2012年11月17日 星期六

upn-taipei news-electronic-2012-11-17-10-WiGig和VESA再次攜手,距離無線高速互聯夢想更近一步

WiGig和VESA再次攜手,距離無線高速互聯夢想更近一步 成立首個聯合工作小組,推動無線WiGig DisplayPort的認證工作 加州聖克拉拉--(美國商業資訊)--Wireless Gigabit (WiGig)聯盟和視訊電子標準協會(VESA)今天宣布新達成一項重大的產業合作夥伴關係,人們距離高速無線互聯夢想又近了一步。WiGig和VESA已經成立了一支高效的聯合工作小組,來推動WiGig DisplayPort視訊標準的認證工作。 新成立的聯合工作小組將因應DisplayPort標準與WiGig自身的顯示擴展通訊協定配接層(PAL)之間的互通性問題。工作小組的工作完成後,經過DisplayPort認證的WiGig設備將能夠在無需任何纜線的情況下實現順暢互聯,無需使用DisplayPort纜線即可提供DisplayPort埠。 WiGig聯盟總裁兼主席Ali Sadri表示,WiGig DisplayPort技術對尋求真正固有無線體驗的消費者來說是一次重大的飛躍。Sadri表示:「高畫質無線顯示是WiGig擴充基座的基礎支柱。我們在不降低服務品質的前提下提供了一種無與倫比的技術,具有有線連接同等的顯示品質,這是一種實現無線設備絕佳體驗的不同方法。DisplayPort已經是一種最廣泛運用的、成熟的個人電腦顯示器連接技術,因此未來的WiGig設備與其相容是相當重要的。成立一支聯合工作小組是朝著實現全面互通性邁出的一大步。」 WiGig聯盟負責開發最先進的60GHz multigigabit無線標準,該標準的傳輸速度可達7Gbps。VESA建立、擁有並對DisplayPort進行認證,根據分析公司IDC的資料,至2014年將有89.5%的商用桌上型電腦和95%的商用筆記型電腦採用DisplayPort。 VESA執行總監Bill Lempesis表示:「VESA已經認識到WiGig在提升行動裝置使用者體驗方面所具有的龐大潛力。消費者和專業人士正逐漸瞭解DisplayPort的影像品質和先進效能,為DisplayPort增添無線拓展性能將進一步實現DisplayPort通訊協定的多元化。透過雙方合作,我們可以繼續保持DisplayPort認證流程所設立的高標準,同時透過支援無線功能來拓展該技術的普及範圍。這將成為WiGig一大備受歡迎的應用領域,我們十分興奮能為其貢獻一份力量。」 2011年,WiGig聯盟發布了顯示器通訊協定配接層,即WiGig Display Extension (WDE)。其制訂的規格支援個人電腦周邊設備、高畫質電視、顯示器和投影機,而且還支援最新的高寬頻數位內容保護(HDCP)加密,能夠傳輸壓縮和非壓縮視訊。 在該最新消息發布之前的今年稍早,WiGig舉辦了第二次插拔大會(Plugfest),還成功舉辦了臺北電腦展高峰會,並於9月在英特爾開發者論壇(Intel Developer Forum)上重點展示了該聯盟的技術。 欲瞭解有關WiGig的更多資訊,請瀏覽www.wigig.org。 結束 致編輯: 關於WiGig聯盟: WiGig聯盟旨在建立一個全球生態系統,使眾多高速且方便使用的無線設備可協同工作,在數位時代實現人與人之間的無縫連接。WiGig技術支援消費類電子產品、手持設備及個人電腦之間的Multigigabit無線通訊,並且使用易於獲得的未授權60GHz頻段,推動產業向單一無線電融合。WiGig組織網羅了世界一流的半導體、個人電腦、消費類電子產品和手持設備製造商。更多資訊請瀏覽www.wigig.org。 關於VESA: 視頻電子標準協會(VESA)是一家致力於促進電子產業發展的國際非營利標準協會,是一個由硬體、軟體、個人電腦、顯示器和元件製造商組成的全球化網路。VESA在為當今的視訊和電子產業建立並支援簡單、通用和跨產品解決方案(如DisplayPort)方面取得了傑出的業績,還為消費者提供必要的信心,使其能夠清楚明白且毫不費力地地探索多顯示器串流媒體、直接驅動功能、Full HD 3D支援等新技術標準。欲瞭解有關VESA的更多相關資訊,請瀏覽www.vesa.org。 免責聲明:本公告之原文版本乃官方授權版本。譯文僅供方便瞭解之用,煩請參照原文,原文版本乃唯一具法律效力之版本。 聯絡方式: 媒體詢問: Martyn Gettings +44 1636 812152 Wire-Free Dream Closer with Renewed WiGig VESA Collaboration First-ever joint working group moves toward wireless WiGig DisplayPort certification Santa Clara, CA. November 14, 2012. The Wireless Gigabit (WiGig) Alliance and the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) have established a joint working group toadvance the WiGig DisplayPort video standard certification. This new joint working group will address interoperability between the DisplayPort standard and WiGig’s own Display Extension Protocol Adaption Layer (PAL). When the group’s work is complete, DisplayPort certified WiGig devices will be able to seamlessly interconnect without the need for any wires, providing a DisplayPort interface without the use of a DisplayPort cable. Ali Sadri, president and chairman of the WiGig Alliance, says WiGig DisplayPort technology would be a great leap forward for consumers looking for the truly natural wireless experience. “High-definition wireless display is a fundamental pillar of the WiGig Docking Station,” said Sadri. “We have taken a different approach to the untethered devices by providing an unprecedented cable equivalent display technology without compromising on the quality of service. DisplayPort is already one of the most widely established