upn-world lottery-世界樂透 : 2008 8 月 9 saturday 預測號碼 : 香港六合彩
upn-world lottery-世界樂透 : 2008 8 月 9 saturday 預測號碼 : 香港六合彩
2008 8 月 世界樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 big 樂透 &台灣 super樂透&台灣 539
2008 august world lottery-china .hong kong.& taiwan super lottery& taiwan big lottery & taiwan 539 today lucky number
中國雙色球 預測號碼 8 月 10 sunday
china two color august 10 sunday
香港六合彩 預測號碼 8 月 9 saturday
06 12 20 32 44
09 19 27 36 48
hong kong lottery
2008 august 9 saturday
06 12 20 32 44
09 19 27 36 48
臺灣 super 樂透 預測號碼 8 月 11 monday
taiwan super lottery
2008 august 11 monday
台灣 539 預測號碼 8 月 11 monday
taiwan 539 2008 august 11 monday
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:47 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 30, 2008
upn-taipei news-01 微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
uptoday at 無名小站 於 03:36 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
upn-taipei news-02 你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站blog website 看見
你ㄉ新聞 or 廣告 在 全球 193 個 國家 386 個 blog 網站 386 blog website 看見 service tel: 0915008814 0982560076 news or press conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 金融投資-排行榜第14名
網誌首頁排行榜:共上榜3次(未全部列出) 隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了
金融投資-排行榜第14名 網誌首頁排行榜:共上榜3次(未全部列出) 隨機推薦-金融投資-排行榜第14名-歡迎來到環球郵報無名日報-恭喜您上首頁了 please news or conference please e-mail to kentyen2006@yahoo.com.tw service tel: 0915008814 or 0982560076 reporter & president mr.kent- <------------------------------------------------------ 東山財神宮-助你東山再起 東山財神.降6支發財牌. 助你東山再起. 台灣大樂透.台灣 super 樂透.台灣539< 台灣大合彩.香港六合彩. 中國雙色球.美國威利球 . 美國加洲天天.歐洲樂透. ----------中獎後請隨意吃紅樂捐自環球郵報付款方式: 1.劃撥1861-5906 戶名:環球郵報有限公司 2.支票:禮卷請寄至台北郵局10707號信箱< 電話: 0915008814 (繼續閱讀...)(繼續閱讀...)
uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:51 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 27, 2008
upn-taipei news 3-歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news
慶祝環球郵報創刊17周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 17 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-taipei news-11-press conference-酸蝕-牙齒保健新課題」酸蝕門診記者會
18歲一口爛牙 酸性飲食”酸蝕”闖禍!
22歲女模碳酸飲料漱口 黃牙美白白作工!
酸性物質軟化、磨耗琺瑯質 牙齒變色變薄別輕忽
全台第一/唯一「酸蝕門診」成立 分享最新牙齒酸蝕保健對策
時 間 : 2008年8月11日(一) 13:00-14:30 (12:30開放進場)
地 點 :
面對現代飲食習慣西化趨勢 牙齒酸蝕上身卻不知?
