2008年8月24日 星期日

upn-lunch news-taipei news&world news&china lottery

upn-taipei news-01 微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化
微軟公司執行長鮑默爾說: <2008--2018年>十年內所有媒體將被網路化



uptoday at 無名小站 於 03:36 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 29, 2008
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 06:51 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 27, 2008
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-12-world lottery-世界樂透預測號碼 : 中國雙色球& 8 月 2 4 sunday
世界樂透預測號碼 : 中國雙色球& : 2008 8 月 2 4 sunday
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 02:26 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-11-taipei news-總統出席「823戰役50週年」紀念大會

  中午,總統參加「823戰役50週年紀念大會餐會」,並致贈戍守官兵加菜金。餐會前,總統也接受美國聯邦眾議員薛斯(Christopher Shays)的感謝信及823戰役40週年榮譽徽章。(由823戰役美國退伍軍人協會會長轉贈)


uptoday at 無名小站 於 02:24 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-10-taipei news-兒育中心「風車系列童玩教作、公仔娃娃」、「節奏演唱會、大溪陀螺王技藝、手風琴演奏」、「臺北市第41屆中小學科學展覽作品展」




uptoday at 無名小站 於 02:22 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-09-taipei news-記取2次金改教訓 3次金改應尊重市場機制
記取2次金改教訓 3次金改應尊重市場機制(2008/8/24)
















uptoday at 無名小站 於 02:18 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-08-taipei news-智慧局26日起提供線上申辦商標專利服務(2008/8/24)







uptoday at 無名小站 於 02:17 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-07-taipei news-各國央行擔心信貸危機延燒不止 FED年會商對策(2008/8/24)
柏南奇博士論文、現任以色列央行總裁費雪 (Stanley Fischer)表示,許多國家央行總裁、學者專家都相信,延燒一年之久的信貸危機還沒有結束,金融與房市動盪還可能持續下去。

費雪曾任花旗集團副總裁、國際貨幣基金會 (IMF)官員,他在經濟領域、金融業界十分資深,早在1970年代擔任麻省理工學院教授時,還曾經指導當時的經濟學博士候選人柏南奇 (Ben Bernanke)的論文。




聯準會在美國懷俄明州Jackson Hole舉行年會,自來全球40多個國家的央行、銀行界菁英齊聚一堂,討論如何穩定金融市場,避免未來危機擴大。




房利美為美國聯邦國民抵押貸款協會(Fannie Mae)的別稱;房地美則是美國聯邦住宅貸款抵押公司(Freddie Mac)的別稱。在全美12兆美元房貸中,兩房放款或擔保的房貸佔了5兆美元之多。



歐洲央行總裁特瑞謝 (Jean-Claude Trichet)則在23日表示,「目前市場還在向下修正。」


uptoday at 無名小站 於 02:16 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch mews-06-world news-u.s.a. news-McCain Quickly Reacts to Obama's VP Pick
McCain Quickly Reacts to Obama's VP Pick
By VOA News
23 August 2008

Sen. John McCain smiles during a town hall meeting on the campus of New Mexico State University - File Photo

U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain quickly lashed out after his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, revealed his choice for vice president.

The McCain campaign released a statement and launched a television ad Saturday - hours after Obama announced that he had selected Delaware Senator Joe Biden.

The television ad uses a 2007 clip in which Biden says he does not believe Obama is ready to be president.

In McCain's campaign statement , a spokesman (Ben Porritt) says there has been no harsher critic of what he called Obama's lack of experience than Joe Biden.

McCain may announce his running mate during a rally on August 29, three days before the start of the Republican National Convention.

His top contenders are said to include former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, and former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, who was also the country's first Homeland Security director.



uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:59 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-05-world news-middle east news-Israel Allows Pro-Palestinian Activists Sail to
Israel Allows Pro-Palestinian Activists Sail to Gaza
By Robert Berger
23 August 2008

Berger report - Download (MP3)
Berger report - Listen (MP3)

Pro-Palestinian activists have sailed into the Gaza Strip defying an Israeli blockade. Robert Berger reports from the VOA bureau in Jerusalem.

Members of Free Gaza group react upon there arrival to the Gaza Strip, 23 Aug 2008
After originally saying it would block them, Israel allowed a group of 46 international activists to sail two boats into Palestinian-ruled Gaza. Among the activists was Greta Berlin of Los Angeles, California.

"We come from 17 countries and we have one common goal, and that is to break Israel's siege of 1.5 million Palestinians," said Berlin.

