微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:36 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 29, 2008
upn-taipei news-02 你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站blog website 看見
你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站 386 blog website 看見 service tel: 0915008814 0982560076 news or press conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 金融投資-排行榜第14名
網誌首頁排行榜:共上榜3次(未全部列出) 隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了
金融投資-排行榜第14名 網誌首頁排行榜:共上榜3次(未全部列出) 隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了 please news or conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw service tel: 0915008814 or 0982560076 reporter & president mr.kent- <------------------------------------------------------ 東山財神宮-助你東山再起 東山財神.降6支發財牌. 助你東山再起. 台灣大樂透.台灣 super 樂透.台灣539< 台灣大合彩.香港六合彩. 中國雙色球.美國威利球 . 美國加洲天天.歐洲樂透. ----------中獎後請隨意吃紅樂捐自環球郵報付款方式: 1.劃撥1861-5906 戶名:環球郵報有限公司 2.支票:禮卷請寄至台北郵局10707號信箱< 電話: 0915008814 (繼續閱讀...)(More......)
uptoday at WRETCH at 06:51 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 27, 2008
upn-taipei news 3-歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news
慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
uptoday at WRETCH at 11:59 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-world lottery-china & hong kong & taiwan lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 台灣 super樂透&台灣 539
upn-world lottery-china & hong kong & taiwan lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 &台灣
upn-world lottery-china & hong kong & taiwan lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 &台灣 super樂透&台灣 539 : 2008 8 月 18 monday
upn-world lottery- hong kong lottery -世界樂透預測號碼 : 香港六合彩 : 2008 8 月 18 monday 台灣 super樂透&台灣 539
upn-world lottery-世界樂透 : 2008 8 月 18 saturday 預測號碼 : 香港六合彩
2008 8 月 世界樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 &台灣 super樂透&台灣 539
2008 august world lottery-china .hong kong.& taiwan super lottery& taiwan big lottery & taiwan 539 today lucky number
中國雙色球 預測號碼 8 月 19 tuesday
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2008 august 19 tuesday
04 12 24 31 42
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2008 august 18 monday
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2008 august 19 tuesday
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u.s.a.fantacy 5
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uptoday at WRETCH at 04:03 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-taipei news-11-威寶「V-Live」與幼稚園合作 提供娃娃車即時影像照護3G手機即時觀看、完全互動 幼兒安全一手掌握
威寶「V-Live」與幼稚園合作 提供娃娃車即時影像照護
3G手機即時觀看、完全互動 幼兒安全一手掌握
3G影音「完全互動」 讓家長放心同時傳遞即時關懷與叮嚀
應用模式不設限 自娛娛人 關懷照護 3G生活創意無限
* * * * * * * * * *
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:47 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-taipei news-10-台灣兒童安置機構首例三姊妹成功出養案例來自美國德州的台灣版布裘夫妻
正視台灣弱勢兒童出養問題 六歲以下出養比例佔83%
超過六歲 被收養的可能性不到兩成二
住在美國德州的George李夫婦,從一封來自朋友女兒轉寄的網路郵件中,得知了馨華的心聲, 李 先生與夫人Deborah商量了五分鐘,就馬上決定願意將三個姊妹一起收養,好讓她們不會分開。他們本來就在長期資助世界各地的孤兒,加上子女也都已長大成人,對 李 先生出生的台灣這塊土地上成長的三姊妹,更多了一份特殊的感情。
時間: 97年08月19日 (星期二) 下午14:00 ~ 16:00
地點:忠義基金會 台北市文山區景興路85巷12號五樓
美國收養父母 George與Deborah李
忠義育幼院院長兼基金會執行長 高敏足
忠義基金會 林家瑞 02-2931-1659 ext 18 0927-313-622
蔡藝華 02-2931-1659 ext 17 0911-031-633
黃慧如 02-2931-1659 ext 13 0922-417-773
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:44 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-taipei news-09-press conference-「壓力焦慮誘發型」氣喘 1週七天連續發作23歲女大生為治療氣喘閉眼吞貓頭鷹
「壓力焦慮誘發型」氣喘 1週七天連續發作
目前氣喘的誘發原因多分為: 過敏原誘發型氣喘,運動誘發型氣喘,以及壓力焦慮型誘發氣喘等,其中「壓力焦慮誘發型氣喘」為氣喘患者最無法避免的氣喘發作原因。林口長庚醫院副院長謝文斌表示,壓力和焦慮確實是氣喘病患誘發的原因之一,成為學生或上班族氣喘病患不可忽略的可能原因。
- 23歲「壓力焦慮誘發型」氣喘女大生
- 徵文頒獎典禮(氣喘病患)
「焦慮型氣喘」 吸必擴緩解急救「悶鍋氣喘族」的喘 記者會
時間: 2008年08月20日(星期三) 14:00
林口長庚醫院副院長 謝文斌
個案: 23歲女大生
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:40 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-taipei news-08-taipeo forum-2008台灣美食展【台灣美食國際行銷高峰會】台灣風味菜餚各擅勝場,擄獲外國老饕的胃!