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:13 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-taipei news-today in taipei -activity-president & premier-總統活動行程&行政院劉院長暨相關首長8月9-12日(星期六~一
upn-taipei news-today in taipei -activity-president & premier-總統活動行程&
09:00 出席「2008年台灣國際廉政研討會」開幕典禮
10:00 接見美國國會聯邦眾議院交通委員會議員訪問團
14:00 接見「2008桃園數位城市國際研討會」與會貴賓鄭宇澤一行
18:30 出席靈鷲山第17屆「大悲周遍」水陸空大法會
09:00-11:30 總統府開放參觀(報到處:寶慶路、博愛路口)
17:00 總統出訪記者會
10:00 接見救國團之友聯誼會各縣市領導幹部
10:25 為北京奧運中華成棒代表隊加油
11:00 視察大甲溪舊社堤防防災減災工程
12:00 與台中縣地方人士座談
13:50 視察大甲溪砂石車便道
15:20 視察後龍溪整治計畫[高灘地綠美化計畫]
16:40 視察頭前溪整治計畫
10:30 出席高雄市台南同鄉會第九屆第一次會員代表大會
18:00 出席台北縣金門同鄉會紀念823戰役50週年紀念活動
劉 院 長
10:25 為中華成棒隊進軍奧運加油 台中市洲際棒球場
11:00 視察大甲溪舊社堤防防災減災工程 台中縣后里焚化爐前堤防
12:00 與台中地方人士座談會 台中縣石岡鄉農會的保健植物展示應用館
13:50 視察大甲溪砂石車便道 台中縣和平鄉松鶴部落活動中心旁
15:20 視察後龍溪整治計畫 苗栗市新東大橋旁堤防
16:40 視察頭前溪整治計畫 新竹縣竹北市頭前溪舊港堤防下游段(二工區)堤防道路
8月10日 無公開行程
16:00 接見美國聯邦眾議員訪問團 行政院第一接待室
8月9日 無公開行程
8月10日 無公開行程
8月11日 無公開行程
8月9日 陪同院長訪視台中、苗栗及新竹地區
8月10日 無公開行程
8月11日 無公開行程
8月9日 陪同院長訪視台中、苗栗及新竹地區
8月10日 無公開行程
8月11日 無公開行程
行政院新聞局國內處 啟
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:08 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-taipei news-09-金管會澄清有關金融特區報導之說明
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:05 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-taipei news-08-專家:美國房價接近谷底 記者: 木風
專家:美國房價接近谷底 記者: 木風
房利美的總裁兼首席執行官旦.馬德(Dan Mudd)表示,7月份資本市場更加動蕩,根據經驗,信貸市場的表現會更加糟糕,公司虧損還會繼續增加。
紐約大學斯特恩商學院教授勞倫斯.懷特(larry White)認為,未來房價還有很大的下跌空間。
不過,哥倫比亞大學的金融學教授查爾斯.卡洛米利斯(Charles Calomiris)很不贊同這種主流看法。他最近跟另外兩位學者對失贖權數量對房價的影響進行了調查。他們得出的結論否定了席勒等學者和專家們的悲觀預測。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:03 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-taipei news-07-財經簡訊
財經簡訊 記者: 雨田
歐洲央行管理委員會委員、荷蘭央行行長韋爾林克(Nout Wellink)表示,第2季度歐元區經濟迅速惡化。他指出,經濟正出現結構性調整,主要因為能源和食品價格上漲以及信貸危機。歐洲央行管理委員會本週四決定將基準利率維持在4.25%。
美國最大的抵押貸款融資機構房利美公司(Fannie Mae)發佈財報稱,第2季度每股虧損2.51美元,是分析師預測的每股虧損72美分的3倍多。這是該公司連續第4個季度出現虧損。當季的凈虧損為23億美元,或每股虧損2.54美元。相比去年同期為盈利19.5億美元或每股1.88美元。
美國消費產品安全委員會(CPSC)與有關公司宣佈自願召回4種中國製造的產品。這些產品包括:中國Lucas Innovation公司生產的、美國零售商Lowe's銷售的約2萬4000件天然氣燒烤機,原因是存在起火風險;美國Progress Lighting公司進口的約6000件吸頂式室內照明燈具,其吸頂裝置存在缺陷可能導致燈具意外掉落;Atico International公司進口的約12萬4000件攪拌器,拆放攪拌杯時該攪拌器可能會意外啟動導致刀片劃傷消費者;Fisher-Price公司進口的約1萬5000件炊具玩具,存在導致兒童吞噎的風險。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:00 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-world-06-u.s.a.news-Christian Pastor's Wife Embraces AIDS Cause
Christian Pastor's Wife Embraces AIDS Cause
By Greg Flakus
Mexico City
08 August 2008
At the International AIDS Conference in Mexico City, there has been some discussion of religion and the role in plays in either helping or harming the cause of those infected with the HIV virus. Some AIDS activists are hostile to religion because of perceived prejudice and some conservative religious leaders are hostile to homosexuals and regard AIDS as a punishment from God. But, as VOA's Greg Flakus reports from Mexico City, at least one prominent US Christian has embraced the AIDS cause and is working to change those attitudes.
Kay Warren (2005 photo)
Kay Warren is the wife of one of the most popular Christian preachers in the United States, Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback Church in southern California and author of the best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life. Although she had been involved in a number of charitable causes through the church, she says she was totally oblivious to the issue of AIDS.
