2016年2月29日 星期一
upn-today premier event-03-01-03-間:104-03-01 至 105-03-02 3月 1 Tue 上午 09:00 立法院院會施政備詢地點:立法院(臺北市中山南路1號) 上午 09:00 立法院院會施政備詢地點:立法院(臺北市中山南路1號)
間:104-03-01 至 105-03-02
- 3月1Tue
- 上午 09:00 立法院院會施政備詢
- 地點:立法院(臺北市中山南路1號)
- 上午 09:00 立法院院會施政備詢
- 地點:立法院(臺北市中山南路1號)
upn-world website-2016-03-01-01- 環球郵報-台北新聞--記者鄢國榮-台北報導 Kent Yen-reporter
upn-taipei news—world website-2016-03-01-tuesday
by kentoyen
upn-taipei news-2016-03-01--01—world website
upn-taipei news-—world website 分享在我的Facebook分享在我的Plurk分享在我的即時通 發文 research 搜索 upn or upn-taipei news or 環球郵報 universal post news 您的新聞在 世界194個 國家及43個 國際 language & 188 世界博客新聞網站可以找到非常感謝您發送電子郵件給我,我們仍然 您可以搜索 research china baido 與 google 谷歌 & yahoo雅虎 & MSN -upn-taipei news 或universal post news 感謝你可以找到 universal post news-reporter-president-kent-yen e-mail to: kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw news or press conference service telephone: 0915-008814 advertisement:886-915008814——————————————————————————————————————————————————- your news in the 194 country & 43 international language & 888 world blog website you can find your news.you can search google&yahoo&msn :search —– upn & upntoday or upn-taipeinews—- you can find your news thank you e-mail news to me we remain thank you for your help universal post news reporter & president -kent-yen ————————————————————————————————- —————————————–new website: 01 http://www.facebook.com/taipeinews 01-http://www.facebook.com/upntoday 02- http://www.plurk.com/upntoday 02-http://www.plurk.com/taipeinews 03- http://www.youtube.com/taipeinews 03-http://www.youtube.com/upntoday 04 – in twitter http://www.geekpark.net/network———————————————————————————– ————–—————————————————————————————————————————————– 1.in taiwan google: http://upntoday.blogspot.com :https://kentoyen.wordpress.com 3-in taiwan sina : http://blog.sina.com.tw/upntoday 4. in taiwan yam :http://blog.yam.com/upntoday 5 .in taiwan pchome:http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/upntoday 6. in taiwan google:http://uptoday168.blogspot.com 7.in taiwan msn: http://upntoday.wordpress.com8.in taiwan pixnet: http://blog.pixnet.net/upntoday 9.
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upn-new taipei news-social-02-29-08-太極門新春茶敘 猴年新春全球慶賀 「良善之光.榮耀五十」 三峽客家文化園區豋場
太極門新春茶敘 猴年新春全球慶賀
「良善之光.榮耀五十」 三峽客家文化園區豋場
馳譽中外的太極門氣功養生學會今年迎接五十週年,特別於全球十地歡慶中國猴年新春茶敘活動。繼2月21日 起於美國洛杉磯、聖荷西、台北、台南、桃園展開的新春茶敘活動,2月28日 (日)上午九點到十二點在新北市三峽客家文化園區以「良善之光.榮耀五十」為主題,呈現一系列充滿中國古早喜慶年味,與古文化新生命的文化饗宴。
太極門掌門人洪道子 博士於致詞中提到:「優良的倫理道德,是良心文化。透過教育傳遞給下一代,培育出身、心、靈健康的公民,在世界的各個角落發揮其正向能量,運用良知、良能,落實在自己的生活與工作;散播好心與善念,去溫暖更多的生命。優美的氣功武學藝術,是國粹文化。藉由古老門派的師徒相傳,讓文化的光華得以延續,並且注入新世代、新時代的創新元素,綻放出嶄新的風貌與活力。」
在洪道子博士引導下,太極門弟子呈現博大精深的文化內涵與創新薪傳的文化生命力。歡慶猴年新春,現場有天官、祥獅、彩球美少女喜迎賓客;Energy Boys and Girls的活力與朝氣,鼓勵現場來賓在新的一年都能用快樂的能量衝破難關、正向積極面對生活各種挑戰;青年武術師兄神氣十足,展現出少年學武的瀟灑自在;太極門新生代組成的合唱團獻唱「The angel in your heart」以天使之心唱出溫暖祝福,為全球祈福;歡欣快樂的喜童送來健康、財富、智慧、快樂、幸福五寶等。多元藝術呈現,帶領人們進入精彩的文化嘉年華會,身心靈沉浸於純真喜悅與歡喜祝福。
現場還有一場智慧分享,是由新店慈濟醫院病理科主治醫師林志恭師兄,以「快樂能量 翻轉人生」為題,提到一般我們所產生的能量,第一是靠呼吸產生;第二種是透過改脾氣,讓自己產生能量;第三是太極門道館就是一個充滿能量的地方,可以獲取源源不絕的能量,這就是為什麼師兄姊們可以改得快、氣色好、變年輕,事業家庭都可以順利的主要原因。
28日同時也慶祝「良心時代運動」推展至今風行五大洲196國的成果,期望良善之光普照大地,全球同心共創良心時代。美國聯邦眾議員暨眾議院外交委員會主席Ed Royce曾表示,良心時代運動透過網路,讓很多年輕人的良心得以被啟發,讓他們找到需要扮演的重要角色,來幫助這個世界更和平,讓世界有正義及解決問題的方法。
太極門氣功養生學會走過半世紀,致力珍惜文化價值、保存文化命脈,也感謝所有一同努力維護文化尊嚴的個人與團體。洪道子 博士並期許與會嘉賓和太極門氣功養生學會一起分享新春茶敘文化饗宴,讓自己的心充滿正向能量,為一整年的良善行動力加油。
圖1:太極門新生代合唱團獻唱「The angel in your
upn-taipei news-velo-city-2016-02-29-07-VELO-CITY GLOBAL TAIPEI 2016 - DAY 01 27th of February Government, Business and Advocacy united in the Opening Plenary of a Very Promising Velo-city Taipei Opening Ceremony
27th of February
Government, Business and Advocacy united in the Opening Plenary of a Very Promising Velo-city Taipei
Opening Ceremony

