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uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:09 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 30, 2008
upn-01-微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
upn-taipei news-01 微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
upn-taipei news-01 微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:25 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 30, 2008
upn-02-你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 888 個 blog 網站blog website 看見
upn- 你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站blog website 看見
upn- 你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站blog website 看見
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金融投資-排行榜第14名 網誌首頁排行榜:共上榜3次(未全部列出) 隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了 please news or conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw service tel: 0915008814 reporter & president mr.kent- <------------------------------------------------------(繼續閱讀...)
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September 30, 2008
upn-03-東山財神宮-九天玄女.降10 支發財牌.&.member 降7 支發財牌. 助你東山再起
upn-03-東山財神宮-九天玄女.降10 支發財牌.&.member 降7 支發財牌. 助你東山再起
東山財神宮-助你東山再起 東山財神.降7支發財牌. 助你東山再起. 台灣大樂透.台灣 super 樂透.台灣539< 台灣大合彩.香港六合彩. 中國雙色球.美國威利球 . 美國加洲天天.歐洲樂透. ----------中獎後請隨意吃紅樂捐自環球郵報付款方式: 1.劃撥1861-5906 戶名:環球郵報有限公司 2.支票:禮卷請寄至台北郵局10707號信箱< 電話: 0915008814 (繼續閱讀...)
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 29, 2008
upn-04 -Visitors bilingual Universal Post news - today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-10-economic news-財經簡訊(2008年9月18日) 記者: 雨田
財經簡訊(2008年9月18日) 記者: 雨田
標準普爾500種股票指數上升50.01,升幅4.32 %,以1,206.60收盤。
分析人士和投資者擔心,如果美國第2大投行摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)與陷入困境的美國第4大銀行瓦喬維亞銀行(Wachovia)合併,將不會改善摩根士丹利的前景。
美國第一大儲蓄銀行華盛頓互惠銀行(Washington Mutual)的第一大投資者、私人股權投資公司TPG已同意該銀行籌集更多資本或者出售整個公司。今年4月TPG領銜對華盛頓互惠投入了72億美元資金。
英國政府正在推動Lloyds TSB銀行收購英國最大的房貸機構HBOS。Lloyds TSB週三晚間同意以120億英鎊並購HBOS,合併後的公司將成為英國最大的零售銀行,並且其在英國抵押貸款市場的份額將達到28%。為使這宗並購案順利通過,英國政府表示將排除"企業公平競爭法"障礙。
台灣富邦金融控股公司(Fubon Financial Holding)表示,該公司正在考慮到香港上市。如果富邦金融控股能夠獲准在香港證券市場上市,它將成為在港上市的第一家台灣金融機構。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:27 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-09-economic news美國央行注資剝離壞帳 市場大振 記者: 木風 -
美國央行注資剝離壞帳 市場大振 記者: 木風
*西方央行聯手 力挽狂瀾*
新澤西州的經濟展望研究所的首席全球經濟學家伯納德·鮑莫爾(Bernard Baumohl )對美國之音說,
*治標有效 治本三策*
不過,還有一些專家認為央行的這個行動治標不治本。紐約的一家大型資產管理公司FTN金融公司的首席經濟學家克裏斯托夫·洛(Christopher Low)在接受美國之音採訪的時候首先肯定了央行救市的舉措。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:26 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-08-economic.news-摩根士丹利和瓦喬維亞銀行談合併 記者: 袁野
摩根士丹利和瓦喬維亞銀行談合併 記者: 袁野
美國財經媒體CNBC報導說,摩根士丹利和瓦喬維亞的合併談判已經進入了“高級階段”。雙方正在完成對財務狀況和經營狀況進行審核的盡職審查(due diligence)過程。
事實上,摩根士丹利星期一公佈的第三季度財報顯示其實現凈利潤14.3億美元,合每股收益1.32美元,大大優於華爾街分析師的預測。 其中,公司主營業務增長百分之1,達到80.5億美元。
總部位於新澤西州普林斯頓的金融諮詢公司經濟展望集團首席經濟師伯納德·鮑默爾(Bernard Baumohl)認為,摩根士丹利尋求合併的舉動與其說是因為自身財務狀況難以為繼,不如說是受到瀰漫華爾街的恐慌情緒驅使。
*前有空方打壓 後有對手爭搶*
儘管摩根士丹利第三季度的業績可圈可點,但是並沒有阻止其股價本星期急劇下滑。摩根士丹利的首席執行官麥晉桁(John Mack)星期三在寫給僱員的一份備忘錄中說,“現在的形勢很明顯,我們正處在一個由恐懼和謠言主導的市場當中。做空我們的炒家讓股價一跌再跌。”本星期的前四個交易日,摩根士丹利股價從每股33美元一路降至17美元。
經濟智庫環球透視的金融經濟項目主任布萊恩·貝修恩(Brian Bethune)指出,眼下的摩根士丹利和其他所有大型投行一樣,幾乎全部靠對衝基金、券商、商業銀行貸款等外部資金來維持營運。而瓦喬維亞銀行擁有的4千億美元的儲蓄將有利於摩根士丹利擴展投資渠道。
*上回被蛇咬 如今怕大摩?*
鮑默爾指出,瓦喬維亞銀行兩年前收購投資銀行Golden West金融公司後,在賬面上繼承了超過一千億美元的高風險貸款。次貸危機爆發後,瓦喬維亞自身的市值也是一路縮水。在這種情況下,很難想像瓦喬維亞銀行的股東們會對這筆交易展示太多熱情。他說,
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:24 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-07-world news-賴斯:俄羅斯政策使其自我孤立 記者: 戈勒斯特
賴斯:俄羅斯政策使其自我孤立 記者: 戈勒斯特
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:23 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-06-world news-u.s.a. newsUS Government Works on Financial Rescue Plan -
US Government Works on Financial Rescue Plan
By VOA News
19 September 2008
US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, 18 Sep 2008