--- 本郵件來自HiNet WebMail ---
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:39 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-taipei news-07-medical news-六成老師擔心教導伊比力斯兒童 只怕病發而不知所措透過積極治療及魔法學習 點亮伊比力斯症小朋友的童年
六成老師擔心教導伊比力斯兒童 只怕病發而不知所措
透過積極治療及魔法學習 點亮伊比力斯症小朋友的童年
魔術學習增長自信 伊比力斯也有美麗人生
持續治療及藥物進步 伊比力斯症可良好控制
伊比力斯症是可透過積極且持續的藥物治療獲得良好控制的疾病,小兒癲癇與成人癲癇更是不同,不但在癲癇成因、臨床表現和藥物反應上不同,對於生活上的影響亦不同。自幼年起日積月累的發作將造成智力的損傷,而健全人格的培養更要自幼做起,由此可見小兒癲癇治療的重要性!關尚勇醫師表示:「兒童癲癇的內科治療首要原則,就是要選對適合的抗癲癇藥。持續用藥二年以上才可依醫師決定逐步減藥,不可自行停藥,規則服藥三年後,75-80% 的患者會獲得良好控制。」
癲癇發作的正確處置 癲癇發作的錯誤處置
若發作時間太長(持續超過10分鐘)或短時間內頻繁發作(30分鐘內發作3次以上),就需送醫院急救。 切記不要拿手指頭或任何東西進入病人口中。
「妹妹剛發病的那幾年,我得了憂鬱症,根本無法照顧她與姐姐跟弟弟,直到醫師握著我的手告訴我 “媽媽,您辛苦了!” 當下,我眼淚奪眼眶而出,哭了好久無法停止,第一次將深藏在內心的自責與壓力釋放出來。後來,我告訴自己,如果連我都無法正視面對伊比力斯症的話,該如何照顧心愛的孩子呢?」為母則強,賴媽媽做了最好示範。
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:37 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-world news-06-u.s.a.news-Tropical Storm Fay Lashes Cuba
Tropical Storm Fay Lashes Cuba
By VOA News
17 August 2008
Tropical Storm Fay, 17 Aug 2008
Cuba is weathering strong winds and heavy rains from Tropical Storm Fay, which is expected to cross the island early Monday before heading toward Florida.
Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami say the storm could approach hurricane strength as it moves westward over Cuba and enters the Florida Straits. A hurricane watch is in effect for parts of Florida, including the Keys.
State officials have asked visitors to evacuate the Florida Keys. Several schools have also been closed because of the storm. At last report, Fay was centered 430 kilometers southeast of Key West and was packing 85-kilometer per hour winds.
The tropical storm caused at least 10 deaths as it moved across Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Officials in Haiti said seven people had been killed and two were missing as a result of the storm. Floodwaters killed a woman and two children in the Dominican Republic.
A tropical storm watch is also in effect for Grand Cayman island. People in Florida and the northwestern Bahamas were advised to monitor the storm's progress.
Fay is the sixth tropical storm of the 2008 Atlantic hurricane season.
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:13 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-world news-05-middle east news-Iran Launches Satellite-Carrier Rocket, US Expresses Conce
Iran Launches Satellite-Carrier Rocket, US Expresses Concern
By VOA News
17 August 2008
Iran's Safirrocket on a launch pad, 16 Aug 2008
Iran says it has successfully test-launched a rocket capable of carrying a domestically-built satellite into space.
