2012年5月30日 星期三

upn-taipei news-wireless-2012-5-30-07-WiGig台北高峰會議--於臺北國際電腦展期間舉行

Wireless Industry Elite Present at COMPUTEX WiGig Executive Summit Broadcom, Panasonic, Qualcomm Atheros, Intel and Wilocity to lead panel discussion Taipei, Taiwan and Santa Clara, CA. May 30, 2012. The Wireless Gigabit (WiGig) Alliance is set to host an executive summit on June 5 in Taipei as part of COMPUTEX, the world's leading ICT procurement platform. The summit is being jointly organized by Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), WiGig Alliance and the Taipei Computer Association (TCA). It will serve as a platform for speakers and local businesses to connect on global trends and network with international experts and communication brands. WiGig is a 60 GHz super-high-speed wireless technology which is emerging as the short-range standard to link PCs, tablets, smart phones, handheld gadgets, peripherals, displays and other devices together seamlessly at home and in the office. Ali Sadri, President and Chairman of the WiGig Alliance commented: “With this executive summit we aim to inform customers about the WiGig Alliance member commitment to enable not only the technology but also the ecosystem of interoperable products. WiGig technology extends the user experience beyond the traditional wireless networking technologies widely used to connect to the Internet. WiGig enables applications and services that developers can currently only imagine. With this high profile summit we want to encourage engagement between original equipment manufacturers, design manufacturers and silicon providers to ensure that WiGig will be an essential part of many products in the near future.” The summit will beheld at the Taipei International Convention Center and feature a keynote andpanel discussion, including speakers from WiGig Alliance, Broadcom, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Intel and Wilocity. The most up-to-date marketing trends and advanced technical information, as well as WiGig strategies for broadband markets, will be discussed. The event will also feature a WiGig presentation of case studies. “As a global centre for ICT manufacturing, Taiwan is forming a central part of WiGig’s strategy to expand in Asia. We aim to create the WiGig ecosystem that will also benefit Taiwan’s ICT industry. We feel that WiGig represents a great opportunity for many of the industry leading companies based here,” said Dr. Cheng Sheng-Ching, Executive Secretary of the Committee of Communications Industry Development of Taiwan (CoCID). “This is an exciting opportunity for the Taiwan technology industry. The WiGig Alliance is expanding its presence in Asia and I think the improvements brought about by this technology will be greatly beneficial for developers in Taiwan. The executive summit will be informative for both industry bodies and product developers and I am pleased to be a part of this innovative work,” said Mr. Charles Y.P. Huang, Deputy Secretary General from the Taipei Computer Association. Momentum for WiGig has continued to grow in recent months with a number of high profile members joining, including Huawei and ZTE. The WiGig Alliance is now calling for even more developer involvement in the creation of the world’s first unified specification for multi-gigabit wireless docking which is set to make connecting wires redundant. After WiGig’s first successful plugfest in late 2011 more are scheduled throughout 2012 with the first release of certified WiGig products set for early 2013. For further information follow @WiGigAlliance or visit http://wirelessgigabitalliance.org/ Ends Notes to editors: About WiGig Alliance: The WiGig Alliance was formed to establish a global ecosystem of high-speed and easy-to-use wireless devices that seamlessly work together to connect people in the digital age.WiGig technology enables multi‐gigabit wireless communications among consumer electronics, handheld devices and PCs, and drives industry convergence to asingle radio using the readily available, unlicensed 60 GHz spectrum. The organization brings together the world’s leading manufacturers of semiconductors, personal computers, consumer electronics and handheld devices. For more information, please visit www.wigig.org. For all media enquiries, please contact press@wigig.org or call +44 1636 812152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WiGig台北高峰會議--於臺北國際電腦展期間舉行 Broadcom、Panasonic、Qualcomm Atheros、Intel及Wilocity高層精英論壇 2012年5月30日 臺北及加州訊。 WiGig聯盟「WiGig 台北高峰會議」,定於6月5日下午2點假台北國際會議中心102舉行,這是WiGig 在台灣舉辦的第2次大型活動,特別在全球第二大電腦展Computex期間舉行,以吸引更多廠商的參與。 此次會議是高階經理人專屬的高峰會,由WiGig聯盟、工業技術研究院(ITRI) 以及臺北市電腦公會(TCA)聯合舉辦,會議邀請到Broadcom、英特爾、Qualcomm-Atheros、Panasonic及Wilocity 的副總級以上代表參加,討論並分享超高速無線傳輸技術WiGig 的策略發展、趨勢看法、創新應用及案例分享等,這會議提供國內外廠商交流、探索商機與合作的平台。 WiGig聯盟主席暨總裁Ali Sadri表示:「我們希望透過此高峰會讓更多人瞭解,WiGig成員不僅致力於技術創新,更要打造一個可互通互連的產業鏈。與目前被廣泛使用的傳統無線網路技術相比,WiGig技術將會帶給使用者前所未有的體驗,實現以往只能空於想像的應用,此次高峰會議,我們將鼓勵更多OEM、ODM 製造商,與晶片商的互動,WiGig很快的就會成為生活中不可缺少的 。」 經濟部通訊產業發展推動小組鄭聖慶博士指出,「作為全球ICT製造中心,臺灣成為WiGig聯盟在亞洲發展的重要樞紐。我們認為WiGig產業鏈將能惠及整個臺灣ICT產業,並且帶來龐大的商機。」 「這對臺灣資訊產業來說是一個很好的機會,WiGig聯盟正努力拓展在亞洲的影響力,這項技術將有益於台灣廠商。此次高峰會議將提供給企業和產品開發人員重要資訊,我很榮幸能夠參與其中。」台北市電腦公會黃鋆鋇副總幹事表示。 60GHz超高速無線技術,WiGig 聯盟帶來的短距離無線傳輸新標準,正連接起家中及辦公室的個人電腦、平板電腦、智慧型手持裝置、週邊設備、顯示器和其他設備等。 近幾月來,隨著華為、中興等業界領袖企業的加入,WiGig聯盟的規模持續發展壯大。WiGig聯盟正呼籲更多開發廠商參與,創建全球首個數十億位元無線傳輸的統一規格,並逐步取代有線連接。 繼2011年下半年成功舉辦首次互通性測試之後,WiGig聯盟將在2012年舉辦更多活動,並預計在2013年初將首度推出經認證的WiGig聯盟產品。如需獲得更多相關資訊,請參考@WiGigAlliance或官網http://wirelessgigabitalliance.org/。台北高峰會活動網站:http://wigigsummit.org/ 媒體朋友請聯絡press@wigig.org or call +44 1636 812152 關於WiGig聯盟 WiGig Alliance聯盟成立的宗旨,是希望能建立全球Gigabit 級(數十億位元)高速無縫傳輸的產業鏈,WiGig採用不需授權且穩定可靠的60GHz頻譜傳輸大量資料,WiGig的技術已應用在各類高速傳輸上,例如消費性電子產品、手持裝置和電腦等,WiGig 聯盟匯集了世界頂尖的晶片設計製造、半導體、消費電子以及手持裝置等國際大廠。更多訊息請參考網站:www.wigig.org。 關於經濟部通訊產業發展推動小組(CoCID) 為加速國內通訊產業升級,並帶動半導體、軟體、資訊、消費性電子相關產業之創新發展,配合國科會「電信國家型科技計畫」推動無線通訊、寬頻網際網路、應用服務等三大技術重點,以無線通訊、寬頻通訊與電信平台三大產業為目標,經濟部特於92年5月設立「經濟部通訊產業發展推動小組」。