U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says the government is working on a plan to rescue banks from the bad debts at the center of Wall Street's financial crisis.
Paulson said Thursday officials are working on a way to deal with what he called "the systemic risk and stresses" in U.S. markets. He said the approach will require legislation from Congress.
The Treasury secretary spoke to reporters alongside Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, following a late-night meeting in Pelosi's congressional office.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he expects the Bush administration will send a proposal to lawmakers in a matter of hours.
The president discussed the situation earlier Thursday with Paulson, Bernanke and Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox.
U.S. stock market indexes soared about four percent late Thursday following reports of the government's plans.
It was the biggest one-day percentage gain for the indexes in six years and nearly recovered the steep losses of the previous day.
In a letter to Mr. Bush Thursday, Pelosi called for another economic recovery package, saying Congress stands ready to meet beyond its planned adjournment on September 26 to consider legislation related to the financial crisis.
News reports say the government's plans could involve an entity similar to one created during the savings and loan crisis two decades ago.
Earlier in the day, fears of a global financial meltdown forced the U.S. Federal Reserve and other major central banks to pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the world's financial markets. The banks hoped the move would help restore the confidence of investors.
Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve gave an $85 billion emergency loan to bail out the world's biggest insurance company, American International Group (AIG). AIG nearly collapsed after major losses in the housing crisis.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:20 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-05-world news-middle east news-Iran's Ahmadinejad Dismisses Sanction Talk as Weak
Iran's Ahmadinejad Dismisses Sanction Talk as Weak
By VOA News
18 September 2008
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 18 Sep 2008
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has dismissed talk of new sanctions over Iran's disputed nuclear work as a sign of weakness by those making the threat.
Speaking on state television Thursday, Mr. Ahmadinejad said Tehran will continue its nuclear work. He said a report this week by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) clearly stated that his nation's nuclear activities are peaceful.
The IAEA said it was at an impasse with Iran over an investigation into Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons work.
The report prompted several nations, including France and the United States, to raise the idea of another set of sanctions against Iran.
Mr. Ahmadinejad said the IAEA had overstepped its mandate in pursuing the investigation, saying the agency is not authorized to put accusations by other governments on its agenda.
In addition to the report noting Iran's non-cooperation on several issues, diplomats say the IAEA has evidence suggesting Iran tried to modify a long-distance missile to carry a nuclear weapon, a charge Iran denied.
The United States plans on discussing the report Friday with representatives from China, Russia, France, Britain, and Germany ahead of possible further meetings next week on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.
Mr. Ahmadinejad will address the Assembly next week. During his speech today, he said he would be free to talk to the U.S. presidential candidates. He said a meeting with U.S. President George Bush, who is near the end of his term in office, would have no impact.
