upn- 12/30 -world lottery- predict lucky 7 number-樂透預測號 : 中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539
upn- 12/30 -world lottery- predict lucky 7 number-樂透預測號 : 中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539
upn- -樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539 &美國加洲天天china-hong kong-taiwan lottery predict number-
中國雙色球 預測號碼 12 月 30
07 11 26
10 14 28 33
special 01 08
china two color december 30
07 11 26
10 14 28 33
special 01 08
香港六合彩 預測號碼 12 月 30
07 09 12 20
26 27 37 43
hong kong lottery
december 30
07 09 12 20
26 27 37 43
臺灣 big 樂透 預測號碼 12 月 30
03 16 20
23 34 42 46 taiwan big lottery
december 30
03 16 20
23 34 42 46
台灣 539 預測號碼 12 月 30
03 08 21 24 30
taiwan 539 december 30
03 08 21 24 30
美國加洲天天. 12 月
u.s.a. california fantasy
美國威利球 12 月
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:31 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 31, 2008
upntoday- world website-china -hong kong-taiwan
upntoday- world website-china -hong kong-taiwan
world lottery -world wibesite: in taiwan-china-hong kong
1. in taiwan wretch: www.wretch.cc/blog/uptoday
2. in taiwan yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/kentyen2006
3. in taiwan google: http://upntoday.blogspot.com
4. in taiwan msn : www.upntoday.spaces.live.com
5.in taiwan : map : http://map.answerbox.net/user-60204.htm
6. in taiwan sina : http://blog.sina.com.tw/upntoday
7. in taiwan yam : http://blog.yam.com/upntoday
8.in taiwan pchome: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/upntoday
9. in taiwan pixnet: http://blog.pixnet.net/upntoday
10. in taiwan google: http://uptoday168.blogspot.com/
11. in taiwan msn: www.uptoday168.spces.live.com
1. in china -baidu http://hi.baidu.com/upntoday
2. in china -sina http://blog.sina.com.cn/uptoday2008
1. in hong kong yahoo : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/upntoday
2. in hong kong sina : http://upntoday.mysinablog.com
world lottery -world wibesite:
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December 30, 2008
upn-05-Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
upn-05-Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
upn-05-Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
upn-taipei news 3-歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news
慶祝環球郵報創刊18周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 18 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:46 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-17-taipei news-跨年晚會 台北捷運24小時不收班
跨年晚會 台北捷運24小時不收班 (2008/12/29)
跨年晚會進入倒數階段,捷運系統將擔負當天交通輸運重任。台北捷運公司今天提出疏運計畫,宣布自31日下午5時起,捷運全線調整至尖峰3分鐘班距,並且24小時不收班。捷運公司表示,相關措施還包括南港線、板橋線、土城線視車站人潮增加區間加班車,並視市政府站出站人潮狀況,採「過站不停」彈性調度措施。 另外,元旦零時後,列車維持最密班距,調動部分列車「空車過站不停」至市政府站、國父紀念館站載運人潮。車站管制部分,捷運板南線由忠孝復興站起,沿忠孝敦化站、國父紀念館站、市政府站到永春站,一共5 站列為管制車站,將加派人力支援旅客服務。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:58 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-16-tourism news-花東花海季】花現幸福-漫遊花東花東縱谷花海廊道最大花海
2009花東花海季 面積再創新紀錄
主題是推廣國內外休閒觀光【2008-2009旅行台灣年花東花海季】花現幸福 漫遊花東系列的活動,由農委會農糧署及交通部觀光局主辦,與花蓮及台東兩縣政府,結合各農會及鄉鎮公所,選擇農民在休耕時播種的油菜花田,作為觀光行銷的主要宣傳特色,推出「花現幸福 樂遊花東」的系列活動,今年中央與地方再次合作,共同推廣全台最大的穀倉─花東縱谷花海田,做為觀光休閒活動行銷的主要宣傳特色。藍天綠野與花田美景,可媲美日本北海道,不必出國,也可以讓視界大滿足。
2.花蓮縣(市)農會:大波斯菊20公頃、百日草3公頃、向日葵3公頃、黃波斯菊4 公頃。台九線199.7公里右轉中央路(新生橋下兩側及國強里十六股地區)花期97/12/05-98/02/05