The city of Taipei is very proud to host the very first Velo-city in Asia and took the occasion of the Opening plenary to stress how much efforts they have taken in the last years to promote cycling. Commissioner Anne Chung clearly stated the government is working “hard to make our city safer, more sustainable and more liveable for our citizens. Since 2000, we have promoted cycling policies such as the Car Free Day, the extension of bike lanes, the Youbike bike share system, allowing bikes on trains and organising Velo-city to encourage more people to cycle.”
Deputy Mayor Charles Lin confirms that Taipei is looking to the future: they want an open government that is people oriented. And their acts show they mean it: Taipei city invests in better transport hubs, high speed rail, banned trucks out of the city centre, destroyed a huge overpass that was a barrier in the city in 168 hours. Specifically for cyclists, the city is going from 58km of bike paths to 190km in the next 3 years to form a real cycle network and doubling the Youbike system from 222 to 400 stations. Deputy Mayor Lin: “We are working towards our city vision for 2050, even though it costs money and causes conflicts.”
The cities are not alone, they can count on researchers, mayors of other cities, experts, industry and advocates for support - declared Manfred Neun - Many of these people are part of the 2016 Velo-city delegation and we will make sure the world realizes that less passive mobility is more active mobility, more access, more space for people and many more benefits that cycling brings for all, including the economy

Velo-city definitely kicked off with a great and inspiring Opening Plenary, and Manfred Neun affirmed once more that Taipei is a leading example for other Asian cities!
Cycling will Change our Cities’ Face, but What do Mayors Think About that?
Sustainable Urban Development: the Mayors' Point of View