Some information for this report was provided by AFP.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:19 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-04-world news-europe news-Analysts: Economic Crisis Threatens Consumer Confidence
Analysts: Economic Crisis Threatens Consumer Confidence
By Meredith Buel
18 September 2008
The U.S. economy's biggest crisis since the Great Depression has some economists concerned that a psychology of fear has gripped investors, not only in the United States, but also in Europe and Asia. As VOA correspondent Meredith Buel reports from Washington, the steep economic downturn is threatening the confidence of everyday people.
It was a beautiful, sunny day as tourists strolled around the White House here in Washington taking pictures and trying not to worry about the financial turmoil in the markets.
Fifty eight-year-old Reid Collier says he has already lost a significant amount of the money he saved for retirement.
"I have probably lost 30 to 35 percent on most of my retirement accounts that are invested in various market instruments," said Reid Collier. " Like I said I am a little concerned. It is very disheartening if you look at it everyday so I just try not to do that."
President Bush speaking at the White House, 18 Sep 2008
"The American people are concerned about the situation in our financial markets and our economy and I share their concerns," said President Bush.
Just a short distance away President Bush held an emergency meeting with his financial advisors at the White House and came outside to reassure the public.
"The American people can be sure we will continue to act to strengthen and stabilize our financial markets and improve investor confidence," said Mr. Bush.
The world's major banks, led by the U.S. Federal Reserve, pumped billions of dollars into the banking system in an urgent effort to stop further turmoil.
Still as workers in New York's financial industry lost their jobs and cleared out their workspaces many expressed fear about the future.
"I think it's very overwhelming," said one of them. "I think that the climate is just extremely, it's scary. People are nervous about their finances. At the end of the day, it's very nerve wracking."
Morgan Stanley headquarters in New York, 18 Sep 2008
Many investors rushed to buy commodities like gold or super safe Treasury bills, which yielded their lowest return since World War II.
Investors like Denise Raulins are worried about the future.
"I think it's going to get worse, even worse, before it gets better," said Denise Raulins. "I am hoping, I am going to be optimistic that it's going to get better. But the way things are going now, no time soon."
Financial analysts say the United States has now entered a time of tight credit, which could have a widespread impact on everything from college loans to retirement plans.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:18 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-03-world news-asia news-India to Strengthen National Security Following Bomb Attacks
India to Strengthen National Security Following Bomb Attacks
By Anjana Pasricha
New Delhi
18 September 2008
Pasricha report - Download (MP3)
Pasricha report - Listen (MP3)
Indian authorities have announced a series of measures to strengthen security following recent bombings in major cities, including the capital. Anjana Pasricha reports from New Delhi, the government has come under attack for not doing enough to counter terrorism.
Madhukar Gupta (file photo)
Indian Home Secretary, Madhukar Gupta says a new counter-terrorism center will be established to prevent terror attacks in the country. He says more police personnel will also be recruited, and closed-circuit TV cameras installed in crowded places such as shopping malls.
Officials also acknowledged they must be ready to deal with threats from home-grown militants.
The measures, which are part of a revamp of the police and intelligence apparatus, were announced days after the Indian capital was hit by a series of bomb blasts.
People carry an injured woman after a bomb explosion in New Delhi, India, 13 Sep 2008
New Delhi was the latest target of bomb attacks that have killed more than 100 people in major cities during the past four months. The pattern of attacks has been similar, low-intensity bombs planted in crowded areas such as markets.
The bombings have led to strong criticism that the government lacks an effective counter-terrorist policy, and intelligence agencies are not able to tackle the menace.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh admitted Wednesday there are "still vast gaps in intelligence and these need to be overcome."
Home Secretary Gupta says efforts are being made to strengthen vigilance and intelligence gathering.
"There is a very specific element and component of this, which is basically a joint task force between the central agencies and the concerned states which work together, sharing of information, getting linkages, pool information from various other places and various other states where these things have happened," he said.
But the government has turned down calls by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party for the reinstatement of a tough anti-terror law that was scrapped by the government after it came to power. The BJP says the law is needed to tackle the growing terror threat, but the government says it was misused to harass Muslims.
Information and Broadcasting Minister, Priya Ranjan Das Munshi says the law will not be revived.
"Categorically, I say no, no, no," he said. "It [the law] was acutely draconian against human rights."
Security experts are also urging the government to pay closer attention to the threat posed by home-grown militant groups. A group called Indian Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for several of the recent bombings.