4.鳳榮地區:大波斯菊8公頃、黃波斯菊8公頃、百日草1公頃、向日葵3公頃。台九線236、237.3公里(農之園旁) 238.5公里(消防隊旁) 花期98/01/10-02-10
5.光豐地區: 大波斯菊15公頃、向日葵5公頃。台九線253、258公里(大全、大富社區) 花期97/12/15-98/01/31
6.瑞穗地區: 大波斯菊30公頃、百日草1公頃、向日葵19公頃。台九線260.5-263.5公里 (富源段)花期97/12/31-98/02/05
5.玉溪地區: 大波斯菊40、百日草1.2公頃、向日葵1.8公頃、黃波斯菊7公頃、油菜花2000公頃。台九線286.5公里(大禹)、續南下經玉里市區往玉山國家公園方向經興農路(源城) 台九線295公里(樂合) 台九線287公里處轉縣道193線105.5公里(東豐) 花期 98/01/17-02/03
6.富里地區: 粉萼鼠尾草、向日葵、橙色及白色及紅色百日草、油菜花、薄荷、活動中花卉種類最為多變; 花田面積1800公頃並於羅山設有羅山特色花海;內容有稻草人展示、農民DIY體驗活動、花海區行人步道。台九線310公里 (富里鄉羅山村) 花期98/01/01-02/10
7.池上地區:大波斯菊80公頃、黃波斯菊80公頃、花田總面積1200公頃1/17-18 池上鄉農會舉辦米鄉油菜花嘉年華活動。台九線327、322.5公里(自池上大橋及慶豐土地公廟大坡池北側) 花期98/01/15-02/15
8.關山地區:大波斯菊17公頃、百日草2公頃、向日葵1公頃、黃波斯菊20公頃、油菜花田面積1520公頃佈置成為花海長廊。台九線331公里(關山鎮農會休閒旅遊中心旁) 花期97/01/01-98/01/31
9.鹿野地區: 大波斯菊20公頃、黃波斯菊20公頃、油菜花田面積500公頃。台九線353.5~340公里 (和平段~瑞里段) 花期98/01/01-31
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:57 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-15-taipei news-牛轉乾坤、快樂迎春」元旦升旗典禮
牛轉乾坤、快樂迎春」元旦升旗典禮 (2008/12/29)
元旦當天上午七時十分,隨著健行民眾陸續返抵終點站,在文化處前廣場還有表演節目助興,由仁愛國小學童演出太鼓組曲、廣安國小演出哪吒鬧海等。 市公所歡迎民眾屆時踴躍參加,以健康、快樂、朝氣蓬勃的精神,迎接新的一年,更彰顯活力新屏東、攜手同心、奮力向前、共創未來的特質。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:55 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-14-taipei news-金凱瑞年度新作「沒問題先生」 威寶3G手機獨家搶先看即時新聞、偶像八點檔戲劇、流行綜藝節目 精彩影音 隨選即看威寶優質行動電視影音串流服
金凱瑞年度新作「沒問題先生」 威寶3G手機獨家搶先看
即時新聞、偶像八點檔戲劇、流行綜藝節目 精彩影音 隨選即看
威寶優質行動電視影音串流服務 豐富您的行動生活
迎接2009牛年,威寶電信昨(30)日宣佈與華納兄弟電影公司獨家合作,在威寶今年8月一推出即大受好評、申裝率較同質服務高出三~四倍的行動電視「TV GO!」頻道,推出金凱瑞重回喜劇界新作-「沒問題先生」電影預告搶先看服務。即日起,威寶用戶透過3G手機連上「VIBO行動網」的「TV GO!」行動電視頻道,即可搶先欣賞「沒問題先生」電影預告片、精彩幕後花絮等獨家免費內容,1月18日前申請加入「TV GO!」還有機會得到電影特映會門票(20張),1月31日前申請加入則另可有萬元好康紅包禮券(2名)、千元及百元紅包禮券(各10名),為新年紅包加碼。
威寶電信總經理張豊雄表示,威寶秉持提供優質3G行動生活的精神,於開台初期,即劃時代率先推出囊括無線、有線頻道的精彩行動電視內容,不僅內容豐富、應有盡有,且畫質優良,播放品質順暢清晰,讓您走到哪,看到哪。威寶「TV GO!」行動電視頻道,是今年8月新推出的服務,一推出即吸引眾多用戶加入會員,較同質服務多出三~四倍,顯見行動用戶很喜歡、享受這類服務,每月每位用戶觀看高達600~700分鐘,可預見行動電視將蔚為3G影音服務流行風潮。
月付199 威寶「TV GO!」 免費看800分鐘行動電視內容
威寶「TV GO!」行動電視頻道採用先進技術,可依據頻寬速度調整內容大小,讓用戶以影音串流的方式欣賞節目內容,享受流暢的收視品質,不會因頻寬速度降低而造成影音中斷,威寶全省皆為3G網路,故收視品質絕佳。申裝『TV GO!』只要月付199元,用戶每月可免傳輸費收看800MB(約800分鐘)行動電視內容,24小時即時精彩節目帶著走;現有9大超值頻道,包括中天新聞、非凡電視、BBC WORLD、中天綜藝、華視數位、大愛電視、隨身娛樂、MV速遞、美眉FUN電等,明年元旦開始將新增加「東森新聞」頻道等,提供優質新聞分析報導新觀點,未來也將持續豐富節目頻道,擴增更多多元化優質內容。透過簡捷的操作介面,以及可隨時查閱的每日節目表,讓用戶絕不錯過精彩節目。
無線四台電視 超夯線上精彩節目 讓您走到哪看到哪
除「TV GO!」頻道之外,威寶於開台即與民視及台灣移動媒體科技公司,聯手打造台灣第一家手機電視平台,自2005年12月6日率先推出手機版的電視節目至今,包括民視無線台、民視新聞台、台灣交通台手機同步直播,八點大戲「娘家」、最夯偶像劇「霹靂MIT」、選秀指標「明日之星」、搞怪綜藝「娛樂大發現」等,1月5日前,只要加入民視無線台會員,就有機會獲得娘家演員獨家簽名,金鐘影帝雷洪、國寶演員石英...超稀有簽名照威寶獨家送,忠實影迷更不容錯過!
另有無線三台,精選內容包含百萬大歌星、百萬小學堂、舞林大道,Power Sunday等,以及人氣有線頻道及節目,如中天的康熙來了、大學生了沒、沈春華Live Show、黃金B段班、全民最大黨、娛樂百分百及冰火五重天等線上熱門節目,無論何時都能看到最新綜藝內容。
熱門電影預告隨手看 好康贈票輕鬆拿
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:53 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-13-taipei news-沈世宏署長邀請您一起「回收舊手機再現新生機」
沈署長呼籲民眾在歲末年終大掃除時,將家中不再使用的手機及配件,拿到回收點或交給清潔隊資源回收車回收,既可再生新資源,又可節能減碳。依據日本電子通信事業者協會的估計,66,000支手機可以回收1公斤的金,97,000支手機可以回收1公斤的銀。另依據美國環保署手機回收網頁的資料,回收1萬支手機所節約的能源可供應美國19.4個家庭1年的用電量。以美國家戶1年平均用電11,185度,我國家戶1年用電量3,816度,96年電力排放係數為每度0.637 kg 二氧化碳估算,回收1萬支手機所節約的能源約22萬度,可供應我國57個家庭1年的用電,或相當於減少140公噸的二氧化碳排放。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:49 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-12-taipei news-2008草嶺古道芒花季系列活動--「草嶺之“最”創意攝影比賽」結果出爐囉!!