Officials say Sunday's launch sent the satellite-carrier rocket known as Safir, or Ambassador into orbit from an Iranian space center. The officials corrected earlier reports in the Iranian media that said the rocket sent a domestic satellite into space.
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe says the Iranian rocket launch is troubling because the technology could be diverted to ballistic missiles. He says Iran's actions are inconsistent with its United Nations Security Council obligations.
Iranian media say President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attended the launch. State television broadcast video of a rocket heading into space.
Tehran says its space program is aimed at launching research and telecommunications satellites into orbit. In February, Iran first tested a rocket it said was capable of delivering a satellite into space.
In another development, Iran's air force commander said Sunday that Tehran has upgraded its warplanes to fly 3,000 kilometers without refueling. Brigadier General Ahmad Mighani did not specify the type of aircraft or say how the range was extended.
Israel is about 1,000 kilometers away from Iran. Iranian leaders have frequently called for the Jewish state's destruction. Israel refuses to rule out military action to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Tehran says its nuclear program is peaceful.
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:12 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-world news-04-europe news-France Says Russia to Begin Troop Pullout From Georgia Monday
France Says Russia to Begin Troop Pullout From Georgia Monday
By Emma Stickgold
17 August 2008
Stickgold report - Download (MP3)
Stickgold report - Listen (MP3)
Russia's president said Sunday that Russian troops will begin pulling out of Georgia on Monday, as Western leaders called on Moscow to abide by its commitments under a cease-fire deal. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who brokered the truce, warned the Russian leader that failure to implement the cease-fire would have "serious consequences" for Russian ties with the European Union. Emma Stickgold has this report for VOA from Moscow.
French President Sarkozy's office confirmed that Russian President Dmitri Medvedev vowed in a telephone conversation with the French leader to begin moving troops out of Georgia on Monday.
Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili (l) and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel in Tbilisi, 17 Aug 2008
A statement from the French president's office noted that the cease-fire deal, signed Saturday, requires the withdrawal of all Russian forces, "which have entered Georgia since August 7." It said the two presidents also agreed on deployment as soon as possible of international observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Fighting began August 7 between Georgian troops and separatists in the breakaway region of South Ossetia. Georgian forces say they acted after coming under Russian fire. Russia says it moved into Georgia to protect its citizens in South Ossetia, many of whom have been given Russian passports.
It was not clear Sunday whether Russia intends to withdraw from South Ossetia and another separatist region in Georgia, Abkhazia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said last week that Georgia can forget about getting back the separatist regions. On Sunday, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said Georgia would not give up those regions.
Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili, right, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel speak to the media after their meeting in the Georgian capital Tbilisi, 17 Aug 2008
"As I said and one thing will be made very clear, Georgia will never give up any square mile/kilometre of its territory," said Mr. Saakashvili. "No matter what happens, we will never reconcile with the fact of annexation, or indeed separation of parts of territory from Georgia with the attempt to legalize ethnic cleansing, and with the attempts to bring Georgia to its knees and undermine our democratic system."
Mr. Saakashvili also said Russian troops staying in the separatist regions cannot be called "peacekeepers" after the events of the past week. He spoke at a joint news conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who urged a prompt withdrawal of Russian troops.
The cease-fire agreement, brokered by the French President in his capacity as head of the European Union, calls for troops to return to their pre-conflict positions, and allows Russian peacekeepers to patrol parts of South Ossetia.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday that the cease-fire agreement allows Russian troops stationed as peacekeepers to stay temporarily in some areas, until European monitors arrive.
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:11 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-world news-03-asia news-Pakistani Coalition Finalizes Musharraf Impeachment Charges
Pakistani Coalition Finalizes Musharraf Impeachment Charges
By VOA News
17 August 2008
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf (file photo)
Members of Pakistan's ruling coalition say they have finalized impeachment charges against embattled President Pervez Musharraf.
A coalition official, Information Minister Sherry Rehman, said Sunday the charges will be presented to parliament on Tuesday, if Mr. Musharraf does not resign by then. The president is accused of misconduct and violating the constitution by imposing emergency rule last November.
Mr. Musharraf used the measure to fire senior judges and prevent legal challenges to his second term as president. He has refused to resign, despite pressure from his political rivals who won parliamentary elections in February.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in an interview on U.S. television, praised Mr. Musharraf Sunday as a "good ally" who kept his word about giving up his military uniform and holding democratic elections. But, she said his political fate is a matter for Pakistan to decide.
