微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
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August 29, 2008
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金融投資-排行榜第14名 網誌首頁排行榜:共上榜3次(未全部列出) 隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了 please news or conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw service tel: 0915008814 or 0982560076 reporter & president mr.kent- <------------------------------------------------------ 東山財神宮-助你東山再起 東山財神.降6支發財牌. 助你東山再起. 台灣大樂透.台灣 super 樂透.台灣539< 台灣大合彩.香港六合彩. 中國雙色球.美國威利球 . 美國加洲天天.歐洲樂透. ----------中獎後請隨意吃紅樂捐自環球郵報付款方式: 1.劃撥1861-5906 戶名:環球郵報有限公司 2.支票:禮卷請寄至台北郵局10707號信箱< 電話: 0915008814 (繼續閱讀...)(繼續閱讀...)
uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:51 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 27, 2008
upn-taipei news 3-歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news
慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 05:02 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-lunch news-12-電腦發明者史蒂夫.沃茲尼亞克 記者: 巴拉克
電腦發明者史蒂夫.沃茲尼亞克 記者: 巴拉克
高科技先驅和著名慈善家史蒂夫.沃茲尼亞克不拘一格,是蘋果公司的聯合創辦人,也是個人電腦的發明者。一貫對私生活守口如瓶的沃茲尼亞克最近跟記者吉納.史密斯一起發表了他的自傳,名為“iWoz”。沃茲尼亞克是這樣解釋這本書奇怪的書名的:“大家管我叫 Woz。前面那個小寫字母i象徵了電腦時代,就像iPhone和iPod一樣。”
沃茲尼亞克的第一台個人電腦是在史蒂夫.喬布斯家的車庫裏組裝的,這段故事廣為流傳。這也是歷史上第一台帶有螢幕和鍵盤的電腦。1976 年,沃茲尼亞克和喬布斯聯合創辦了蘋果公司,開始向當地的商店推銷電腦。為什麼選擇“蘋果“這個名字呢?他說:“我們的電腦是為家庭設計的。'apple' 是一個健康的字眼,家家戶戶都有蘋果,這種小電腦不需要一個大得嚇人的名字。”
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:23 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-lunch news-11-世界著名心臟手術專家德貝基去世 記者: 肯特克萊因
世界著名心臟手術專家德貝基去世 記者: 肯特克萊因
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:21 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-lunch news-10-發現艾滋病毒的第一人羅伯特·加洛 記者: 布魯梅特
發現艾滋病毒的第一人羅伯特·加洛 記者: 布魯梅特
加洛博士獲得過八十多項醫學獎和三十個名譽學位。可是,當人們問起哪些是他最重要的成就時,他並沒有提到艾滋病毒的發現。“從感情上說,最讓我滿意的是第一個人體反向病毒的發現。那就是血癌病毒HTLV - 1,因為這是醫學界發現的第一個導致癌症的病毒。”
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:20 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-lunch news-09-資訊業巨頭制定海外商業行為準則 記者: 袁野
資訊業巨頭制定海外商業行為準則 記者: 袁野
*增強談判能力 鞏固霸主地位*
除了微軟、雅虎、和谷歌之外,包括英國沃達豐(VODAFONE)和法國電信(France Telecom)等歐洲IT企業和一些關注因特網資訊自由的非政府組織也參與了行為準則的制定。
總部設在華盛頓的人權組織民主和技術中心公關部負責人布羅克.米克斯(BROCK MEEKS)對美國之音表示,希望行為準則不要淪為一紙空文,而是可以確保參與者履行承諾。他預計,各企業有關行為準則問責條款的審批將是個複雜的過程。此外,米克斯認為,德賓參議員過早地公佈了行為準則計劃,這可能會給各企業的內部批准過程增加一定的壓力,也為行為準則能否按計劃在今年10月正式完成增加了不確定性。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:19 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-lunch news-08-油價大幅回落 人們喜憂參半 記者: 許波
油價大幅回落 人們喜憂參半 記者: 許波
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:18 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-lunch news-07-財經簡訊 記者: 雨田
財經簡訊 記者: 雨田
據彭博新聞社援引知情人士的話稱,中國國家開發銀行可能將競購德國的資產額第3大的銀行德累斯頓銀行(Dresdner Bank)。報導稱,中國國開行已經對德累斯頓銀行實施盡職調查。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:17 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-world news-06-u.s.a. news-US Markets Rally on Central Bank Decision to Hold Interest Rate
US Markets Rally on Central Bank Decision to Hold Interest Rates Steady
By Barry Wood
05 August 2008
The Federal Reserve, the US central bank, decided Tuesday to hold short-term interest rates steady at two percent. VOA's Barry Wood reports stock markets rallied after the Fed statement suggested that there may be no interest rate increases until after the November presidential election.
