2012年12月26日 星期三

upn-taipei news-1/13 holiday event-2012-12-26-09-達利特展1億2000萬元雕塑 首登飛馳中 2012秋季國際藝術拍賣會

達利特展1億2000萬元雕塑 首登飛馳中 2012秋季國際藝術拍賣會 特別企劃 《瘋狂達利‧超現實主義大師特展》現正於高雄市立美術館展出,部份國際級展品將於2013年1月13日首登台灣拍賣市場!由瑞士史崔登基金會與UEG聯合策劃的《瘋狂達利》巡迴展,環遊全球84國後,來到台灣中正紀念堂及高美館展出,目前已創下40萬參觀人次。「飛馳中2012秋季國際藝術拍賣會」獨家取得瑞士史崔登基金會授權,總價值高達新台幣1億2000萬元(約250萬歐元)的7件達利雕塑與3組達利版畫,將為台灣藝術拍賣市場寫下重要里程碑。 台灣藝術拍賣市場起於1990年代,隨著國際知名拍賣公司蘇富比及佳士得的進駐,帶動台灣藝術市場發展,國內拍賣公司數量與日俱增;然而,2000年初與2001年底,蘇富比與佳士得相繼宣告撤離台灣後,對台灣藝術拍賣市場造成強烈衝擊。 「飛馳中2012秋季國際藝術拍賣會」獲得史崔登文化藝術基金會收藏者同意,精挑7件「瘋狂達利‧超現實主義大師特展」大型雕塑展品,讓台灣收藏者進行競標,創下首度台灣美術館級的國際大師展品,在巡迴展期間同時進入台灣拍賣市場的案例,此舉宣告台灣藝術拍賣市場正式重新與國際接軌。 創立20餘年的瑞士史崔登基金會為全世界收藏達利藝術品數量最多的單位之一專業策展呈現達利在不同材質運用,如雕塑、版畫、琉璃、金飾等的天才表現。此次「飛馳中2012秋季國際藝術拍賣會」登場的7件雕塑,包含戈蒂娃女神與蝴蝶(Lady Godiva)、亞當與夏娃(Adam and Eve)、勝利天使(Triumphant Angel)、蝸牛與天使(Snail andthe Angel)、時間之女(Woman of Time)、男人與蝴蝶(Man with Butterfly)、向流行致敬(Homage to Fashion),為達利生前親自授權,於1984年製作完成,且版次均在8件之內,等同於原作價值。 飛馳中 2012秋季國際藝術拍賣會 拍賣時間: 2013 / 1 / 13 (日) 14:30 預展時間: 2013 / 1 / 11 (五)10:00~19:00 2013 / 1 / 12 (六)10:00~18:00 拍賣地點: 富邦人壽大樓國際會議中心 (臺北市敦化南路一段108 號B2) 相關連結 http://event.artemperor.tw/auction/autumn2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 120 million worth sculpture art work from the “Dalí, Mind of Genius” exhibition will be debut in the 2012 autumn auction host by ART EMPEROR Some of the world class art work among the objects in “Dalí, Mind of Genius” exhibition which is currently showing now at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts will be debut in the 2012 autumn auction host by ART EMPEROR on January 13th ,2013! The “Dalí, Mind of Genius” exhibition which is presented by the Stratton Foundation and United Exhibition Group came to Taiwan after it has already tour in 84 countries and create a record of 400 thousand people visiting so far in Taiwan alone. ART EMPEROR has obtain this wonderful opportunity with the exclusive authorization from the Stratton Foundation to put down a milestone by joining 7 Dali sculptures and 3 series of the Dali illustrated books with a total worth of NTD 120 million(approx. EURO 2.5 million) dollars into the 2012 autumn auction. The auction market in Taiwan started in the era of 90s and with international auction house like Sotheby's and Christie's join later on. It has created certain demand of the market and to drive the development of Taiwan's art market. Yet it was quite shocking news to the market when Sotheby's declare leaving the Taiwanese market in 2000 and followed by Christie's in the 2001. With the authorization from the Stratton Foundation, ART EMPEROR has elaborately selected 7 sculptures and 3 series of the illustrated books from the exhibition “Dalí, Mind of Genius” for the art collectors to bid in the auction and this is the very first time that the world class art work to participating in auction along with the exhibition is currently touring in the country and we are honor to announce that the art auction market in Taiwan has now official to reconnect to the world. The Stratton Foundation is founded with the history more than 20 years and it’s the foundation that collects one of the largest amount of Dali’s art work specializing in exhibiting Dali’s genius in different mediums such as sculptures, Illustrated books, Glass, Gold etc. . . ART EMPEROR is glad to present 7 Dali sculptures including Lady Godiva, Adam and Eve, Triumphant Angel, Snail and the Angel, Woman of Time, Man with Butterfly, Homage to Fashion in the 2012 autumn auction hosted by ART EMPEROR.