Previously, India pointed the finger at Pakistan-based Islamic militant groups for terror attacks, but there are fears the recent attacks were the work of a locally based group.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:17 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-02-world news-americas news-Russian Bombers Depart Venezuela Following Military Exercises
Russian Bombers Depart Venezuela Following Military Exercises
By VOA News
18 September 2008
Tu-160 bomber (file photo)
Russian bombers left Venezuela, one week after arriving in the South American country to conduct military exercises.
The Russian news agency Itar-Tass reports that the two strategic bombers took off from Caracas in the early morning hours Thursday. While in the region, the bombers conducted air patrol flights over neutral waters in the Caribbean.
Itar-Tass says the bombers will patrol neutral waters in the Atlantic and North Arctic Oceans before returning to Russia on Friday.
The Tu-160 bombers arrived in Venezuela September 10, days after Russia announced it would send a naval squadron and anti-submarine aircraft to Venezuela for possible joint military exercises in November.
Russia's military exercises later this year would be its first major maneuvers in the Western Hemisphere since the Cold War.
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:15 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
September 19, 2008
upn-01-world news-africa news-Swaziland Protesting Union Leaders Arrested Ahead of Parliament
Swaziland Protesting Union Leaders Arrested Ahead of Parliamentary Election
By Peter Clottey
Washington, D.C.
19 September 2008
Clottey Interview With Vincent Dlamini - Download (MP3)
Clottey Interview With Vincent Dlamini - Listen (MP3)
The people of Swaziland go to the polls Friday to elect members of parliament amid government crackdown against pro-democracy demonstrators who are calling for political reforms under King Mswati III. Swazi police arrested several protest leaders Thursday, saying the protesters were causing Anarchy.But the demonstrators say today’s parliamentary election is a façade calculated to deceive Swazis into believing that absolute monarch, King Mswati III, is interested in democracy.
Vincent Dlamini is the main proponent of the protest march. He tells reporter Peter Clottey from the capital, Mbabane that the protests would continue unabated until their demands for democratic reforms are met.
“Some of the union leaders were arrested during our protests and demonstration around the country’s border post yesterday. Some of the were released later on after their detention, but I’m not quite sure what happened to the others. We are still trying to locate where they are at the moment. What we can also report is that quite a number of workers, in the southern part of the country in Mshangano were brutally assaulted by the police as they were conducting the demonstration against the election that would be held this morning in our country,” Dlamini said.
He said the union workers are protesting against he called an undemocratic system, which he said clamps down on their right to a free democratic society.
“We are protesting against the current Nikunda system, which we believe is undemocratic, and we are demanding that elections must be held under a multi-party democratic system. This current system came into place by the banning of the political parties in 1973 by the previous King Sobhuza II. In this particular state of emergency, one significant thing that happened was that all three branches of government were transferred to the king. That is the judiciary, legislature and all other executive powers were vested in the king by that particular decree, which banned political parties in the country,” he said.
Dlamini said the protesters want to enjoy democracy just like most people in other parts of the world do.
“We are saying that we want elections to be conducted in a multi-party democratic environment,” Dlamini pointed out.
He sharply denied that Friday’s parliamentary election is an attempt by the government to bring about some democratic reforms.
“No, no, no, there is no reform at all. What is happening in our country is that the majority of the people reside in the rural areas, which is about 70% of the population. And therefore quite a number of them are participating in this election because they are intimidated by the chiefs who are appendages of the monarch. The chiefs run the rural areas and the villages on behalf of the monarch and they tend to intimidate and evict people who do not conform to the dictates of the regime,” he said.
Dlamini accused the government of not educating the masses on the benefits of democracy.
“What is happening is that the regime in our country currently thrives on the ignorance of the masses. In the rural areas there are high level of poverty and people are being abused in the sense that what is happening, they are given food passes and all that and are being bribed so to speak,” Dlamini noted.
He said union workers would not stop protesting to ensure their voices for democratic reforms are heard.
“What we are going to do next is that we will continue in engaging in mass action, we will have mass demonstrations at certain intervals. And we are going to be educating our people in terms of what is best for our country, as well as making sure that the international community understands our plight and understand that Swaziland is still an undemocratic country,” he said.
Some political observes say although the monarch remains popular among many of his subjects, there is rising discontent over his extravagant lifestyle, refusal to adopt democratic reforms and to tackle Swaziland’s numerous social problems.
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