United States Federal Reserve Building in Washington, D.C. (File)
The Fed statement suggested that economic growth is likely to be slow over the next few months. Accordingly, the central bank said it was holding rates steady despite increasing inflationary pressure.
Stock markets, which were rallying before the mid-afternoon announcement, considerably accelerated their gains late in the sesssion with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up over 300 points.
Analysts interpreted the Fed statement to mean that rates are likely to remain at current levels until after the November presidential election. Montary policy analyst Bill Gross says the Fed is holding steady in large part because in addition to inflation there is also countervailing deflationary pressure in the economy.
"With commodities [prices] coming down, all assets are declining. I mean global stock markets are declining. Global bond markets are declining in price. Global commodities are declining in price. This is an asset deflation of significant proportions," he said on CNBC television.
The commodity price decline has been pronounced in recent weeks following a multi-year advance that saw oil prices rise by 500 percent since 2000. Since touching a high of $147 a barrel a month ago, oil has declined by nearly 20 percent to Tuesday's closing price of under $120.
American consumers have not only been hard hit by rising fuel prices but also by unprecedented declines in home values, the principal asset of most American families. Home prices are down 15 percent nation wide in the past year and experts say further declines are likely.
In addition to worries about oil and home prices, for the past year credit conditions have been severely strained and bank loans are hard to come by. Lending institutions have registered losses of nearly $500 billion, mostly from risky loans in the housing sector.
Experts say that monetary policy makers face significant challenges as risks are balanced between sluggish growth and rising inflation. The U.S. economy has shed half a million jobs this year and the current unemployment rate has climbed to 5.7 percent. Economic growth has been barely positive while the stock market has declined 20 percent from its record highs of last October.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:14 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-world news-05-middle east news-US Officials: Iran's Response to Incentives Package No
US Officials: Iran's Response to Incentives Package Not Acceptable
By VOA News
06 August 2008
U.S. officials say Iran's response to an incentives package to stop its sensitive nuclear work amounts to more confusion and delays.
The officials told media that Iran's response was not a definitive reply to the incentives package offered last month to Tehran in exchange for a suspension of uranium enrichment.
Javier Solana, in Tehran in June, 2008
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and diplomats from Germany and the five permanent U.N. Security Council members the U.S., Britain, France, Russia and China plan to consult by phone Wednesday on Iran's response.
Details of the response, which was delivered to Solana Tuesday, have not been released.
The United States warned Tuesday of additional sanctions if Iran failed to give a positive answer to the offer of economic and other incentives. Britain also said it supports increased sanctions.
World powers had given Iran an informal deadline of August second to accept the incentives. Iran did not give a definitive answer by the deadline, and world powers demanded a written response by Tuesday.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran ready to talk but not ready to stop enriching uranium.
The United States says it has not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails in nuclear talks with Iran. In response, Tehran said it could easily blockade a vital oil shipping route, the Strait of Hormuz, in the Persian Gulf. The U.S. military has said any attempt by Iran to close the shipping route would be self-defeating to the country's oil-dependent economy.
The U.N. Security Council has imposed three sets of sanctions on Iran for defying international demands to stop enriching uranium, a process that can be used to make a nuclear weapon. Iran says its atomic program is for peaceful purposes.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:13 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-world news-04-europe news-Georgia Key to Democracy Building in Caucasus
Georgia Key to Democracy Building in Caucasus
By Andre de Nesnera
05 August 2008
de Nesnera report - Download (MP3)
de Nesnera report - Listen (MP3)
Tensions remain high between Russia and Georgia, especially over the breakaway Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Georgia's bid to become part of NATO. In this report from Washington, Senior Correspondent André de Nesnera looks at why Georgia is so important for the West.
Mikhail Saakashvili (file photo)
Relations between Moscow and Tbilisi have been strained ever since Mikhail Saakashvili was elected president of Georgia more than four years ago following a popular movement known as the "Rose Revolution." And in January of this year, Mr. Saakashvili was re-elected, saying he would pursue many of the policies he began during his first term in office.
Sources of tensions
Analysts say many of the tensions between Russia and Moscow can be attributed to Mr. Saakashvili's pro-western policies, including his goal of membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - or NATO. During a recent trip to Georgia, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice repeated Washington's support for Georgia's NATO membership bid.