"Six years ago I just did not care at all," said Kay Warren. "I did not know anybody who was HIV positive and I thought AIDS was a gay disease and that I did not have to care. Then one day I picked up a news magazine article and it had a story on AIDS in Africa. There were just these pictures that were so graphic of people skeletal and dying."
The article said there were 12 million children orphaned by AIDS and that 33 million people had been diagnosed as HIV positive. Kay Warren says she realized how isolated she was from this world of suffering and decided to visit AIDS clinics in California. From there, she became deeply involved in the cause of helping people suffering from the disease and those who carry the potentially devastating virus in their bodies.
Today she says she is very familiar with people who are infected.
"I would have to stop and think," she said. "I do not even know if I could count all the people I know who are HIV positive, in my own church, in my community, in my state, in my country and around the world."
In 2005, she and her husband Rick started an AIDS conference at his church to bring Christians together to assist those dealing with AIDS and HIV infection. She has also visited AIDS projects around the world. This is the third International AIDS Conference she has attended.
Kay Warren says her involvement with this issue has not changed her basic Christian belief that people of all sexual orientations should abstain from having sex outside of marriage and that abstinence is a good way to protect oneself from infection.
Most AIDS activists say abstinence has proved to be very ineffective. They recommend safe sex practices instead. Because of this, Warren says, she sometimes confronts hostility.
"There are a lot of people who won't speak to me because they know how we stand, our beliefs in God's standard," said Kay Warren. "There are others who say, 'we may not agree on all this, but I love it that you are willing to talk to us and engage in dialogue."
Kay Warren says she has also tried to speak with conservative Christians to help them understand that AIDS victims and people infected with HIV are God's children. She says not all Christians are open to her ideas, but that keeping communication channels open is important if attitudes are to change.
Kay Warren recounts her journey from indifference to AIDS champion in her book Dangerous Surrender.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:57 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-world news-05-middle east news-Bomb Blast in Northern Iraq Kills at Least 21
Bomb Blast in Northern Iraq Kills at Least 21
By VOA News
08 August 2008
Iraqi police say a car bomb blast has killed at least 21 people and wounded 72 others at a crowded market in the northern town of Tal Afar, near Mosul.
The U.S. military says five of those injured in Friday's bombing were police officers, the others were local civilians.
It was the latest in a series of attacks in the region, where U.S. and Iraqi troops have been battling al-Qaida militants.
Separately, Iraqi officials say Baghdad and Washington are close to a deal for U.S. combat troops to leave Iraq by October 2010.
They say the proposed timeline sets an initial target for U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraqi cities and remain on their bases by the middle of next year. The schedule could be amended depending on security conditions.
U.S. officials say they have not agreed to any withdrawal dates.
They say there has been progress in security talks, but that some issues remain in dispute.
In related news, a spokesman for Moqtada al-Sadr said Friday the influential Shi'ite cleric will call on his militia to disarm if the United States begins to pull troops out according to a set timetable. Sadr has ordered several cease-fires, which are credited with producing a major reduction in violence in the past year.
U.S. President George Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki agreed last month to set what they called a "general time horizon" for withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq. U.S. officials have said such withdrawals will be tied to conditions on the ground.
Iraq's government has been pressing Washington to agree to a withdrawal schedule to ensure that a security pact wins approval in the Iraqi parliament.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:55 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-world news-04-europe news-Fighting Between Russian, Georgian Forces Intensifies
Fighting Between Russian, Georgian Forces Intensifies
By VOA News
09 August 2008
Russian armored vehicles, heading towards the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia
Fierce fighting is continuing between Russian and Georgian forces in Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia, forcing hundreds of civilians to flee their homes.
Russian President Dmitri Medvedev said his troops in the area started an operation Saturday designed to force a cease-fire and protect civilians.
Hundreds of people have been reported killed in the fighting that has been intensifying around the regional capital, Tskhinvali. Some residents say parts of the city are in smoldering ruins with bodies strewn in the streets.
A Georgian Interior Ministry spokesman, Shota Utiashvili, accuses Russia of carrying out airstrikes on Georgian military bases not far from the capital of Tblisi. He also says Russian airplanes bombed the Black Sea port city of Poti, which is home to key oil shipping facilities.
