upn-01-taiwan lottery-predict the number-台灣樂透預測號碼台灣 super樂透&台灣 539 -
upn-9/1 monday 世界樂透 預測號碼 :台灣 super樂透&台灣 539world lottery:-taiwan super lottery&taiwan 539
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9/1 monday 世界樂透 預測號碼 :台灣 super樂透&台灣 539world lottery:-taiwan super lottery&taiwan 539
upn-world lottery-china & hong kong & taiwan lottery -
2008 8 月 世界樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 &台灣 super樂透&台灣 539
臺灣 super 樂透 預測號碼 9 月 1 monday
02 11 23 35 16
09 14 28 38 36
special 04 08
taiwan super lottery
2008 september 1 monday
02 11 23 35 16
09 14 28 38 36
special 04 08
台灣 539 預測號碼 9 月 1 monday
01 10 24 35 12
08 13 26 37 22
taiwan 539 2008 september 1 monday
01 10 24 35 12
08 13 26 37 22
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September 1, 2008
upn-12-taipei news-台北國際技術交易展專館展示 盼媒合更多商機
台北國際技術交易展專館展示 盼媒合更多商機 (2008/8/31)
為活絡產學研機構技術的流通交易,經濟部工業局將於 9月25日至28日在台北世貿一館舉辦「2008年台北國際發明暨技術交易展」。工業局表示,這次技術交易展多以專館型態呈現,並引進國外技術專利,希望能媒合更多專利與商機。
工業局表示,「2008年台北國際發明暨技術交易展」的技術交易展區,由國防部、教育部、行政院農委會、國科會及經濟部工業局、能源局、國營會、技術處與中小企業處等部會單位共同辦理,共計175個機構309個攤位,展示超過 800項的電子、光電、資訊、通訊、機械、材料化工、能源環保、生技醫療及農業科技等相關領域技術。
在工業局專館部份,將呈現「生醫與能環」、「資訊與通訊」及「電子與光電」等 3個智財流通運用服務聯盟,展示媒合50項以上專利技術;專館內並以「科技與生活」為主題,展示近年來經由台灣技術交易整合服務中心(TWTM中心)促成及正在媒合的自行車相關專利技術組合,並提供2台實體自行車供觀展者親身體驗。
技術交易展區為了充分介紹展示技術給潛在技術需求者,將透過各種有形載具,包含技術書面資料、雛形產品及辦理至少11場次技術媒合商談會,由技術創新者親自說明技術內涵,以一對一商談方式,提高促成技術交易機率。預估今年將吸引超過 5萬名觀眾進場參觀,促成各產業廠商參與相關的專利技術洽商機會約達1500案,技術交易商機約 1億元。
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September 1, 2008
upn-11 taipei news-小三通金廈五通航線開通 航程省一半
小三通金廈五通航線開通 航程省一半 (2008/8/31)
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September 1, 2008
upn-10-world news-europe news-喬治亞讚揚中國對俄格衝突立場
喬治亞讚揚中國對俄格衝突立場 記者: 白樺
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September 1, 2008
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September 1, 2008
upn-08-economic news-亞太地區加快經濟整合進程
記者: 許波
華盛頓智囊機構彼得森國際經濟研究所的客座研究員艾琳.弗羅斯特在不久前出版的《亞洲的新發展勢頭》(Asia's New Momentum)這部專著中指出,過去10年亞洲經濟整合的趨勢引起全世界的關注。
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uptoday at WRETCH at 11:49 AM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
September 1, 2008
upn-07-china news-中國城鄉收入差距為30年來最大
中國城鄉收入差距為30年來最大 記者: 陳蘇
*教授致函胡錦濤 勸行土地私有*
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September 1, 2008
upn-06-world news-u.s.a. news-Hurricane Gustav Alters Plans at Republican National Convention
Hurricane Gustav Alters Plans at Republican National Convention
By Dan Robinson
St. Paul, Minnesota
31 August 2008
Hurricane Gustav and the threat it poses to the U.S. Gulf coast have led leaders of the Republican Party to sharply curtail events planned for the opening Monday of the party's National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. As VOA's Dan Robinson reports, planned festivities surrounding the formal nomination of Senator John McCain and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the Republican Party presidential and vice presidential candidates will be effectively suspended until more is known about the impact of Hurricane Gustav.
Stagehands work on the main stage in preparation for the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn.
Effectively tearing up the long-prepared plans for the convention, Senator McCain said this is a time for Americans to do the right thing and put politics aside, as the nation awaits the landfall of Hurricane Gustav along the Gulf coast. "Of course, this is a time when we have to do away with our party politics and we have to act as Americans. We have to join with 300 million other Americans on behalf of our fellow citizens," he said.
Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, told reporters in St. Paul on Sunday that the convention will convene Monday afternoon, but that business will be kept to a bare minimum of about two and a half hours. "There are certain basic minimum requirements of constitutiing the Party and the convention that are required. The call to the convention that was issued almost two years ago requires us to meet tomorrow [i.e., Monday] to open the convention and to constitute not only the the Republican National Committee, but the convention itself. That is all we will do tomorrow," he said.
Davis said the convention agenda will refrain from political rhetoric while it is meeting, adding that major speakers, such as California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, are not being told to cancel plans to come to St. Paul.
He said the convention will likely reconvene later in the week to complete the formal nominations of Senator McCain and Governor Palin, but he noted that officials will continue to monitor the effects of Hurricane Gustav.
But Senator McCain said there is a possibility he would deliver his acceptance speech to the convention via satellite from a location somewhere in the Gulf region. President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney earlier postponed visits to St. Paul.
However, other than daily updates for the thousands of reporters who came here to cover the event, there is likely to be very little taking place.
Senator McCain also said arrangements were being made to fly delegates back to states in the path of the hurricane, another indication of the disruption the storm has caused.
The Bush administration was severely criticized for its handling of preparations for Hurricane Katrina three years ago and the aftermath of the flooding of New Orleans. Senator McCain's Democratic opponent, Senator Barack Obama, has sought to portray McCain as offering a continuation of the Bush administration's policies.
Senator McCain went to great lengths in his televised remarks to emphasize what he called the excellent work being done in preparation for Hurricane Gustav.
Meanwhile, in the convention center in St. Paul, the thousands of U.S. and foreign reporters gathered to report on what was supposed to be the Republicans' triumphant nomination of McCain, after Democrats did the same for Senator Obama, are now planning their next steps as news coverage is dominated by the storm.
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September 1, 2008
upn-05-world news-middle east news-Israeli, Palestinian Leaders Discuss Peace Process
Israeli, Palestinian Leaders Discuss Peace Process
By Robert Berger
31 August 2008
Israeli and Palestinian leaders met in a fresh effort to advance the peace process. Robert Berger reports from the VOA bureau in Jerusalem.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, left, and Israel's PM Ehud Olmert meet in Jerusalem, 31 Aug 2008
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hosted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at his official residence in Jerusalem. The meeting took place several days after U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited here to push for a peace agreement by the end of the year.
Both sides say a full peace treaty is impossible now, so Mr. Olmert proposed formulating a memorandum of understanding to present to the United States.
"And the idea of working on a framework, a framework of principles, that is good for us, that is good for the Palestinians, that is good for everyone," said his spokesman Mark Regev.
The Palestinians rejected the idea of a partial agreement, saying gaps remain wide on core issues such as the status of Jerusalem, Jewish settlements, and Palestinian refugees.
"You need to decide on the parameters of how these issues are solved, how Jerusalem is solved, how refugees is solved, how water is solved, once and for all," said Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.
Mr. Olmert wants to move quickly because he plans to resign in mid-September over a corruption scandal, though he could remain in office as caretaker prime minister for many months.
Israeli opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that as a lame duck, Mr. Olmert has no mandate to make territorial concessions.
Mr. Netanyahu said the government is trying to redeem itself with dubious agreements with the Palestinians, but he said it has lost the confidence of the Israeli public.
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September 1, 2008
upn-04-world news-europe news-Pope Calls for Politicians to Reform Immigration
Pope Calls for Politicians to Reform Immigration
By Sabina Castelfranco
31 August 2008
Pope Benedict spoke of the 'emergency' of illegal immigration in his Sunday address to the faithful, and encouraged politicians to tackle the problem. Saturday, Italy and Libya signed a historic agreement that is hoped will improve controls on the Libyan coastline to reduce the number of immigrants attempting the Mediterranean crossing to Italy. Sabina Castelfranco reports from Rome.
Pope Benedict spoke of the emergency of illegal immigration just days after more than 70 migrants were reported missing off the coast of Malta. It is the latest tragedy at sea of desperate people attempting the crossing from the African coastline in search of a better life.
The pope urged European countries and those that are destination counties for immigrants to study and develop initiatives and structures that respond more adequately to the needs of illegal immigrants.
Migration, the pope said, is a phenomenon that has existed from the dawn of humanity.
Addressing the faithful gathered at the papal summer residence in Castelgandolfo, he added that the emergency that illegal immigration has become in our times requires solidarity and at the same time effective political responses.