Day 1 at Velo-city 2016 Taipei ends with a bang! Six (vice)-mayors (one former) from 3 different continents explain how they see the evolution of cycling in their city.Stephen Yarwoord, former Lord Mayor of Adelaide (Velo-city 2014 host city) believestechnology will enhance the systematic evolution of cycling. From e-bikes to bike glasses with added reality and artificial intelligence, it will benefit to the chemistry of cognitive cities.
Vice Mayor Charles Lin of Taipei believes sharing economy is the game changer andmultimodal, well integrated transport for all. Taipei’s vision on transport is driven by “BBMW”, which is not the newest car, but stands for Bike, Bus, Metro, Walk oriented vision to manage mobility. The city Metro coverage is already 86% and this will be reinforced by a dense network of shared Youbikes (working towards 5min / 350meters walking between to stations), shared Youcars and shared electric Youmotorcycles. Taipei will also invest to become a Smart City but deputy Mayor Lin insists technology should be in function of people.
In Vienna (Velo-city 2013 host city), recently elected the world’s most liveable city and proud member of the Cities for Cyclists Network, redefining public spaces is key as they did with the 1,5km long shopping street Mariahilfe, that has been transformed into a shared space. A good mix of actions from the city, citizens and businesses can contaminate the city with the cycling virus. A good virus, as Vice Mayor Maria Vassilakou experienced with the launch of the bike share system: at the start it was chaotic, but people smiled, had fun. Vienna also gives citizens support to reclaim their streets and experiment.
Copenhagen (Velo-city 2010 host city) doesn’t come up with big secrets, but puts citizens in the centre of the debate. Copenhageners asked for change 30 years ago and cycle because it is fast and easy. So Vice Mayor Morten Kabell advises to make cycling the easy and natural option. Landmark cycling infrastructure is well invested money, he explains: “Our newest cycle bridge will be paid off in only 6 yearstime and 10 years of cycling investments are half the price of a car bypass of 3km. So get started with cycling, you will not regret it.”
The Japanese Mayors of the cities Onomichi and Imabari connected their cities with one of the world’s most beautiful bike routes across six islands “the Shimanami Kaido cycle route”. For them cycling tourism is the trigger for economic and social thriving. It has created a band between the two cities and their citizens and they are now working on new cycling routes.
The session was in the good hands of Philippe Crist, OECD, who was surprised by the Danish Cycling Embassy with this year’s Leadership Award for his outstanding knowledge and ongoing commitment to cycling worldwide.
The New Trend of the Cycling World: Cycle Highways on the Table today
Cycle Highways: Non-stop to Mass Transit by Bike

Even in a cycle-friendly country like the Netherlands, Sjors met - to his big surprise - resistance among local people who were against the project. They associated with it, initially, a motorway highway which stands for noise and air pollution, a reason why Sjors does not like the name ‘highway’. According to him, a cycle highway should also not be so much about speed but about convenience. “People will prefer taking a longer over a shorter route if it’s short in their mind.”
Crucial to an acceptance of a cycle highway among the people is also to get it into their mental map with good signposting and lightning – something the RijnWaalpad has done in an exemplary manner. Come and find out yourself next year at Velo-city Arnhem-Nijmegen!
The World's top Cycling Embassies shared their Secrets on Cycling Advocacy

The Secret Behind Denmark’s Cycling Success
Some figures first: the bicycle is used for 17% of the trips in Denmark; in Copenhagen, 50% of children cycle to school, 99% of kids under 10 years old know how to cycle; 45% of the commute trips in Copenhagen are done by bike. But even the Danish capital city has not always been the bicycle heaven it is today: "The levels of cycling the city sees today are the result of a long-term persistent and hard work" says Niels Hoe, one of the 3 presenters of the Danish Cycling Embassy at the workshop.
The evolution of cycling in Copenhagen can be well seen at Norrebrogade, one of the main traffic hot spots in the city. While in 1949 still 62,000 daily cyclists passed this intersection, the figure drop by more than 85 % to 8,200 in 1978. Since then it has bounced back to 42,000. What triggered that change? "The people of Copenhagen demanded it" said Klaus Bondam, combined with visionary thinking from city planner Jan Gehl. But even in cities like Copenhagen not all fights are fought yet: when car parking places are to be removed, shopkeepers complain; and "although the investments in cycling are significant (in the period 2005–2016 1 billion DKK/133 million Euro were spent), other modes still get more money" Marie Kastrüp added. Even in Copenhagen things can still be improved.