佳 作:詹嘉弘(草嶺最享受的一陣風)、陳治翰(草嶺最留戀的季節-1)、鄭存甫(草嶺最渺芒)、陳俊凱(草嶺最夢幻的步道)、何思億(最 ...戀戀嶺茫)。
佳 作:黃怡萍 (草嶺最童話.... )、洪堯基(草嶺最虎四銅人)、尹一帆(草嶺最有理想ㄉ青年們)、葉金源(草嶺最幸福的一對)、廖宗枝(草嶺最衝的單車)。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:38 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-11-taipei press conference-全額補助中低收入家庭兒童及少年自付健保費」
內政部兒童局將於 12/31 (三) 上午11:30,
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:37 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-10-taipei news-遊趣新烏來 鬥陣作伙來烏來遊客中心新修落成茶會
遊趣新烏來 鬥陣作伙來
為了營造烏來地區在地文化展演與生態旅遊環境,著手進行烏來觀光計畫──「風景區門面改造」。臺北縣觀光局特地在2008年12月30日 當天舉行完竣工程的成果茶會。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:36 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-09-taipei stock news-加權指數:4589.04+172.88
4589.04+172.88 圖
63.85+2.09 5 日移動平均線:
504.66億 櫃檯成交量:
85.82億 10 日移動平均線:
台 指:
4565+179 9K:
39.14 9D:
39.05 20 日移動平均線:
台灣 50指數:
3333.42+136.55 5RSI:
91.58 10RSI:
47.63 60 日移動平均線:
摩 台 指 :
173.5+6.9 DIF:
-18.52 MACD:
-20.08 120 日移動平均線:
1.56 240 日移動平均線:
收盤簡評 台股結束連續三天的窒息量,早盤受到亞股激勵開高後,配合央行彭總裁9月以來6000億回流及09年下半年景氣回升的談話;加上年底倒數第二個交易日本土資金合力作帳及摩台指拉高結算,由中概兩岸內需股領漲,帶動金融股強勢反彈,電子則由面板、DRAM急漲帶動,類股齊揚,大漲172點,收4589,成交量則放大至504億。
重點觀察 本土資金大空頭後悶了整年,年底合力拉抬績效取代交互砍殺,外資程式交易被迫回補;三大法人合力將指數推升站上月線,挑戰回到由3955構成的上升趨勢軌道下緣4600-4620之上;散戶缺席長假前抱股意願相對較低;兩兆雙D指標股力晶、友達為政策指標股,盤勢續強的重點觀察股。
研判建議 距離四天連假僅剩最後一個交易日,法人強力拉抬後,量能雖有放大,但還無法構成有效的攻擊量;短線勢必遭遇長假前調節套現及部分獲利了結賣壓,上檔季線及上升軌道區間能否有效站上成為年底最終的攻防;後續期待的元月行情,預期多空角力激烈,但兩岸擴大內需的振興方案勢在必行,中概兩岸內需主流確立,逢回可佈局。
個股名稱 支撐 壓力 理 由
uptoday at 無名小站 於 07:34 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-12/30-08-taipei news-全家進軍配送業FamiPort店到店 網內寄件 最經濟
全家進軍配送業 FamiPort店到店 網內寄件 最經濟
2008年全球不景氣,但透過虛擬平台的購物市場卻逆勢上揚。資策會估計,台灣今年的網購市場超過兩千億元,而透過網路的實物交易帶出龐大的配送需求。全家看準商機,結合店內多媒體機FamiPort以及逆物流,進軍包裹配送業,發展出FamiPort店到店寄件服務。消費者僅須簡單操作全家店舖內的FamiPort,就能將包裹從A店寄到指定B店,貨到後簡訊通知,讓收件者自由調配時間到B店取貨。FamiPort店到店24小時全年無休都能寄收件,克服現行宅配和貨運物件到家,無法全天候stand by領收、以及下班後假日無法寄收件等問題。同時,寄件一價到底皆是60元,為現行配送費用最經濟划算的收費標準。
網拍年增近五成 包裹寄件量逐年成長
根據統計,2008年整體包裹配送(含郵局及宅配)超過三千萬件,與去年相較成長達到1成 ; 其中郵局市佔率約81%,寄件量達兩千七百萬件,持續以每年1~2成的速度成長,顯見低價而穩定的配送服務,一直爲消費者所期待 。
觀察現行配送體系,仍以郵局為最大宗。其次是各通路發展出的宅配。但以目前各種配送機制來分析,多無法克服三大問題 : 假日夜間無法寄收、貨到無人領取、費用高昂。
FamiPort店到店寄件服務,結合快速佈機的FamiPort多媒體機台,和全家物流共配體系,創造出另一種包裹寄送機制。簡單而言,寄件流程如下 :
1. 寄件者直接攜帶包裹前往全家店舖,自行操作FamiPort,在螢幕上輸入寄件人與收件人的真實姓名與行動電話,並且透過FamiPort全台連線的店舖電子地圖,選擇收件人想要領貨的店舖。
2. 輸入完畢,持FamiPort列印出之繳款憑證,至櫃檯結帳60元。領取寄件收據(繳款證明,上面列出寄件編號可供日後在FamiPort上查詢物件狀態)
3. 物件到達指定收件店舖時,收件者將收到通知簡訊。可前往指定收件店領貨。收件者提供姓名與身分證件即可領收。
FamiPort店到店寄件具三大特色 :
1. 24小時不打烊,最方便
2008年12月28日 星期日
upn-12/28-taipei dinner news-taiwan lottery predict lucky 7 number
upn- 12/29 -world lottery- predict lucky 7 number-樂透預測號 : :臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539
upn- -樂透預測號碼 :中國雙色球&香港六合彩& 臺灣 super 樂透 & 台灣 539 &美國加洲天天china-hong kong-taiwan lottery predict number-
中國雙色球 預測號碼 12 月 30
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美國威利球 12 月
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:53 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 30, 2008
upn-05-Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
慶祝環球郵報創刊18周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 18 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:46 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 29, 2008
upntoday- world website-china -hong kong-taiwan
world lottery -world wibesite: in taiwan-china-hong kong
1. in taiwan wretch: www.wretch.cc/blog/uptoday
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4. in taiwan msn : www.upntoday.spaces.live.com
5.in taiwan : map : http://map.answerbox.net/user-60204.htm
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9. in taiwan pixnet: http://blog.pixnet.net/upntoday
10. in taiwan google: http://uptoday168.blogspot.com/
11. in taiwan msn: www.uptoday168.spces.live.com
1. in china -baidu http://hi.baidu.com/upntoday
2. in china -sina http://blog.sina.com.cn/uptoday2008
1. in hong kong yahoo : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/upntoday
2. in hong kong sina : http://upntoday.mysinablog.com
world lottery -world wibesite:
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December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-10-tourism news-觀光局12月26日「『遊憩便宜大作戰 到東北角最划算』 東北角『迎接曙光 贏在第一』號召萬人迎新年」
upn-12/27-06-tourism news-觀光局12月26日「『遊憩便宜大作戰 到東北角最划算』 東北角『迎接曙光 贏在第一』號召萬人迎新年」
第一金融集團與東北角暨宜蘭風管處為鼓勵民眾走出戶外、施放壓力並回饋社會,將在2009年元旦共同舉辦「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動,號召萬人一起來「福隆海水浴場」迎接北台灣第一道曙光,同時施放許願汽球,在2009年的第一天共同為台灣社會祈福、加油!
「第一金融集團」總經理 簡明仁表示:原本公司照例要辦尾牙,但是看到經濟不景氣、社會上瀰漫著一股鬱卒的氣氛,有感於企業有善盡社會責任之義務,遂決定將辦尾牙的錢用來辦「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動,希望能帶頭鼓舞社會情緒、同時也藉此帶動地方周邊產業,為新的一年創造好的開始、創造贏在第一的新希望。「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動預計元旦淩晨3:30在福隆海水浴場,由熱門搖滾樂團演奏、伴隨著燦爛的煙火秀揭開序幕,其後知名歌手叮噹、品冠、彭佳慧等人都將出席「獻聲」;當迎接晨曦的號角吹響時,現場提供5000顆汽球供大家寫下新年新願,隨著汽球冉冉升空、心願起飛,大家一起為台灣祈福、祈求自己「第一」個心願實現,最後由銅管五重奏演奏新年快樂頌,為迎接曙光活動畫下完美句點!
風管處 陳梅岡處長更建議遊客:不管環境怎麼變化,應於元旦假期出門走走、散散心!算一算:坐火車到福隆、參加「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動,然後騎上單車與山水為伴暢遊東北角、餓了再吃個香噴噴的福隆便當,或者來一趟鼻頭角和龍洞灣岬步道健行、品嚐海鮮美食,亦可前往台灣極東點-三貂角遠眺太平洋與龜山島,花小錢卻玩得盡興又健康!這樣珍貴不貴的「好心情」,一定有助於新年新願加速實現!