The pope said that a sense of responsibility must also be shown by the countries of origin, not only because their citizens are involved, but also to remove the causes of irregular migration.
The pope also urged migrants to be aware of the very grave risks they run in the search to better their conditions as well as the duty to follow the law.
Pope Benedict was speaking a day after Italy and Libya signed an historic agreement under which Italy agreed to pay five-billion dollars in compensation for colonial misdeeds during its decades-long rule of the North African country.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said the agreement would also help in limiting the number of departures of illegal immigrants from the Libyan coast. Italy will fund 500-million dollars worth of electronic monitoring devices on the Libyan coastline.
Thousands every year attempt the crossing in makeshift boats and many never make it to their destination. The Italian government has long tried to find a way to improve cooperation with the Libyan authorities to stop these crossings.
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September 1, 2008
upn-03-world news-asia news-N.Korea Accuses US, S.Korea of Spy Flights
N.Korea Accuses US, S.Korea of Spy Flights
By VOA News
31 August 2008
North Korea is accusing the United States and South Korea of conducting about 180 spy flights over its territory this month.
The state-run Korean Central News Agency Sunday said the flights showed, in its words, "aggressive ambition to stifle" North Korea by force of arms.
The news agency says the planes conducted aerial observations and took photographs over several days starting August 19th.
Pyongyang regularly accuses South Korea and the United States of conducting aerial spy missions, and has warned that the actions could warrant a pre-emptive attack by North Korean forces.
Seoul and Washington generally do not respond to North Korea's accusations.
North and South Korea remain technically at war because their three-year-long armed conflict ended in 1953 with an armistice and not a peace treaty.
Earlier this week, South Korean prosecutors said a North Korean woman had been arrested on charges of spying for her communist homeland.
Prosecutors said the suspect, Won Jeong-hwa, used sexual favors to gain information from military officers and posed as a North
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September 1, 2008
upn-02-world news-americas news-Mexicans Stage Nationwide Anti-Crime Protest
Mexicans Stage Nationwide Anti-Crime Protest
By James Blears
Mexico City
31 August 2008
Blears report - Download (MP3)
Blears report - Listen (MP3)
Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans have marched in locations across the country to demand a stop to a wave of killings, abductions and shootouts. James Blears reports from Mexico City.
Thousands hold up lit candles at the main Zocalo square in Mexico City during a protest against the tide of killings, kidnappings and shootouts sweeping the country, 30 Aug 2008
Scores of towns and cities took part in silent marches to show a united front against escalating kidnappings and murders.
In Mexico City, an overflow crowd of more than 100,000 gathered in the capital city's main Zocalo square. As indigenous musicians blew into sea shells to signal the start of the rally, protesters dressed in white, and cupping their hands around flickering candles, carried signs that read "Enough is Enough," "We want to live in peace" and "The Death Penalty For Kidnappers."
Doctor Adiel Asch, who's colleague was recently shot in the leg in a robbery and kidnap attempt, stressed that this show of people power must convince the government to act now.
"I'm here for Mexico. I'm here for my children and for our future. I belive that this country deserves better and this is a demonstration that we can do better," said Asch.
Most crimes in Mexico go unsolved, with corrupt police and justice officials often complicating investigations.
Mariana Rios says she knows a family that suffered a double kidnapping. She says that many people in Mexico would never put their faith or trust in the police to resolve such a crime.
"The thing is that you don't trust in the police. So what they basically do is to try to negotiate with the kidnappers and eventually they all paid their randoms. There is no trust in the police and if you go you think you are putting at risk the life of your relative more than if you do something by [on] your own," she said.
Mexico is one of the worst countries in the world for abductions, along with conflict zones like Iraq and Colombia.
Violence has continued to climb in Mexico despite a crackdown launched by President Felipe Calderon after he took office in 2006.
Mr. Calderon deployed more than 25,000 soldiers and federal police to fight drug cartels.
On August 21, President Calderon called a crime summit of state governors and other officials to discuss ways to combat the country's soaring crime rate. Well over 2,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence just this year.
The summit took place following widespread outrage over the kidnapping of a 14-year-old boy found dead even though his wealthy father had paid a ransom.
Mexico has one of the highest abduction rates in the world, but many victims never report the crime because police are often involved. Several police officers were arrested in the case of the murdered teenager.
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September 1, 2008
upn-01-world news-africa news-Zambia First Lady’s Endorsement Generates Controversy
Zambia First Lady’s Endorsement Generates Controversy
By Peter Clottey
Washington, D.C.