Israel has imposed a crippling blockade on Gaza since the Islamic militant group Hamas seized control of the territory in a Palestinian civil war a year ago. Hamas refuses to renounce violence or recognize Israel, and until a cease-fire two months ago, Palestinian militants launched daily rocket attacks across the border.

Israeli activist Jeff Halper, who was also on board, says that does not justify the Israeli blockade.

"Israel has to be held responsible for its policies toward the civilian population. They have absolutely no right in international law to declare an economic siege on Gaza, to harm the civilian population. That's a form of collective punishment which is illegal," said Halper.

The boats set sail from Cyprus on Friday and arrived in Gaza after a 32-hour journey on the Mediterranean Sea. The activists got a warm welcome from hundreds of Palestinians as they arrived on shore with humanitarian supplies.

Berlin says, "Mission Accomplished."

"Our original mission was to sail into Gaza, open up a sea lane so that they can actually use their sea lane, and then break Israel's siege, and to tell the world that the Gaza Mediterranean belongs to the people of Gaza," she said.

Israel said the real aim of the activists was to highlight the blockade by being intercepted and arrested. So Israel decided to allow the boats into Gaza, saying it wanted to avoid a publicity stunt aimed at harming the image of the Jewish state.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:58 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-04-world news-europe news-Ukrainian President Says NATO Must Expand
Ukrainian President Says NATO Must Expand
By VOA News
23 August 2008

Viktor Yushchenko (fiel photo)

Ukraine's leader says the country's sovereignty could be at risk if it does not become part of NATO.

President Victor Yushchenko tells Saturday's edition of The Times newspaper of London that Russia's military incursion into Georgia has put the peace and stability of Europe "under threat."

He says an eastward expansion of NATO is the only way to maintain regional stability and that NATO membership is vital to his country's security.

Mr. Yushchenko says Ukraine cannot afford to respond to Russia's actions with ambivalence, calling on his country to increase military funding.

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has warned Ukraine and Georgia against seeking NATO membership.

Last week, the Ukrainian president called for talks with Russia on the Black Sea Fleet's use of a Ukrainian port. He expressed concern that Russia's use of Sevastopol could inadvertently drag Ukraine into Russia's conflict with Georgia.

The Ukrainian leader signed an order last week requiring Russia to seek Ukraine's permission to move warships to and from the port. Moscow rejected the decree, describing it as "anti-Russian."

Russia has an agreement to use the Ukrainian port until 2017, but Ukrainian officials say they want the Russian fleet to leave when the lease expires.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:57 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-03-world news-asia news-Husband of Slain Pakistani PM Bhutto to Run for Presid
Husband of Slain Pakistani PM Bhutto to Run for President
By VOA News
23 August 2008

The widower of slain former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto has decided to run for president.

The ruling Pakistan People's Party leader Asif Ali Zardari speaks during the party's central executive meeting in Islamabad, 22 Aug 2008
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) officials Saturday announced their leader, Asif Ali Zardari, has accepted their nomination to replace former President Pervez Musharraf, who resigned earlier this week rather than face impeachment.

Federal and provincial lawmakers will elect a new president on September sixth.

Earlier Saturday, Zardari's coalition partner, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met with PPP leaders in the eastern city of Lahore to discuss the presidential race. After the meeting, Sharif told reporters he would support Zardari's bid, if he vows to do away with the presidential power to dismiss parliament.

Mr. Sharif and Zardari have been deadlocked over the restoration of judges whom President Musharraf fired.

The former prime minister said Friday a resolution to reinstate judges will be presented to parliament for a vote on Monday. He said he expects the judiciary to be restored two days later.

Mr. Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party earlier threatened to pull out of the government unless an agreement on the matter was reached by Friday.

Zardari has been reluctant to restore the judiciary and the chief justice. If reinstated, the justices could take up challenges to a legal amnesty granted to PPP leaders on corruption charges.



uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:49 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-02-world news-americas news-Argentina Successfully Defends Olympic Football Ti
Argentina Successfully Defends Olympic Football Title
By Parke Brewer
23 August 2008

Brewer report - Download (MP3)
Brewer report - Listen (MP3)

Argentina has successfully defended its Olympic football (soccer) gold medal with a 1-0 victory over Nigeria. VOA Sports Editor Parke Brewer was at Saturday's match in Beijing's and has a report.