Russia vehemently opposes Georgia's desire to become a NATO member. Jason Lyall with Princeton University (Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs) says Russia's strong opposition is part of President Dmitri Medvedev's robust foreign policy.
"To imagine this from a Russian perspective, you would now have a Georgia inside NATO," he said. "And Georgia borders unto Chechnya. And it is very hard to think of a more sensitive issue for Russians than Chechnya. And now you would have NATO membership right on its doorstep in the north Caucasus."
"So this is caught up with that. It is also caught up now with [President] Medvedev's desire to show a more strident Russian foreign policy, a more prestige-seeking policy. This would be a huge blow to his regime if NATO could move this close into what are considered vital Russian national interests," he continued.
Another major source of friction between Georgia and Russia is the issue of the breakaway, separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia - two regions within Georgia, but bordering Russia. They declared their independence from Tbilisi in the early 1990s.
President Saakashvili has vowed to restore Georgia's territorial integrity by bringing them back into the fold. But analysts say little progress has been accomplished in that area, especially since Russia has been increasing economic and political ties with the two regions.
Why is Georgia so important?
Experts say the West is looking with interest and concern at developments in Georgia, especially as President Saakashvili tries to consolidate democratic gains there. Svante Cornell is with Stockholm's Institute for Security and Development Policy.
"After the 'Rose Revolution' four years ago, Georgia has truly been the country in the former Soviet bloc, after the Baltic states in the early 1990s, to thoroughly remake their country, to reform and to install a democratic government that is a functioning independent state - although there is, of course, a long way to go before Georgia consolidates its democracy," he said.
"It has made tremendous progress and has become a model and a symbol of what can actually be achieved - in anti-corruption and democracy building. And Russia doesn't like that. But for the West, of course, if Georgia fails, if Georgia is allowed to fall, this means that any hopes that we may have of democracy building in this part of the world, in this south-eastern corner of Europe, is going to fail," he added.
Many experts, including Ronald Suny from the University of Chicago, say Georgia is important to the West for another reason.
"It's a corridor - a very important corridor - for oil from the Caspian region going to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean through Turkey," he said. "So it's now an area that has become economically important as well."
Role U.S. plays
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has provided Georgia with considerable aid to support its political and economic reforms. Svante Cornell says Washington has a lot at stake in Georgia.
"Across the region, from Ukraine over the Caucasus to Central Asia, there is no country in which the United States has invested so much of its prestige as in Georgia - which means that if suddenly Georgia is allowed to fail and if the United States does not stand up for Georgia and Georgia's integrity and security, every government from Kiev to Tashkent will draw the conclusion that the United States is not a serious partner. And in that sense, for a very long time, it will undermine U.S. interests in the whole of Eurasia," he said.
Cornell and other analysts say the United States and other western nations could play an important diplomatic role in defusing tensions between Russia and Georgia in order to keep the situation in that volatile region from spiraling out of control.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:12 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-world news-03-asia news-Pakistani Scientist Charged with Trying to Kill US Authorities in
Pakistani Scientist Charged with Trying to Kill US Authorities in Afghanistan
By Scott Stearns
05 August 2008
A Pakistani scientist is charged with trying to kill U.S. military and civilian authorities in Afghanistan. VOA Correspondent Scott Stearns reports, human rights groups say the U.S. government secretly detained Aafia Siddiqui for five years before bringing the charges.
Aafia Siddiqui in the custody of Counter Terrrorism Department of Ghazni province in Ghazni City, Afghanistan, 17 Jul 2008
The 36-year-old neuroscientist was arraigned before a federal judge in New York City, Tuesday, on charges of attempted murder and assault. She faces up to 20 years in prison on each charge if convicted.
Siddiqui did not enter a plea at her arraingment. A bail hearing is set for Monday.
Siddiqui was shot and wounded in Afghanistan last month during a confrontation with U.S. intelligence officials who wanted to question her about alleged ties to the terrorist group al-Qaida.
The federal indictment against Siddiqui says she was stopped outside the provincial governor's compound in the central Ghanzi province on July 17. Prosecutors say Afghan police found chemical liquids and gels in her handbag along with recipes for explosives and chemical weapons as well as documents describing various landmarks in the United States, including New York City.
As U.S. military and civilian investigators prepared to question her the following day, the criminal complaint says Siddiqui grabbed a rifle and pointed it at a U.S. soldier. An interpreter pushed the rifle aside as she fired at least twice, but no one was hit. A U.S. officer returned fire with a handgun, hitting her at least once in the torso.
The indictment says that despite being shot, Siddiqui struggled with officials trying to subdue her, hitting and kicking them while shouting in English that she wanted to kill Americans.