Rice also says Washington has no plans to grant asylum to Mr. Musharraf.
Impeaching the president requires a two-thirds majority vote in a joint session of Pakistan's two houses of parliament.
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:10 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-world news-02-americas news-Venezuela to Launch Chinese-Made Satellite
Venezuela to Launch Chinese-Made Satellite
By VOA News
18 August 2008
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says Venezuela will soon have its first satellite in orbit.
President Chavez, speaking during his Sunday broadcast to the nation, said the communications satellite will be launched in China. According to the president, it will be used by Venezuela's state television.
Mr. Chavez said Venezuela would like to launch a second satellite in coming years for observation and mapping purposes
uptoday at WRETCH at 03:09 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) | Delete | Edit
August 18, 2008
upn-world news-01-africa news-Zimbabwe Opposition Committed to Ongoing Peace Negotiations
Zimbabwe Opposition Committed to Ongoing Peace Negotiations
By Peter Clottey
Washington, D.C.
18 August 2008
Clottey Interview With Glen Mpani - Download (MP3)
Clottey Interview With Glen Mpani - Listen (MP3)
Zimbabwe's main opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) says it is committed to the ongoing peace negotiations between the opposition and the ruling ZANU-PF party despite a reported stalemate at the talks in South Africa. The talks, which are aimed at resolving Zimbabwe's political and economic crises, continue in South Africa today (Monday). South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki who is mediating the talks said despite setbacks, leaders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) will continue to help with the discussions.
Some political analysts are criticizing the regional body for not doing enough to help resolve the Zimbabwe's crisis. Glen Mpani is the regional coordinator for the transitional justice program of the Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation in Cape Town South Africa. He tells reporter Peter Clottey that the sticking point of the talks has always been power sharing.
"What is important is to look at that issue that has caused the mediation process appears as if it has slowed. It has to do with the major issue that has to do with the distribution of power between the expected role of Morgan Tsvangirai as Prime Minister and that of Mugabe as the president. For the MDC, I think what they would not want to do is get into any government where they don't have any meaningful power and more importantly what the MDC would not want to do is to renege on the core issue that they've been fighting for that is a new constitution. And also ensure that whatever drives the process is based on the victory that they (MDC) got in March," Mpani noted.
He said the ruling ZANU-PF would prefer to hang on to power as long as it could.
"On the part of the ZANU-PF, I think they are also negotiating from a position where they would not cede too much power. And secondly they would also want to buy time in terms of ensuring that they can work on the ground in terms of getting enough support. I don't think ZANU-PF would want to go for an election very soon. They want to give themselves time and allow the economy to recover," he said.
Mpani said both opposing parties at the ongoing talks are entrenched in their positions.
"As far as we have seen, I think there is some evidence of commitment they might be going into it for different reasons. The MDC might be going into the talks for the reasons that they have a mandate and there are people who are supporting them in terms of finding a solution. And for ZANU-PF, they might be going in because they are legitimacy is under threat or their legitimacy might be quite problematic," Mpani pointed out.
He said any failure of the ongoing peace negotiations would reflect badly on the regional body, SADC.
"The implications of the failure of these talks are that one it shows SADC these issues should have been resolved a long time ago. And where they are now is that they have reached a crisis point and they see the Zimbabwe problem is likely to threaten SADC as a regional body based on the criticism from Zambia and the boycott of the meeting by Botswana. I think that in itself is a signal that the future of the body is really threatened, and for them (SADC) they would want to maintain that unity. And if that is to be resolved, they need to find a solution to the Zimbabwe problem as soon as possible," he said.
Mpani said South African President Mbeki could leave a legacy of bringing both the ruling ZANU-PF and main opposition MDC together to find ways of resolving Zimbabwe's crisis.
"I think Thabo Mbeki can boast that he has been able to one at least bring Tsvangirai and Mugabe to a negotiating table. The second thing that he might boast of is that the achievement that he has been able to get in the negotiating process at least for them to be committed to the process, signing the memorandum of understanding and going through a process of negotiating. But I think for his legacy, one of the things that is going to continue to daunt him is the fact that this agreement is coming rather too late," Mpani noted.