將於 11月21日(六)推出「蔡國強 泡美術館」展,並自 11月2日(二)起進行佈展作業。為陳設作品「不合時宜:舞台一」,需於大廳空間使用高空機具設備進行作品吊掛佈置。為維護民眾安全,訂於 11月2日(二)至11月20日(五)止,暫時關閉中山北路大門入口,改由地下樓出入,館方將在原大廳入口前、停車場以雙語標示相關動線指引,且於佈展期間安排駐警人員巡邏,以確保觀眾出入的安全。


Important Visit Information valid from the 2nd of November

From November, 2nd to November, 20th, Taipei Fine Arts Museum will close the main entrance on Zhongshan North Road temporarily. Visitors will be advised to walk across the plaza to use the alternative entrance beside TFAM parking lot. During this period of time, visitors are free of admission.

For the installation of the artwork ‘Inopportune Stage One’ of the upcoming exhibition: ‘Cai Guo Qiang: Hanging Out in the Museum’, a construction field of scaffolds and fork lifts will be executed in the lobby area. Concerning the safety for visitors, TFAM decides to close the lobby entrance from November, 2nd to the 20th. The museum will still operate, but visitors will be advised to enter the museum from the lower floor. Mandarin – English bilingual instructions to the temporary entrance will be posted around.

Facilities of TFAM library, cafeteria, book store and galleries in B1, 3rd floors will open to the public without any disturbance.

Museum open hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:30 to 17:30, Saturday open late to 20:30. For detail of visit information and exhibition, please look up the website: www.tfam.museum