Siddiqui's family and the human rights group Amnesty International believe the American-educated biologist was secretly detained by U.S. forces at the Bagram Air Base shortly after she disappeared in 2003 while visiting her parents' home in Karachi with her three children.
Iqbal Haider is the Secretary General of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. He told a news conference in Karachi that U.S. officials have brought what he calls "idiotic charges" against innocent, educated people.
"This is [a] mockery of justice," said Iqbal Haider. "This is absolutely outright victimization."
Haider also believes Siddiqui was secretly detained by U.S. forces and questions why it took five years to bring charges against her.
"My contention is very simple," he said. "If this was a case that Aafia Siddiqui possessed so many chemical weapons, then why this delay of five years."
U.S. President George Bush has confirmed the existence of secret detention facilities outside the United States. But a senior U.S. intelligence official told the New York Times that Siddiqui was not previously in U.S. custody.
Shortly after her 2003 disappearance, the FBI issued an alert saying her whereabouts were unknown. The agency said it wanted to question her though it had no information connecting her to specific terrorist activities.
A year later, the FBI accused Siddiqui of assisting al-Qaida operatives sent to the United States by Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the suspected mastermind of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:10 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 6, 2008
upn-world news-02-americas news-Brazilian Leaders Push for Greater Power in Global Affairs
Brazilian Leaders Push for Greater Power in Global Affairs
By Steve Mort
05 August 2008
Brazil Foreign Policy report / Broadband - Download (WM)
Brazil Foreign Policy report / Broadband - Watch (WM)
A debate is under way in Brazil over the direction of the country's foreign policy. Brazil is seeking out political and trade relationships with developing nations, especially China, not among its traditional allies. Meanwhile, government critics claim the country is weakening its position with long-time friends such as the U.S. and Europe. Steve Mort reports for VOA from Brazil.
Brazil, known for its sizzling beaches, the sounds of its samba, and the flavor of its coffee shows promise beyond its shores
Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, and it is known for its sizzling beaches, the sounds of its samba, and the flavor of its coffee. Brazil has experienced a boom in its export industry in recent years, and at the same time it is showing increasing confidence beyond its own shores.
In the country's capital, Brasilia, national leaders say they are working for a new world order, where power is divided more evenly.
"We want a world order that is more democratic, more balanced, in which the asymmetries are progressively done away with," Brazil's Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said. He adds, the government in Brasilia has made stability in Latin America, and solidarity with other developing nations, a priority.
Brazil mediated a standoff, earlier this year, between Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela and is working with Venezuela on regional energy independence. It leads the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti.
Leading the G-20 group adds to achievements
This year, the country is chairing the G-20 group of industrialized and emerging-market countries.
Five years ago, Brazil joined India and South Africa in pushing to expand the U.N. Security Council.
This vast nation of nearly 200 million people now is seeking a permanent seat on the Security Council. Minister Amorim says the Council's current five permanent members should share power.
Brazil's Foreign Minister Celso Amorim
"It's not a question of an aspiration of Brazil. It's a question of the legitimacy of the decisions of the Security Council," Amorim said.
But opposition leaders criticize the government's talk of solidarity with developing nations.
Rodrigo Maia heads the center-right Democratas Party.
"I think Brazil should emphasize first its development and then worry about solidarity with other countries," Maia said. "We can help the others after we become a leading country internationally ourselves."
With a stable economy and steady export growth since 2003, Brazil has clashed with powerful allies on trade.
Clash on trade issues
As the world's largest exporter of soybeans, coffee, orange juice, beef, poultry and sugar, Brazil has criticized U.S. and European Union agricultural subsidies.
Brazil now lists China as one of its largest export markets, with trade between the two countries increasing tenfold from 2000 to 2007.
Charles Tang leads Brazil-China Chamber of Commerce
"Brazil has turned from, let's say, a country with tremendous foreign debt to one that has the largest surplus in its recent history. And that really is due to Chinese demand," noted Charles Tang, who heads the Brazil-China Chamber of Commerce.
Despite growing Chinese demand, official figures show Brazil recorded its first ever trade deficit with the Asian country in 2007.
Opposition leader, Rodrigo Maia, argues Brazil is neglecting more lucrative traditional relationships.
"Brazil has not been emphasizing its relations with the U.S. and Europe," Maia said. "It has not been focusing on countries that are going to generate commercial relationships so that Brazil can grow and develop."
People here often joke that Brazil is the country of the future and always will be. But with prosperity no longer just an aspiration for a growing number of people in Brazil, the talk in the country's corridors of power is about how best to translate economic muscle into geopolitical strength.