配合活動辦理,東北角「福隆貝悅酒店」和「龍門露營區」元旦假期也提供優惠住房,福隆貝悅酒店提供民眾9折房價優惠( 97/12/31-98/01/02)、龍門露營區更提供12月31日當晚入住民眾5折優惠(1/1-1/4 八折)。更多旅遊資訊,請洽福隆遊客中心(02)24991210;至於沿線還有其他許多優美景點,民眾可上網http://www.necoast-nsa.gov.tw搜尋。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:31 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-08-taipei news-最新版「居家安全自我檢查手冊」15,000冊即日起發放,提供市民免費索取
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:22 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-07-taipei press conference-臺北市12區公所12月29日起開辦單一櫃檯採訪通知
記者會時間: 97年12月29日上午10:30分活動開始(本市12區同步開辦)
地 點:中山區公所(臺北市中山區松江路367號1樓)
時 間 程 序
10:30~10:40 迎賓熱舞秀、開幕表演
10:40~10:45 貴賓介紹
10:45~10:50 緣起(民政局局長)
10:50~10:55 市長致詞
10:55~11:00 中山區公所單一櫃檯成立花絮(區長)
11:00~11:10 開鑼揭幕儀式
11:10~11:20 參觀民政、經建、社會、健保暨禮堂租借等綜合業務受理櫃檯
臺北市政府民政局長黃呂錦茹 敬邀
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:19 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-06-world news-u.s.a. news-US Urges Hamas to Stop Firing Rockets At Israel
US Urges Hamas to Stop Firing Rockets At Israel
By Kent Klein
28 December 2008
The United States is blaming the Palestinian militant group Hamas for breaking a cease-fire and attacking Israel, which retaliated with airstrikes that have left more than 200 people dead. U.S. officials called for a restoration of the cease-fire and urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties.
After the bloodiest day of Mideast fighting in years, the White House called for the cease-fire to be restored.
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said it was "completely unacceptable" for Hamas, which controls Gaza, and which the United States considers a terrorist organization, to launch attacks on Israel after a truce that lasted six months.
Johndroe said Israel has a right to defend its people against terrorists, and he called Hamas "nothing but thugs." He also called on Israel to avoid civilian casualties. "Israel has said that they are targeting security and headquarter elements of Hamas. We have asked and urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties. We want the cease-fire to be restored. But we understand that Israel is reacting to the hundreds of rockets that have been fired upon the innocent people of Israel over the last few days," he said.
Johndroe spoke from Texas, where U.S. President George Bush has been spending a Christmas vacation at his ranch.
Johndroe also said President-elect Barack Obama, who is on vacation in Hawaii, was receiving security briefings on the situation in Gaza.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she holds Hamas responsible for breaking the cease-fire that ended last week and for the renewal of violence in Gaza. She said the cease-fire must be restored immediately and called on all concerned to address the urgent humanitarian needs of Gaza.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:15 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-05-middle east news-Israeli Airstrikes Kill More Than 270 in Gaza
Israeli Airstrikes Kill More Than 270 in Gaza
By VOA News
28 December 2008
Palestinians carry a body from the rubble following an Israeli missile strike in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, 27 Dec 2008
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is saying the Palestinians could have avoided the ongoing attacks by Israel if the militant group Hamas had continued its six-month truce with the Jewish state.
Mr. Abbas Sunday in Cairo called on his rivals to renew their truce with Israel in order to prevent further bloodshed in Gaza. Egypt's foreign minister Ahmed Abul Gheit also called on Hamas to extend the truce.
Palestinian officials say Israel's massive, two-day military assault on Gaza has killed at least 271 people. Israel says the attack is in response to last week's series of rocket and mortar attacks that wounded Israeli civilians.
Airstrikes today included the destruction of a mosque in Gaza city. Two people were killed. Israeli officials say the mosque was being used as a base for terrorist activities.
Israeli warplanes and helicopters destroyed more than 40 Hamas security installations across Gaza Saturday, including compounds hosting graduation ceremonies for new recruits.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has warned the operation against Hamas will expand as necessary. Officials say Israel's Cabinet today approved a callup of reserve soldiers for its Gaza offensive.
Hamas has vowed to avenge the attacks with more rocket strikes and suicide bombings. Palestinian militants fired more than 50 rockets into southern Israel Saturday, killing one person.
The head of the Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said the group would not back down.
In Damascus, exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal urged Palestinians to wage a new intifada or uprising against Israel.
Palestinian medical officials and Hamas said the majority of those killed were Hamas members, including Gaza's police chief and another security official. They said at least 15 Palestinian civilians were among the dead. Another 700 people were wounded Saturday in one of the bloodiest days for the Palestinians in their conflict with Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said civilian casualties would be avoided in Gaza, and that Hamas is Israel's target. He also pledged to avert a humanitarian crisis.
Tensions between Israel and Hamas have escalated since a six-month cease-fire expired earlier this month. The Israeli raid follows days of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel by militants in Gaza.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:13 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-04-world neqws0europe news-Kosovo Speaker Lashes Out at Serbia
Kosovo Speaker Lashes Out at Serbia
By VOA News
27 December 2008
The speaker of Kosovo's parliament is demanding Serbia release 10 men accused of war crimes carried out by ethnic Albanian guerrillas.
Jakup Krasniqi condemned the arrests Saturday and said the Serbian action was meant to provoke the not yet year-old country.
Serbian police arrested the men Friday after searching the southern town of Presevo, a predominantly ethnic Albanian area. Serbian officials say the 10 had been members of the Kosovo Liberation Army and committed war crimes during the Kosovo conflict.
Serbia's Interior Minister Ivica Dacic says Saturday the arrests do present a security risk and acknowledged the possibility of some retaliation. Serbian officials have said the arrests were carried out on the orders of the war crimes prosecutors.
Spokesman for Serbia's war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic said the men are accused of killing at least 51 civilians and abducting 159 more between June and October of 1999.
The spokesman says they are also accused of torturing, looting and raping both Serb and non-Serb civilians in the eastern Kosovo municipality of Gnjilane, near the border with Serbia.
The sole ethnic Albanian member of Serbia's parliament, Riza Halimi, expressed surprise at the arrests and said they would do little to contribute to the stability of the region.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:12 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-03-world news-europe news-South Korean President Says Country's Economy May Shr
South Korean President Says Country's Economy May Shrink in 2009
By VOA News
27 December 2008
South Korea's president said Saturday that his country's economy could shrink during the first half of 2009 for the first time since the Asian financial crisis of 1997.
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, 27 Dec 2008
President Lee Myung-bak said that while South Korea's economy may see positive economic growth for 2009 as a whole, it could contract during the first two quarters of the year. He cited the global economic slowdown and South Korea's dependence on external markets.
Earlier this month, South Korea's central bank predicted the country's economy would grow 0.6 percent in the first half of 2009 and 3.3 percent in the second half.