Georgia Battles to Regain Control of Region
Georgian forces began an operation late Thursday to regain control of South Ossetia from Russia-backed separatists. Russia responded by sending its forces in.
Russian Channel One television shows building burning in Tskhinvali, South Ossetia, 08 Aug 2008
Russia accuses Tblisi of "ethnic cleansing," and says 15 Russian peacekeepers have been killed since the fighting began. Officials say additional troops have been sent to the region.
South Ossetian separatist leader Eduard Kokoity says about 1,400 people have been killed. The New York-based human rights group, Human Rights Watch, says a Russian agency reports almost 1,000 people have sought refuge in the Russian province of North Ossetia.
People who have managed to flee the fighting say those left behind are trying to take cover in basements and underground shelters.
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili said Friday he ordered an all-out offensive to regain control of South Ossetia. He accused Russia of waging war on Georgia.
Russia said its troops were responding to a Georgian assault to retake South Ossetia.
Fighting Spreads
Georgia's ambassador to the United Nations, Irakli Alasania, told the U.N. Security Council that Russian bombers also are attacking parts of Abkhazia, Georgia's other breakaway region. He said Georgian government buildings in Tblisi are being evacuated.
South Ossetia declared independence from Georgia in the early 1990s, sparking fighting and the dispatch of Russian peacekeepers. Georgia accuses the peacekeepers of backing the separatists and has vowed to bring South Ossetia back under central government control.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:54 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-world news-03-asia news-Fireworks Light Up Opening of Beijing Olympics
Fireworks Light Up Opening of Beijing Olympics
By Parke Brewer
08 August 2008
Brewer report - Download (MP3)
Brewer report - Listen (MP3)
The Beijing Olympics are officially under way after lengthy and colorful opening ceremonies at the National Stadium, known as "The Bird's Nest." VOA Sports Editor Parke Brewer is in Beijing and has a report.
Fireworks highlighted Beijing Olympic's opening ceremony, 8 Aug 2008
China is known for its fireworks and what a display it was. Among the pyrotechnics interspersed throughout the ceremonies were 29 so-called "footprints" rising into the sky, to represent the 29 times the Olympic games have been held, and a huge finale.
The ceremonies took place on a hot and muggy night. The program mixed China's ancient history and culture with elements showcasing the modern face of the country. The two parts of the ceremony were titled "Brilliant Civilization" and "Glorious Era."
Participants were dressed in some 15-thousand costumes in 47 styles. More than 25-hundred special lights were used, and some of the special effects were dreamlike and almost magical.
The traditional Parade of Athletes followed the 70-minute show. Each country's athletes entered the stadium in the order set by the number of strokes in the simplified Chinese characters that spell out the names of the 205 national Olympic committees. By tradition, however, the Greek team was first and host China entered last.
Basketball superstar Yao Ming carried the Chinese flag.
Team USA entered 140th and members wore blue blazers with white pants and white driving caps. President Bush and his wife Laura were among the capacity crowd of 91-thousand in the stadium. He is the first sitting U.S. president to attend an Olympics outside the United States.
International Olympic Committee chief Jacques Rogge said he knew how much hosting these games mean to China. "For a long time, China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the world's athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games. Tonight that dream comes true. Congratulations Beijing," he said.
Chinese president Hu Jintao then officially declared the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, saying in Mandarin: "I now declare the 29th Summer Olympics in Beijing Open."
Three-time gold medal Chinese gymnast Li Ning lit the cauldron in an amazing spectacle that had him dangling from cables in a simulated run around the top inner portion of the stadium.
With the Parade of Athletes taking some two hours, the entire ceremonies lasted more than four hours and did not end until after midnight.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:52 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-world news-02-americas news-Bolivia's President, Governors Facing Recall Vote
Bolivia's President, Governors Facing Recall Vote
By Brian Wagner
08 August 2008
Bolivia's President Evo Morales and several governors who oppose him are facing a recall referendum Sunday that will decide if they remain in power. From Miami, VOA's Brian Wagner reports the vote is the latest battle between the left-wing president and his opponents, over a sweeping reform agenda.
Evo Morales
Both President Morales and opposition governors agreed to Sunday's ballot, in an effort to rally public support to their side in the long-running dispute over reform plans.