01 September 2008
Clottey Interview With Professor Fred Mtesa - Download (MP3)
Clottey Interview With Professor Fred Mtesa - Listen (MP3)
The body of Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa who died last month in Paris, France from complication of a stroke will be lay to rest this Wednesday, September 3 in Lusaka. But already the contest for his successor within the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) is intensifying. The frontrunners are vice president and acting president Rupiah Banda and Finance and National Planning Minister Ng'andu Magande. First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa has added to the drama by endorsing Finance Minister Ng'ande to succeed her husband. She said her late husband had told her he would like for Ng'ande to succeed him after his second and final five-year term ends in 2011.
Supporters of Vice President Banda, the other aspiring successor to President Mwanawasa dismissed the first lady's claims as false. So far, 16 aspiring candidates have filed their nomination papers ahead of the presidential election.
Fred Mtesa is a political science professor at the University of Zambia. He tells reporter Peter Clottey from the capital, Lusaka that the ongoing process to find Mwanawasa's successor is test for the ruling MMD party's internal democracy.
"This is a real test of intra-party democracy. The majority of the applicants are standing cabinet ministers within the ruling party and others are people who held key positions within the party before, and some prominent persons within the Zambian society. I said it is a test of intra-party democracy because all of them are free to apply, but then the real test will come with the selection mechanism and what happens thereafter, whether people will rally be behind the candidate that would be chosen without weakening the party in terms of split and other breakaway groups," Mtesa pointed out.
He said the First Lady's endorsement of finance minister Magande could cut both ways.
"Obviously the statement by the first lady is bound to tilt support in favor of the finance minister, but the real power at the moment lies within the National Executive Committee of the ruling party, which is going to decide, which candidate to settle on, and the first lady is not a member of that committee. And since Dr. Mwanawasa is not here to corroborate that statement she made, and I'm not saying she lied, but it just means that it is the men and women in the national executive committee that will have the final say on who succeeds the late President Mwanawasa," he said.
Mtesa said the time for the presidential election is so short it might level the playing field ahead of the election for both the ruling party and the other opposition parties.
"I would say everybody has a chance, and that depends on how they go about their campaigns. Time is short of course, and we are just hoping that the electoral commission will put all the logistics in place to allow for election that will be accepted as having been free and fair by all the political parties," Mtesa noted.
He said the recently held general election is still fresh on the minds of Zambians.
"I would say we are just two years away from the last election, and people still remember who campaigned where and what they stood for. Of course the environment has changed, but not very fundamentally. So it is going to be an exciting election I would say," he said.
Mtesa said the reported rift within the ruling party could spell doom for the party if not resolved ahead of the upcoming presidential election.
"It definitely does not help the course of the ruling MMD in plural political environment to wash their dirty linen in public. And really we are waiting to see what the outcome of this intra-party competition will mean for the future of the party," Mtesa pointed out.
Some observes said the high number of presidential hopefuls may be a sign of deep divisions in the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy. The main opposition Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema of the United Party for National Development, the third biggest party in parliament, will also contest the presidential vote.
Meanwhile, Magande and Vice president Banda, who is now acting president, have emerged as the strongest contenders. The MMD will select a candidate on September 5, two days after Mwanawasa's funeral. Mwanawasa had led Zambia since 2001 and was re-elected in 2006. His tough stance against corruption endeared him to donor countries and he was credited for turning the southern African nation into one of Africa's economic success stories.
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September 1, 2008
upn-01-taiwan lottery-predict the number-台灣樂透預測號碼台灣 super樂透&台灣 539 -
upn-9/1 monday 世界樂透 預測號碼 :台灣 super樂透&台灣 539world lottery:-taiwan super lottery&taiwan 539
upn-9/1 monday 世界樂透 預測號碼 :台灣 super樂透&台灣 539world lottery:-taiwan super lottery&taiwan 539
9/1 monday 世界樂透 預測號碼 :台灣 super樂透&台灣 539world lottery:-taiwan super lottery&taiwan 539
upn-world lottery-china & hong kong & taiwan lottery -
2008 8 月 世界樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 &台灣 super樂透&台灣 539
臺灣 super 樂透 預測號碼 9 月 1 monday
02 11 23 35 16
09 14 28 38 36
special 04 08
taiwan super lottery
2008 september 1 monday
02 11 23 35 16
09 14 28 38 36
special 04 08
台灣 539 預測號碼 9 月 1 monday
01 10 24 35 12
08 13 26 37 22
taiwan 539 2008 september 1 monday
01 10 24 35 12
08 13 26 37 22
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August 31, 2008
upn-13 -歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news
慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
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