South Korea's top two automakers recently slashed sales forecasts by 12 percent. Hyundai Motors and Kia also announced they were implementing "emergency management" and freezing the salaries of their managers.
Earlier this month, another South Korean car company - Chinese-owned Ssangyong Motors - told workers it could not pay them their weekly salaries due to lagging sales.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:10 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-02-world news-americas news-US Police Bust Mexican Drug Gang, Arrest 39
US Police Bust Mexican Drug Gang, Arrest 39
By VOA News
24 December 2008
U.S. authorities say they have arrested dozens of suspects and broken up a smuggling network that has hauled up to 200 tons of marijuana to the southwestern state of Arizona each year from Mexico since 2003.
The Arizona attorney general's office issued a statement Tuesday, saying 39 people were arrested on felony charges, and nearly 60 people indicted following the investigation. Officials say the network in question, the Garibaldi-Lopez drug trafficking organization, transported drug loads to Phoenix, Arizona, across the remote desert wastes of the Tohono O'Odham Indian reservation, for Mexico's top Sinaloa cartel.
It says the network moved marijuana worth about one billion dollars through Phoenix for redistribution across the United States, and it used so-called "scouts" in the desert to look out for U.S. law enforcement during the smuggling operation.
Authorities say the operation also led to the seizure of cocaine, methamphetamine, thousands of dollars in U.S. currency, vehicles - some of them stolen - and firearms.
Laura Zuniga, center, shown to the press with other unidentified suspects after she was detained with guns and large amounts of cash in Zapopan, Mexico, 23 Dec 2008
Separately, Mexican authorities say a beauty queen from the drug-plagued Sinaloa state has been arrested after she was found riding with suspected traffickers in a truck full of weapons.
Officials say 23-year-old Laura Zuniga was detained late Monday, along with seven men, at a military checkpoint near the city of Guadalajara, in the western state of Jalisco. Officials also say no one expected Zuniga to be in the truck, which they say contained cellphones, cash, pistols, rifles and bullets.
In July, Zuniga won the title of Miss Sinaloa, the northwestern Mexican state where drug lords fight over smuggling routes to the United States.
Zuniga was named "Queen of Hispanic America 2008" in a recent contest, and was to compete in the Miss International 2009 pageant next year.
Earlier this month, Mexico's top prosecutor, Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora, said drug gang-related killings have more than doubled since last year, despite President Felipe Calderon's efforts to crack down on the gangs. He said the official death toll for drug violence in the nation is close to five-thousand-400, a 117 percent increase over last year's total.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:08 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-01-world news-africa news-Guinea Coup Leaders Meet Civil Society
Guinea Coup Leaders Meet Civil Society
By Scott Stearns
27 December 2008
Guinea's new military rulers met with civilian leaders Saturday, again promising to hold elections in two years. Senegal's president says the international community should support the junior officers who took power in a coup this past week.
Junta leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, speaks at meeting at Camp Alpha Yaya Diallo military camp in Conakry, 27 Dec 2008
Coup leader Moussa Camara welcomed more than 1,000 political, religious, labor, and civil society leaders to Conakry's main army barracks. They were joined by National Assembly speaker Aboubacar Sompare who Guinea's constitution says should have been named interim president following the death of long-time leader Lansana Conte.
But coup leaders toppled the civilian government Tuesday within hours of Conte's death, forcing Sompare and Prime Minister Ahmed Tidiane Souare to hand over power.
Foreign diplomats were to meet with Camara later Saturday. That meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday. Most of the international community still opposes the military take-over. The African Union, the United States and the European Union have condemned the coup and called for Guinea to quickly return to civilian rule.
But Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade broke with his African Union colleagues Friday, telling reporters in Paris that the international community should support Camara's new ruling council. President Wade said coup leaders deserve international support because they are promising to hold free and fair elections.
Camara says the six civilians and 26 soldiers on the new National Council for Democracy and Development will organize elections in December 2010. President Wade, who spoke by telephone with Camara Friday, said the former army captain and self-declared president is an honest young man who has taken power to fill a dangerous vacuum.
Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade
The Senegalese president called on all countries, in particular former-colonial-power France to take the coup leaders at their word, and, Mr. Wade said, "not throw the first stone."
The French government holds the rotating chair of the European Union. Paris has called on Guinea's new military leaders to hold elections within six months. President Wade said he believes it would take at least eight months to register voters and hold an election.
The Senegalese leader said Camara asked him to be the military government's spokesman to the international community and believes the coup leader has no political ambition and will not be a candidate in future elections.
Camara told civilians assembled at the Alfa Yaya Diallo barracks Saturday that military leaders are freezing all gold mining and will re-examine all mineral contracts signed by the former government. Guinea is the world's largest exporter of aluminum ore and has deposits of diamonds, iron, and nickel.
Camara again criticized the former government, saying those found guilty of corruption will "be judged and punished before the people."
Military leaders Saturday lifted a nighttime curfew in the capital.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:06 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn- 12 月 26 日中獎訊息臺灣 big 樂透 12/ 26 中 2 星 :08 37
upn- 12 月 26 日中獎訊息臺灣 big 樂透 12/ 26 中 2 星 :08 37
upn- 12 / 226中獎訊息
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December 30, 2008
upn-05-Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
upn-05-Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
upn-05-Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞
upn-taipei news 3-歡迎參觀環球郵報中英文雙語報今天Blog新聞Visitors bilingual Universal Post reported today news
慶祝環球郵報創刊18周年慶!環球郵報Blog新聞版開辦成功。世界讀者絡繹不絕,世界讀者增增日上。歡迎參觀環球郵報Blog新聞! Founded 18 anniversary celebration Globe and Mail! Globe and Mail Blog pages success. Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day. Welcome to visit the Globe and Mail Blog news!
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December 29, 2008
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5.in taiwan : map : http://map.answerbox.net/user-60204.htm
6. in taiwan sina : http://blog.sina.com.tw/upntoday
7. in taiwan yam : http://blog.yam.com/upntoday
8.in taiwan pchome: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/upntoday
9. in taiwan pixnet: http://blog.pixnet.net/upntoday
10. in taiwan google: http://uptoday168.blogspot.com/
11. in taiwan msn: www.uptoday168.spces.live.com
1. in china -baidu http://hi.baidu.com/upntoday
2. in china -sina http://blog.sina.com.cn/uptoday2008
1. in hong kong yahoo : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/upntoday
2. in hong kong sina : http://upntoday.mysinablog.com
world lottery -world wibesite:
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December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-10-tourism news-觀光局12月26日「『遊憩便宜大作戰 到東北角最划算』 東北角『迎接曙光 贏在第一』號召萬人迎新年」
upn-12/27-06-tourism news-觀光局12月26日「『遊憩便宜大作戰 到東北角最划算』 東北角『迎接曙光 贏在第一』號召萬人迎新年」
第一金融集團與東北角暨宜蘭風管處為鼓勵民眾走出戶外、施放壓力並回饋社會,將在2009年元旦共同舉辦「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動,號召萬人一起來「福隆海水浴場」迎接北台灣第一道曙光,同時施放許願汽球,在2009年的第一天共同為台灣社會祈福、加油!