German Embassy Shared their Expertise in Cycling Tourism
The cycling tourism sector generates more than 9 billion Euro economic impact per year in Germany. Its not a surprise because 26 million germans are making day trips and 6 million Germans do cycle holidays (with overnight) per year. This mean German cycling tourism generates 10% of all tourism incomes in Germany. Burkhard Stork, CEO of ADFC (the German Cyclists' Association), revealed the 3 secrets to Germany’s cycle tourism success: 1. They operate with high quality products, 2. They have one route operator fully responsible for all components (infrastructure, services, promotion) of each route, 3. They operate with wide target groups not focusing on a niche market. Louise Böhler explained how they ensure this quality using the Bett&Bike system and the certification standard developed and dlivered by ADFC. Claudia Kreiger explained how does this work in practice in case of the Ruhr Valley Cycle Route.
The Data we Have, The Data we Use: Apology of Data Analysis in Cycling
The Data we Have, The Data we Use

The presentations started off with the 2015 Worldwide Cycling Index, based on an aggregation of data from automated counters from countries all around the world. Next in line was the Global High Shift Cycling study by the University of California Davis and the Institute for Transport and Development (ITDP), which includes acomprehensive set of cycling modal share data from cities around the globe and shows that it would be possible to reach a modal share of 23% for cycling in 2050, creating huge benefits in terms of CO2 emissions savings and saving large amounts of money for cities. The third presentation introduced an innovative app developed in Austria to track cyclists’ daily routes and retrieve data on for example their average speed in different street sections.
The ensuing debate focused on the usability of the different data presented in advocacy and decision-making in concrete cases.
From eBikes to eScooters: don't ask If, but When the Shift will Come
From (e-)scooters to (e-)bikes? A question of safety
This session discussed the rise and use of electric powered active two wheelers. Tien-ben Hsu, from the University of Taipei, started by comparing safety risks between bicycles, eBikes and eScooters from the viewpoint of Taipei.

“The situation in China is rather different” declared Xiaohong Chen, from Tonji University. Given thesubstantial lack of segregated bike lanes, all road users share the same space, which easily results in an increased extra danger for bicycles. Nevertheless, the absolute and relative data lead to the conclusion that the eBike and eScooter trends in China are not as dangerous as it was feared at first.
On his behalf, Peter Cox from the University of Chester introduced another point of view: in his opinion, a comprehensive understanding of the street dynamics is crucial:
How and why we differentiate between different 2 wheeler modes of transport are fundamental questions, since rather than regulating vehicles by motor power or size, speed, aerodynamics and acceleration should be considered
In conclusion, this session clearly demonstrated that essentially good education, understanding and infrastructures are the most important aspects to improve safety in urban areas; and even the most concerning data should not prevent the further development of human and electric powered vehicles. As stated by Eric Britton, working with EcoPlan International, “electric vehicles agenda is to be strongly promoted in order to combat the huge threat to human existence that global warming represents.”
Number of Bike Theft Destined to Fall: Smart Parking Solutions are on the way
Smart Parking Solutions
Space in urban areas is at an absolute premium and Public Bike Sharing systems must find the best way to use the space available.
The opening declaration of Shravan Shah, professor at CEPT University and active in the Centre for Green Mobility in Ahmedabad, pointed directly at the main issue, when talking about parking solutions. Starting with the bike dimension and working through to the use and manipulation of the bike at the stations, he spoke about the need to find an optimum layout and storage of bikes at docking stations. A good Bike Share should combine ease of access, good dock design, safe locking and cleaning facilities, and if possible shelter and an easy to find design. Space for non Bike Share users should also be a consideration.

Presenting the innovative Eco-Cycle underground and over ground parking solutions, Tsunenobu Nozaki from Giken said that “To clear away the clutter of bikes being left in public spaces, the solution is to build up and down into the ground!” This new structure takes the bike, numbers the bike and stores it in the most efficient and safe way possible.
Martijn te Lintelo from Nijmegen public authority, the Dutch Cycling Embassy and Fietsberaad gave us the Dutch perspective! Parking must be seen as an integral part of the journey, and as essential for intermodality with public transport. The first ingredient is to have an integrated mobility approach rather than just providing cycling facilities. Quality and well designed racks which deter theft should be seen as essential everywhere cycling is promoted as an everyday mode of transport: the Dutch experience demonstrates that good bike parking provides comfortable last mile delivery, links the bike to public transport and boosts retail sales with shopping by bike.
The session has been well managed by ECF's Policy Officer Ceri Woolsgrove.
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