President Morales is backing a constitutional reform plan that aims to give greater power to the nation's majority indigenous community and calls for more state control of natural resources. Several governors in oil and gas-rich regions oppose the draft constitution and reject government efforts to raise taxes on energy resources. Santa Cruz and other eastern departments are now seeking more political and fiscal autonomy from La Paz.
Morales has accused leaders of the autonomy movement of seeking to break away from the nation and he has vowed to block any efforts to do so. But in a speech this week, the president sounded a softer tone.
Morales called on all groups to join the government's program of changes, saying the nation working together can implement reforms that will benefit allof its people.
Tensions have been rising in recent days, as tin miners and opposition groups launched a series of protests to challenge government reforms. President Morales cancelled a series of rallies this week, because of roadblocks and demonstrations, and officials said two miners died in protests Tuesday.
Miguel Centellas, a political scientist at Mount Saint Mary's University near Washington, says the street battles have become a common scene in Bolivia. "A lot of politics is decided by how much force you can put on the streets, protesting. We are not talking about violence necessarily. But if you can block streets for a few days, disrupt commerce, then the government will negotiate with you."
Opinion polls show both the president and the eight governors facing the recall referendum are likely to retain their seats. Surveys also show public approval of Mr. Morales remains strong.
Eduardo Gamarra of Florida International University says Sunday's vote may have little impact on the dispute between the president and the governors. "When you look at that, in a sense what you get is status quo. A strengthening of the extreme positions, the position in Santa Cruz and the position in La Paz."
Gamarra says the continued stalemate creates room for a third party to step in to try to negotiate a political resolution that could allow both sides to claim at least partial victories. But so far, no group has offered to do so.
Gamarra adds that President Morales should maintain the upper hand in the dispute, because he is likely to press ahead with the new constitution, which has strong support in many poor communities. "This referendum is going to give him the fortitude to be able to immediately take on another national referendum on the ratification of his constitutional proposal."
Gamarra says the government is likely to schedule the constitutional vote for next year. He adds that if the draft is presented without changes, it could further the divide between the central government and autonomy supporters in eastern Bolivia.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:51 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 9, 2008
upn-world news-01-africa news-South African President to Meet With Mugabe, Tsvangirai in Zimb
South African President to Meet With Mugabe, Tsvangirai in Zimbabwe
By Peta Thornycroft
08 August 2008
South African president Thabo Mbeki arrives in Harare Saturday in his role as mediator in the ongoing Zimbabwe political and economic crisis. Peta Thornycroft reports from Harare that although nearly three weeks of hard negotiations between President Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change have ended, the key issue of executive power is not yet resolved.
South African President Thabo Mbeki (l) is welcomed by his Zimbabwean counterpart Robert Mugabe in Harare, 30 Jul 2008
Despite many news reports and claims that the secret Zimbabwe negotiations are going well and nearly concluded, the question of executive power still has to be negotiated.
Mr. Mbeki will be in Harare late Saturday and early Sunday to try and conclude this last but most important hurdle.
The MDC's Morgan Tsvangirai easily defeated President Robert Mugabe in the March 29 presidential elections but did not get enough votes to avoid a runoff. He pulled out of the second round because of violence against his supporters. The MDC says more than 120 of its supporters were killed by pro-Mugabe militia in political violence since the disputed elections. Mugabe blames the violence on the opposition. The two sides earlier this week called on their supporters to end violence.
Morgan Tsvangirai gestures as he addresses journalists during press conference in Harare, 25 Jun 2008
ZANU-PF and MDC negotiators, under heavy international pressure to reach a deal to end Zimbabwe's economic and political crisis, began power-sharing talks two weeks ago mediated by South Africa. But, before a deal can be signed between the two parties, both sides have to decide whether Mr. Mugabe will still hold executive power or whether he will accept a more ceremonial role.
University of Zimbabwe political scientist Eldred Masunungure said Friday that MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai should have executive power because it would reflect the will of the people. He said negotiations over executive power were, what he described "as the heart of the matter."
He also said he believed any decision Mr. Mugabe agreed to would have to be endorsed by the all powerful military.
A ZANU-PF source said that negotiations on executive power would be resolved quickly.
The last stage of the negotiations comes as the economy continues its downward spiral, with an inflation rate of 2.2 million percent.