「第一金融集團」總經理 簡明仁表示:原本公司照例要辦尾牙,但是看到經濟不景氣、社會上瀰漫著一股鬱卒的氣氛,有感於企業有善盡社會責任之義務,遂決定將辦尾牙的錢用來辦「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動,希望能帶頭鼓舞社會情緒、同時也藉此帶動地方周邊產業,為新的一年創造好的開始、創造贏在第一的新希望。「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動預計元旦淩晨3:30在福隆海水浴場,由熱門搖滾樂團演奏、伴隨著燦爛的煙火秀揭開序幕,其後知名歌手叮噹、品冠、彭佳慧等人都將出席「獻聲」;當迎接晨曦的號角吹響時,現場提供5000顆汽球供大家寫下新年新願,隨著汽球冉冉升空、心願起飛,大家一起為台灣祈福、祈求自己「第一」個心願實現,最後由銅管五重奏演奏新年快樂頌,為迎接曙光活動畫下完美句點!
風管處 陳梅岡處長更建議遊客:不管環境怎麼變化,應於元旦假期出門走走、散散心!算一算:坐火車到福隆、參加「迎接曙光 贏在第一」活動,然後騎上單車與山水為伴暢遊東北角、餓了再吃個香噴噴的福隆便當,或者來一趟鼻頭角和龍洞灣岬步道健行、品嚐海鮮美食,亦可前往台灣極東點-三貂角遠眺太平洋與龜山島,花小錢卻玩得盡興又健康!這樣珍貴不貴的「好心情」,一定有助於新年新願加速實現!
配合活動辦理,東北角「福隆貝悅酒店」和「龍門露營區」元旦假期也提供優惠住房,福隆貝悅酒店提供民眾9折房價優惠( 97/12/31-98/01/02)、龍門露營區更提供12月31日當晚入住民眾5折優惠(1/1-1/4 八折)。更多旅遊資訊,請洽福隆遊客中心(02)24991210;至於沿線還有其他許多優美景點,民眾可上網http://www.necoast-nsa.gov.tw搜尋。
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:31 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-08-taipei news-最新版「居家安全自我檢查手冊」15,000冊即日起發放,提供市民免費索取
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:22 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-07-taipei press conference-臺北市12區公所12月29日起開辦單一櫃檯採訪通知
記者會時間: 97年12月29日上午10:30分活動開始(本市12區同步開辦)
地 點:中山區公所(臺北市中山區松江路367號1樓)
時 間 程 序
10:30~10:40 迎賓熱舞秀、開幕表演
10:40~10:45 貴賓介紹
10:45~10:50 緣起(民政局局長)
10:50~10:55 市長致詞
10:55~11:00 中山區公所單一櫃檯成立花絮(區長)
11:00~11:10 開鑼揭幕儀式
11:10~11:20 參觀民政、經建、社會、健保暨禮堂租借等綜合業務受理櫃檯
臺北市政府民政局長黃呂錦茹 敬邀
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:19 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-06-world news-u.s.a. news-US Urges Hamas to Stop Firing Rockets At Israel
US Urges Hamas to Stop Firing Rockets At Israel
By Kent Klein
28 December 2008
The United States is blaming the Palestinian militant group Hamas for breaking a cease-fire and attacking Israel, which retaliated with airstrikes that have left more than 200 people dead. U.S. officials called for a restoration of the cease-fire and urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties.
After the bloodiest day of Mideast fighting in years, the White House called for the cease-fire to be restored.
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said it was "completely unacceptable" for Hamas, which controls Gaza, and which the United States considers a terrorist organization, to launch attacks on Israel after a truce that lasted six months.
Johndroe said Israel has a right to defend its people against terrorists, and he called Hamas "nothing but thugs." He also called on Israel to avoid civilian casualties. "Israel has said that they are targeting security and headquarter elements of Hamas. We have asked and urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties. We want the cease-fire to be restored. But we understand that Israel is reacting to the hundreds of rockets that have been fired upon the innocent people of Israel over the last few days," he said.
Johndroe spoke from Texas, where U.S. President George Bush has been spending a Christmas vacation at his ranch.
Johndroe also said President-elect Barack Obama, who is on vacation in Hawaii, was receiving security briefings on the situation in Gaza.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she holds Hamas responsible for breaking the cease-fire that ended last week and for the renewal of violence in Gaza. She said the cease-fire must be restored immediately and called on all concerned to address the urgent humanitarian needs of Gaza.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:15 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-05-middle east news-Israeli Airstrikes Kill More Than 270 in Gaza
Israeli Airstrikes Kill More Than 270 in Gaza
By VOA News
28 December 2008
Palestinians carry a body from the rubble following an Israeli missile strike in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, 27 Dec 2008
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is saying the Palestinians could have avoided the ongoing attacks by Israel if the militant group Hamas had continued its six-month truce with the Jewish state.
Mr. Abbas Sunday in Cairo called on his rivals to renew their truce with Israel in order to prevent further bloodshed in Gaza. Egypt's foreign minister Ahmed Abul Gheit also called on Hamas to extend the truce.
Palestinian officials say Israel's massive, two-day military assault on Gaza has killed at least 271 people. Israel says the attack is in response to last week's series of rocket and mortar attacks that wounded Israeli civilians.
Airstrikes today included the destruction of a mosque in Gaza city. Two people were killed. Israeli officials say the mosque was being used as a base for terrorist activities.
Israeli warplanes and helicopters destroyed more than 40 Hamas security installations across Gaza Saturday, including compounds hosting graduation ceremonies for new recruits.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has warned the operation against Hamas will expand as necessary. Officials say Israel's Cabinet today approved a callup of reserve soldiers for its Gaza offensive.
Hamas has vowed to avenge the attacks with more rocket strikes and suicide bombings. Palestinian militants fired more than 50 rockets into southern Israel Saturday, killing one person.
The head of the Hamas government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said the group would not back down.
In Damascus, exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal urged Palestinians to wage a new intifada or uprising against Israel.
Palestinian medical officials and Hamas said the majority of those killed were Hamas members, including Gaza's police chief and another security official. They said at least 15 Palestinian civilians were among the dead. Another 700 people were wounded Saturday in one of the bloodiest days for the Palestinians in their conflict with Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said civilian casualties would be avoided in Gaza, and that Hamas is Israel's target. He also pledged to avert a humanitarian crisis.
Tensions between Israel and Hamas have escalated since a six-month cease-fire expired earlier this month. The Israeli raid follows days of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel by militants in Gaza.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:13 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-04-world neqws0europe news-Kosovo Speaker Lashes Out at Serbia
Kosovo Speaker Lashes Out at Serbia
By VOA News
27 December 2008
The speaker of Kosovo's parliament is demanding Serbia release 10 men accused of war crimes carried out by ethnic Albanian guerrillas.