display connection technologies for PCs and it is imperative that future WiGig devices are compatible. Having a joint working group is a great step along the road to full interoperability.” The WiGig Alliance is responsible for developing the most advanced 60GHz multigigabit wireless standards, capable of transmitting at speeds of up to7Gbps. VESA created, owns and certifies DisplayPort, which according to analyst firm IDC will be featured in 89.5 percent of commercial desktops and 95 percent of commercial notebooks by 2014. “VESA recognizes WiGig’s enormous potential to enhance the user experience for portable devices. Consumers and professionals are becoming increasingly aware of DisplayPort’s image quality and advanced capabilities, and adding a wireless extension to DisplayPort further diversifies the DisplayPort protocol,” said Bill Lempesis, executive director of VESA. “By working together we can maintain the high standards set by DisplayPort’s certification process whilst extending the reach through enabling wireless functionality. This could be a killer app for WiGig and one that we are really excited to be a part of.” WiGig Alliance published its Display PAL, known as WiGig Display Extension (WDE), in 2011. The specification was developed to support PC peripherals, HDTVs, monitors, and projectors. The spec also supports the latest High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) encryption and is capable of the transmission of both compressed and uncompressed video. This latest news follows WiGig’s second Plugfest earlier this year, a very successful Taipei Computex Executive Summit and its centre-stage billing at the Intel Developer Forum in September. For further information about WiGig visit the website at www.wigig.org. Ends Notes to editors: About WiGig Alliance: The WiGig Alliance was formed to establish a global ecosystem of high-speed and easy-to-use wireless devices that seamlessly work together to connect people in the digital age. WiGig technology enables multi‐gigabit wireless communications among consumer electronics, handheld devices and PCs, and drives industry convergence to a single radio using the readily available, unlicensed 60 GHz spectrum. The organization brings together the world’s leading manufacturers of semiconductors, personal computers, consumer electronics and handheld devices. For more information, please visit www.wigig.org. About VESA: The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) is an international, non-profit standards association representing a global network of hardware, software, PC, display and component manufacturers committed to developing and promoting the electronics industry. VESA’s established track record of creating and supporting simple, universal and cross-product solutions for today’s video and electronics industry, such as DisplayPort, provides consumers with the confidence necessary to explore new technology standards such as multi-monitor streaming, direct drive capability and full HD 3D support without confusion or difficulty. For more information about VESA, visit www.vesa.org. For all media enquiries, please contact press@wigig.org or call +44 1636 812152