Nearly 90,000 fans filled the National Stadium on a day where the heat was almost as big a story as the game. The kickoff was at noon local time, and under bright sunshine, the temperature reached 42 degrees Celsius on the field.

That made football's world governing body (FIFA), in consultation with medical officials, decide to have short breaks about midway through each half to allow the players to go to the sidelines to drink liquids to prevent dehydration.

Nigerian midfielder Sani Kaita (C) is challenged by Argentinian midfielders Angel Di Maria (L) and Javier Mascherano during the men's Olympic football final, 23 Aug 2008
The lone goal of the match came in the 58th minute. Angel di Maria controlled a well-timed through ball from Lionel Messi and deftly chipped the ball over the head of the Nigerian goalkeeper Ambruse Vanzekin.

Argentine coach Sergio Batisa, through an interpreter, said they had a game plan for the conditions.

"It was a difficult game," he said. "We knew that up front. Nigeria from midfield up front had very good players. So we tried to make sure that we did not get up tight, and just play our own game. We wanted to play intelligently, move the ball around. We didn't want to run as much. We wanted the ball to do the work."

Nigerian coach Samson Siasia said because all of the other Olympic games were played late in the day or under floodlights at night, the final should have been also.

"I think it actually affected both countries," said Siasia. "I'm guessing most players did not actually perform to their level because of the heat, and you got tired in a little bit of time. But we didn't' make the rules. They decided to play the game at 12 o'clock, which I don't think was a good idea."

Brazil, which has yet to win an Olympic football gold medal, had won the bronze medal by beating Belgium on Friday in Shanghai, 3-0.

Attendance at the football matches broke an Olympic record, with 2.14 million - 1.4 million for the men's games and 740,000 for the women's games.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 01:45 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
August 24, 2008
upn-lunch news-01-world news-africa news-Islamist Insurgents in Control of Somali Port City
Islamist Insurgents in Control of Somali Port City
By Derek Kilner
23 August 2008

Kilner report - Download (MP3)
Kilner report - Listen (MP3)

Islamist insurgents have taken control of the port city of Kismayo in southern Somalia. As Derek Kilner reports from VOA's East Africa bureau in Nairobi, the city returned to calm on Saturday after three days of fighting that left more than 60 people dead, according to residents.

Kismayo, Somalia's second largest city, is a strategic port on the country's southern coast near the border with Kenya. It was the last town held by Somalia's Islamic Courts Union when Ethiopian troops backing the country's interim government retook control of southern and central Somalia in the last days of 2006.

Recently, a clan-based militia that supported the transitional government had been in charge of Kismayo. But after three days of fighting that began on Wednesday, al-Shabab, a hardline military faction of the Islamist movement, took control of the city on Friday, with the warlord formerly in control fleeing.

A politician from the former clan-based administration, who asked not be named out of fear for his safety, told VOA that over 60 people had died and hundreds were wounded. And the hospital has neither enough medicine nor enough nurses to respond to the casualties.

He said former administrators had been asked to stay indoors. The city has been calm since sunset on Friday and there have been no reports of people being attacked in their homes. But, he says, people do not know what will happen next.

Aweys Hassan, a local businessman, says the city is calm again, and commercial activity has resumed.

There are an uncountable number of dead and wounded in the hospital, he says. Although the fighting was a disaster, there has been a big change in the city, and people seem to be welcoming it. The Islamists have said they will impose Sharia law, breaking with the previous clan politics.

An al-Shabab leader, Sheikh Muktar Robow, also told reporters that the Islamists would implement Sharia law in Kismayo, as the Islamic Courts did in much of southern and central Somalia when the region was under their control in late 2006.

The fighting in Kismayo followed the signing of a U.N.-backed peace deal in Djibouti on Monday between the transitional government and a more moderate faction of the Islamist opposition. Al-Shabab, which has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, suspected of ties to al-Qaida, has rejected the deal, highlighting the divisions within the opposition and the scant chances of success for the ceasefire.

Islamist-led insurgents have been waging a growing Iraq-style insurgency against the government, and the Ethiopian troops backing it, since being ousted from control of Mogadishu. Thousands have died and over one million have been displaced by the fighting, which, along with drought and high inflation, has turned Somalia into what the U.N. has called Africa's worst humanitarian crisis.

The fighting has been heaviest in Mogadishu. Until this week, Kismayo had been relatively peaceful. Eyes are now on the internationally-supported transitional federal government and their Ethiopian backers, who will have to decide whether to dispatch troops in an attempt to retake the port.