Jakup Krasniqi condemned the arrests Saturday and said the Serbian action was meant to provoke the not yet year-old country.
Serbian police arrested the men Friday after searching the southern town of Presevo, a predominantly ethnic Albanian area. Serbian officials say the 10 had been members of the Kosovo Liberation Army and committed war crimes during the Kosovo conflict.
Serbia's Interior Minister Ivica Dacic says Saturday the arrests do present a security risk and acknowledged the possibility of some retaliation. Serbian officials have said the arrests were carried out on the orders of the war crimes prosecutors.
Spokesman for Serbia's war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic said the men are accused of killing at least 51 civilians and abducting 159 more between June and October of 1999.
The spokesman says they are also accused of torturing, looting and raping both Serb and non-Serb civilians in the eastern Kosovo municipality of Gnjilane, near the border with Serbia.
The sole ethnic Albanian member of Serbia's parliament, Riza Halimi, expressed surprise at the arrests and said they would do little to contribute to the stability of the region.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:12 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-03-world news-europe news-South Korean President Says Country's Economy May Shr
South Korean President Says Country's Economy May Shrink in 2009
By VOA News
27 December 2008
South Korea's president said Saturday that his country's economy could shrink during the first half of 2009 for the first time since the Asian financial crisis of 1997.
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, 27 Dec 2008
President Lee Myung-bak said that while South Korea's economy may see positive economic growth for 2009 as a whole, it could contract during the first two quarters of the year. He cited the global economic slowdown and South Korea's dependence on external markets.
Earlier this month, South Korea's central bank predicted the country's economy would grow 0.6 percent in the first half of 2009 and 3.3 percent in the second half.
South Korea's top two automakers recently slashed sales forecasts by 12 percent. Hyundai Motors and Kia also announced they were implementing "emergency management" and freezing the salaries of their managers.
Earlier this month, another South Korean car company - Chinese-owned Ssangyong Motors - told workers it could not pay them their weekly salaries due to lagging sales.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:10 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-02-world news-americas news-US Police Bust Mexican Drug Gang, Arrest 39
US Police Bust Mexican Drug Gang, Arrest 39
By VOA News
24 December 2008
U.S. authorities say they have arrested dozens of suspects and broken up a smuggling network that has hauled up to 200 tons of marijuana to the southwestern state of Arizona each year from Mexico since 2003.
The Arizona attorney general's office issued a statement Tuesday, saying 39 people were arrested on felony charges, and nearly 60 people indicted following the investigation. Officials say the network in question, the Garibaldi-Lopez drug trafficking organization, transported drug loads to Phoenix, Arizona, across the remote desert wastes of the Tohono O'Odham Indian reservation, for Mexico's top Sinaloa cartel.
It says the network moved marijuana worth about one billion dollars through Phoenix for redistribution across the United States, and it used so-called "scouts" in the desert to look out for U.S. law enforcement during the smuggling operation.
Authorities say the operation also led to the seizure of cocaine, methamphetamine, thousands of dollars in U.S. currency, vehicles - some of them stolen - and firearms.
Laura Zuniga, center, shown to the press with other unidentified suspects after she was detained with guns and large amounts of cash in Zapopan, Mexico, 23 Dec 2008
Separately, Mexican authorities say a beauty queen from the drug-plagued Sinaloa state has been arrested after she was found riding with suspected traffickers in a truck full of weapons.
Officials say 23-year-old Laura Zuniga was detained late Monday, along with seven men, at a military checkpoint near the city of Guadalajara, in the western state of Jalisco. Officials also say no one expected Zuniga to be in the truck, which they say contained cellphones, cash, pistols, rifles and bullets.
In July, Zuniga won the title of Miss Sinaloa, the northwestern Mexican state where drug lords fight over smuggling routes to the United States.
Zuniga was named "Queen of Hispanic America 2008" in a recent contest, and was to compete in the Miss International 2009 pageant next year.
Earlier this month, Mexico's top prosecutor, Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora, said drug gang-related killings have more than doubled since last year, despite President Felipe Calderon's efforts to crack down on the gangs. He said the official death toll for drug violence in the nation is close to five-thousand-400, a 117 percent increase over last year's total.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:08 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn-12/28-01-world news-africa news-Guinea Coup Leaders Meet Civil Society
Guinea Coup Leaders Meet Civil Society
By Scott Stearns
27 December 2008
Guinea's new military rulers met with civilian leaders Saturday, again promising to hold elections in two years. Senegal's president says the international community should support the junior officers who took power in a coup this past week.
Junta leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, speaks at meeting at Camp Alpha Yaya Diallo military camp in Conakry, 27 Dec 2008
Coup leader Moussa Camara welcomed more than 1,000 political, religious, labor, and civil society leaders to Conakry's main army barracks. They were joined by National Assembly speaker Aboubacar Sompare who Guinea's constitution says should have been named interim president following the death of long-time leader Lansana Conte.
But coup leaders toppled the civilian government Tuesday within hours of Conte's death, forcing Sompare and Prime Minister Ahmed Tidiane Souare to hand over power.
Foreign diplomats were to meet with Camara later Saturday. That meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday. Most of the international community still opposes the military take-over. The African Union, the United States and the European Union have condemned the coup and called for Guinea to quickly return to civilian rule.
But Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade broke with his African Union colleagues Friday, telling reporters in Paris that the international community should support Camara's new ruling council. President Wade said coup leaders deserve international support because they are promising to hold free and fair elections.
Camara says the six civilians and 26 soldiers on the new National Council for Democracy and Development will organize elections in December 2010. President Wade, who spoke by telephone with Camara Friday, said the former army captain and self-declared president is an honest young man who has taken power to fill a dangerous vacuum.
Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade
The Senegalese president called on all countries, in particular former-colonial-power France to take the coup leaders at their word, and, Mr. Wade said, "not throw the first stone."
The French government holds the rotating chair of the European Union. Paris has called on Guinea's new military leaders to hold elections within six months. President Wade said he believes it would take at least eight months to register voters and hold an election.
The Senegalese leader said Camara asked him to be the military government's spokesman to the international community and believes the coup leader has no political ambition and will not be a candidate in future elections.
Camara told civilians assembled at the Alfa Yaya Diallo barracks Saturday that military leaders are freezing all gold mining and will re-examine all mineral contracts signed by the former government. Guinea is the world's largest exporter of aluminum ore and has deposits of diamonds, iron, and nickel.
Camara again criticized the former government, saying those found guilty of corruption will "be judged and punished before the people."
Military leaders Saturday lifted a nighttime curfew in the capital.
uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:06 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 28, 2008
upn- 12 月 26 日中獎訊息臺灣 big 樂透 12/ 26 中 2 星 :08 37
upn- 12 月 26 日中獎訊息臺灣 big 樂透 12/ 26 中 2 星 :08 37
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upn- 12 月 26 日中獎訊息臺灣 big 樂透 12/ 26 中 2 星 :08 37
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December 27, 2008
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:55 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 27, 2008
upn-12/27-04-tourism news-農曆新年何處去?沙灘陽光、生態雨林、異國風情馬來西亞通通有 讓你一次玩個夠
馬來西亞通通有 讓你一次玩個夠
馬來西亞珍拉汀灣Club Med 包機直飛只要4小時
位於馬來西亞東海岸,踏入珍拉汀灣Club Med,映入眼簾的是熱帶叢林獨特的高腳屋建築、斑斕的翩翩蝶影、稀有鳥類躍跳枝頭,長臂猿更張開長臂歡迎遊客的到來。全包式的遊樂型態,珍拉汀灣Club Med榮獲由亞洲白金旅遊服務獎所頒發的2007-2008年度最佳渡假村及年度餐廳服務獎,今年寒假及農曆新年更提供直飛包機,只要4小時,讓你渡假更輕鬆。
快來到全世界最老的熱帶雨林大口呼吸。砂勞越擁有珍貴鳥類「犀鳥之鄉」的美譽,砂勞越原住民文化與自然奇景,及良好的野生生態保育使砂勞越成為世界欣賞紅毛猩猩、奇花異卉的最佳園地。犀鳥渡假村的犀鳥高爾夫球場、森林SPA、探訪受詛咒的大石「Batu Panggah」、朋尼遜山、或Simangas Pool瀑布,均可真實感受砂勞越獨有的自然魅力。砂勞越的萬種風情交映出純真自然的旅遊記
異國文化娛樂一應俱全 吉隆坡、馬 六甲 、法國村…有如環遊世界
農曆新年來到馬來西亞接受異國文化的洗禮也是相當特殊的體驗。無論是到吉隆坡感受世界各地文化薈萃,或是到訪馬 六甲 體驗馬來、印度、中華文化的發展演變,甚或遊歷馬國前總理馬哈迪及香港天王劉德華深愛的知名渡假勝地「法國村」,其營造道地的法國風格建築與氣息,讓你彷彿置身歐洲!
享受閒逸的異國風情,當然不能不去驚險刺激的雲頂娛樂城,TURBO DROP、SUPER TOBOGAN急速與高空衝刺,刺激的體驗將使你此生難忘,雲頂劇場DREAMZ大型魔幻秀炫目誘人,遊樂場內處
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uptoday at 無名小站 於 08:03 PM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 27, 2008
upn-12/27-05-taipei news-椿茶藝饗 生活藝術系列二
椿茶藝饗 生活藝術系列二
展覽地點:天使美術館 台北市信義路三段41號1樓
花香.茶韻.禪味 多元媒材 創意生活 花天使 的 藝術饗宴
uptoday at 無名小站 於 11:55 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
December 27, 2008
upn-12/27-04-tourism news-農曆新年何處去?沙灘陽光、生態雨林、異國風情馬來西亞通通有 讓你一次玩個夠
馬來西亞通通有 讓你一次玩個夠
馬來西亞珍拉汀灣Club Med 包機直飛只要4小時
位於馬來西亞東海岸,踏入珍拉汀灣Club Med,映入眼簾的是熱帶叢林獨特的高腳屋建築、斑斕的翩翩蝶影、稀有鳥類躍跳枝頭,長臂猿更張開長臂歡迎遊客的到來。全包式的遊樂型態,珍拉汀灣Club Med榮獲由亞洲白金旅遊服務獎所頒發的2007-2008年度最佳渡假村及年度餐廳服務獎,今年寒假及農曆新年更提供直飛包機,只要4小時,讓你渡假更輕鬆。
快來到全世界最老的熱帶雨林大口呼吸。砂勞越擁有珍貴鳥類「犀鳥之鄉」的美譽,砂勞越原住民文化與自然奇景,及良好的野生生態保育使砂勞越成為世界欣賞紅毛猩猩、奇花異卉的最佳園地。犀鳥渡假村的犀鳥高爾夫球場、森林SPA、探訪受詛咒的大石「Batu Panggah」、朋尼遜山、或Simangas Pool瀑布,均可真實感受砂勞越獨有的自然魅力。砂勞越的萬種風情交映出純真自然的旅遊記
異國文化娛樂一應俱全 吉隆坡、馬 六甲 、法國村…有如環遊世界
農曆新年來到馬來西亞接受異國文化的洗禮也是相當特殊的體驗。無論是到吉隆坡感受世界各地文化薈萃,或是到訪馬 六甲 體驗馬來、印度、中華文化的發展演變,甚或遊歷馬國前總理馬哈迪及香港天王劉德華深愛的知名渡假勝地「法國村」,其營造道地的法國風格建築與氣息,讓你彷彿置身歐洲!
享受閒逸的異國風情,當然不能不去驚險刺激的雲頂娛樂城,TURBO DROP、SUPER TOBOGAN急速與高空衝刺,刺激的體驗將使你此生難忘,雲頂劇場DREAMZ大型魔幻秀炫目誘人,遊樂場內處
upn-12/28-09-taipei press conference-遊趣新烏來˙鬥陣作伙來!」烏來遊客服務中心新修落成茶會
時 間:97年12月30日(星期二)下午2:00(下午1:30開放入場)
地 點:烏來遊客服務中心前廣場
與會貴賓:臺北縣縣長 周錫瑋先生
臺北縣觀光局 秦慧珠局長
台北縣原住民行政局局長 朱清義局長
烏來鄉代理鄉長 黃麗足鄉長
說 明:
13:30-14:00 開放入場
14:00-14:05 迎客烏來-【泰雅加油】原鄉迎賓舞曲開場
14:05-14:15 長官貴賓致詞
14:15-14:20 鼓動新烏來-【舞工廠】非洲鼓舞演出
14:20-14:25 遊嬉新烏來-【春池幼兒雙語學校】淘趣走秀
14:25-14:30 展頁新貌.落成啟用-剪綵儀式
14:30-14:50 媒體交流
時 間:97年12月30日(星期二)下午2:00(下午1:30開放入場)
地 點:烏來遊客服務中心前廣場
與會貴賓:臺北縣縣長 周錫瑋先生
臺北縣觀光局 秦慧珠局長
台北縣原住民行政局局長 朱清義局長
烏來鄉代理鄉長 黃麗足鄉長
說 明:
13:30-14:00 開放入場
14:00-14:05 迎客烏來-【泰雅加油】原鄉迎賓舞曲開場
14:05-14:15 長官貴賓致詞
14:15-14:20 鼓動新烏來-【舞工廠】非洲鼓舞演出
14:20-14:25 遊嬉新烏來-【春池幼兒雙語學校】淘趣走秀
14:25-14:30 展頁新貌.落成啟用-剪綵儀式
14:30-14:50 媒體交流